Post by Sowelu on Feb 27, 2006 18:02:25 GMT -5
Greetings from Metatron and Arcturus through Kayla on this day. We are pleased to address with you now the second half of our “ultimate question”, which is:
The singular and multiple nature of who you are, the roles that all your selves are playing, the way you situate your conscious self in space and time on earth: put these together and they can add depth to your view of a human lifetime, rounding out the concept that goes by the name “reincarnation”.
Many people who hold this belief talk about your “previous lives” as if the person in them was you, the same you as the one who is here now. This is both true and not true, depending on your point of view. You are a “we” made up of many selves. Your conscious self is focused in this lifetime. Your other selves are carrying out the functions they have chosen… because they enjoy one most, do one best, or feel like trying one now. No separation exists between these parts of you – only a semi-permeable membrane that some people call the veil, which has been hiding the others from your conscious self.
As we have said before, your soul self and your spiritual self are also One and Many, both individual and collective. Souls come in groups, families, clans, tribes and communities. Every time the multiplicity of your soul “incarnates”, all of your soul selves express and experience aspects of that lifetime and the lifetimes of others with whom you enter into relationship. When a lifetime is over, you all come back together on the other side of the veil and share all these points of view. The merging of experience creates a new synthesis, a new “seed”, the essence of who you are at that point. You then all choose where and when (or whether) to plant that seed again, now. The choice involves creating a sense of how your new synthesis might unfold in a way that would be interesting, enjoyable, useful – a way that would serve the evolution of all that you are. As your group soul imagines a new way to unfold, if you are drawn to the idea of investing another human lifetime, you begin to attract potentials corresponding to the best lifetime for all of you.
If a potential lifetime aligns with the signature pattern of your new synthesis, one of your selves focuses awareness to anchor the daytime consciousness of the human being, while others take on the expression and experience of subconscious or unconscious selves. During the lifetime, as choices are made, potential scenarios align and manifest… or dissolve. Given the split in human awareness, your conscious self seems to be the one making decisions… but is accompanied, influenced, guided, driven, frustrated or even sabotaged by your other selves, according to what is perceived as best for the evolution of the group soul. No matter what actually ends up happening in what you call reality, every lifetime offers innumerable moments of choice. Each of these moments reveals aspects of who you are now, confronts you with the result of all your previous choices and allows you to choose again.
Families of souls tend to incarnate as families on earth from one generation to the next, so choices often involve incarnational cycles of related lifetimes. Observing, sensing, working as soul-level architects for generations currently on earth, your many selves imagine a host of alternate scenarios with roles that each part of you may choose to take. Some of them then act as transposers, calibrators and modulators to bring the chosen soul-level blueprints into form. Outside daytime consciousness, you can preview likely sets of potentials and sense how they might serve whatever you all feel drawn to expressing and experiencing. Your many selves are doing this all the time. The dance continues not only in between but also throughout lifetimes in physical form, as if you were all in a great ballroom but only some of those dancing were visible.
Your daytime conscious self is focused inside a lifetime that you think of as yours. So a scene you experience in dreams, flashes or visions that seem to belong to another lifetime, or an affinity you feel to a place or time where you sense you lived a “previous life”, reveals something that has a positive or negative charge for your soul group, family, community… for at least one of your many selves. An emotionally charged event in that lifetime is perfectly “in tune” with a segment of your signature pattern, and this establishes a potential link between you and it now. When you are inside space/time, it seems to belong to your own past or that of your ancestors. When you are outside space/time, you see it as an emotionally charged element that all your selves have access to because it feels “unfinished” to you.
This helps to explain many puzzling things, for example:
You define reality within your sphere
As you may recall, in a previous transmission we said that the primary creative act in our universe is to define a sphere. Creating your self in this way, you start by sensing your presence as a central point, and then as the outside and inside surface of your new playground. You immediately have a friend to play with, too. Once you have moved from the center to anywhere else, there are two of you: one holding the center and another moving around. With both there at once, you can move your sphere through the space that you have defined as outside it, or you can move around inside it and discover all the amazing shapes that naturally arise from repeated movements within a sphere. Or you can do both at once.
You are, in fact, doing both all the time. Persistently repeating quantum, atomic and molecular patterns within a sphere sustain the shape of a physical form – like the one you are in now – and parts of you are doing this continually. And you shift your entire group soul’s sphere, right along with your physical body (currently at its center) every time you move. Moreover, you shift its perceived inner and outer limits whenever you expand or contract your focus. For example, you contract your sphere when you give in to obsessive regret or recrimination about “the past”, or to self-limiting worry, anxiety or fear about “the future”. You expand it whenever you engage in imagination, rise to a challenge, allow yourself to do or say something that “isn’t like you”, carefully observe something you never noticed before, or evolve in any other way.
At the beginning of this wave of creation, before you started making choices, your sphere seemed empty. In truth, it was (is, always will be) full. Full of all the potentials of creation because they are present everywhere at once. Remember: in a holograph, every tiny segment contains the full potential of the whole.
One of your selves holds the center of who you are now. Your other soul-selves move around to scan potentials and consider whether it might be enjoyable and/or useful to try this one now, or maybe that one. From the realm of imagination, they send alternatives inwards, towards the center of who you are. The self who is holding the center gets to choose. In your slowed-down physical world, the one at the center has plenty of time to make up his or her mind. This is your daytime conscious self, the one you think of as you, who experiences scenarios in dreams, fantasies, unexpected thoughts, impulses, intuitions, etc. Any scenario that you do not love enough to welcome and do not hate enough to resist will dissolve, out in the realm of imagination, before it can precipitate into form and enter what you think of as your real life.
Anything you do welcome or resist begins to attract the forces of creation. You will start to see signs of it around you. It may not seem like a part of your life at this point, but it already is, as you only notice things that already have meaning and purpose for you.
The more intensely focused you are on any one thing, the less you will notice anything else… especially anything unfamiliar. Magicians intensify and distract your focus to entertain you; pickpockets do it to steal your wallet. In a documentary that you may have seen [shown on BBC TV], the narrator does it as he moves from one scene to the next, before telling you about a recent experiment conducted by a research team. This team gathered a roomful of people, told them that they were going to watch a film and gave them a task that required concentration. The narrator invites you to play along as you watch the experiment, sitting in front of your TV.
Following the instructions, you try to count the number of times yellow balls are passed back and forth, as a large number of actors crisscross, toss balls of different colors and do other things, besides. The film ends. The head researcher asks the roomful of people in the experiment for the answer. They don’t agree (which is reassuring, as you weren’t so sure, either!). Then he says that there was something unusual in the film. He instructs the participants not to say what this was but to raise their hands if they saw it. Only two hands go up. He asks them what they saw. They both reply: “A gorilla.” The others laugh and are incredulous, so he shows the film again. And this time – knowing that there may be a gorilla and watching out for it – everyone smiles as they see a man in a gorilla suit saunter through the crowd of crisscrossing actors and stop to beat his chest before plodding off in another direction.
To prove the point further, the narrator replays half a dozen scenes that you saw earlier in the documentary. You easily recall these, as they all present striking landscapes or recognizable city scenes. Only now you see that a gorilla was lurking in the background, here, there and everywhere. But you never saw it. Your expectations do not include a gorilla leaning against a lamppost in London or tucked under a tree by some lovely country road. In exactly the same way, nearly all the time, you are focused on and interpreting the familiar in your everyday life, and you only see and hear what you expect. All your expectations are beliefs (fixed, repeating thoughts) that make each day much like the one before, enabling you to function in the physical world… as well as in groups, families, communities, societies – worlds created by human beings.
Which brings up an interesting question: what do you expect, when you enter a human lifetime? Newborn babies do not seem to expect themselves to be separate beings. Children have to learn the difference between “I”, “we”, “you” and “they”, one of the countless distinctions that people make in consensus reality. Adults tend to be very sure about most of the distinctions that they believe in, so it is hard for the average child to resist. But some children have always focused in a different range and structured perception in a different way, making it difficult for them to communicate and function “normally” in family and society.
Who can say what is worth including in your world? What do you consider real, significant, true? This varies enormously from one family, culture and generation to another. Once you clearly see that truth, you can reclaim your freedom to choose what is real, important and true – for YOU.
We mentioned earlier that persistently repeating quantum, atomic and molecular patterns sustain your physical form. Persistently repeating emotional and mental patterns sustain the “shapes” and “colors” in these spheres, as well. Through them, our universe creates the expression and experience of your life.
Everything that carries an emotional charge within your sphere, conscious or not, emits a persistent call, broadcasting to the universe that this, too, is a part of who you are. Anyone emitting a complementary pattern will sense harmony and be attracted to yours. And you will tend to find theirs irresistible as well, no matter whether the attraction feels positive or negative.
That is what is meant by “resonance”. If two musical instruments are in tune, they trigger each other. Pluck a string on one violin, and the sound you hear is a wave emitted and expanding in all directions. When the wave reaches the string that matches its frequency on another violin, that second string will start to vibrate and produce the same sound. This phenomenon also explains a recurring scene in some comical movies, where a soprano hits a high note that shatters a glass. If a sound matches the frequency at which glass molecules vibrate, the molecules will respond, so if the glass is very thin….
The energy that radiates through your signature pattern, as you, emits not only the codes that correspond to your shape and colors but also to your current tone, a pattern of sound. These tones are outside your physical range of hearing, so your conscious self cannot be aware of them. But your unconscious selves hear your music and everyone (and everything) else’s, as well. They sense when the approach of someone or something creates resonance as it enters your sphere and sets your “strings” vibrating, whether or not that resonance will seem harmonious to you when you enter into relationship. The same is true, incidentally, of your sense of smell. All the perceptions out of range for your conscious self, but perceived by your selves, combine to inspire the vague felt senses known as intuition, instinct, impulse…. Even when you pay no attention to these senses, they continue to drive you from within and create the events in your life.
(continued below)
The Meta-Arc Transmissions, Part 5
(first 3 parts previously called "Between Heaven and Earth")
Messages from Metatron-Arcturus
through Michela Christi
[/b][/center](first 3 parts previously called "Between Heaven and Earth")
Messages from Metatron-Arcturus
through Michela Christi
Greetings from Metatron and Arcturus through Kayla on this day. We are pleased to address with you now the second half of our “ultimate question”, which is:
The singular and multiple nature of who you are, the roles that all your selves are playing, the way you situate your conscious self in space and time on earth: put these together and they can add depth to your view of a human lifetime, rounding out the concept that goes by the name “reincarnation”.
Many people who hold this belief talk about your “previous lives” as if the person in them was you, the same you as the one who is here now. This is both true and not true, depending on your point of view. You are a “we” made up of many selves. Your conscious self is focused in this lifetime. Your other selves are carrying out the functions they have chosen… because they enjoy one most, do one best, or feel like trying one now. No separation exists between these parts of you – only a semi-permeable membrane that some people call the veil, which has been hiding the others from your conscious self.
As we have said before, your soul self and your spiritual self are also One and Many, both individual and collective. Souls come in groups, families, clans, tribes and communities. Every time the multiplicity of your soul “incarnates”, all of your soul selves express and experience aspects of that lifetime and the lifetimes of others with whom you enter into relationship. When a lifetime is over, you all come back together on the other side of the veil and share all these points of view. The merging of experience creates a new synthesis, a new “seed”, the essence of who you are at that point. You then all choose where and when (or whether) to plant that seed again, now. The choice involves creating a sense of how your new synthesis might unfold in a way that would be interesting, enjoyable, useful – a way that would serve the evolution of all that you are. As your group soul imagines a new way to unfold, if you are drawn to the idea of investing another human lifetime, you begin to attract potentials corresponding to the best lifetime for all of you.
If a potential lifetime aligns with the signature pattern of your new synthesis, one of your selves focuses awareness to anchor the daytime consciousness of the human being, while others take on the expression and experience of subconscious or unconscious selves. During the lifetime, as choices are made, potential scenarios align and manifest… or dissolve. Given the split in human awareness, your conscious self seems to be the one making decisions… but is accompanied, influenced, guided, driven, frustrated or even sabotaged by your other selves, according to what is perceived as best for the evolution of the group soul. No matter what actually ends up happening in what you call reality, every lifetime offers innumerable moments of choice. Each of these moments reveals aspects of who you are now, confronts you with the result of all your previous choices and allows you to choose again.
Families of souls tend to incarnate as families on earth from one generation to the next, so choices often involve incarnational cycles of related lifetimes. Observing, sensing, working as soul-level architects for generations currently on earth, your many selves imagine a host of alternate scenarios with roles that each part of you may choose to take. Some of them then act as transposers, calibrators and modulators to bring the chosen soul-level blueprints into form. Outside daytime consciousness, you can preview likely sets of potentials and sense how they might serve whatever you all feel drawn to expressing and experiencing. Your many selves are doing this all the time. The dance continues not only in between but also throughout lifetimes in physical form, as if you were all in a great ballroom but only some of those dancing were visible.
Your daytime conscious self is focused inside a lifetime that you think of as yours. So a scene you experience in dreams, flashes or visions that seem to belong to another lifetime, or an affinity you feel to a place or time where you sense you lived a “previous life”, reveals something that has a positive or negative charge for your soul group, family, community… for at least one of your many selves. An emotionally charged event in that lifetime is perfectly “in tune” with a segment of your signature pattern, and this establishes a potential link between you and it now. When you are inside space/time, it seems to belong to your own past or that of your ancestors. When you are outside space/time, you see it as an emotionally charged element that all your selves have access to because it feels “unfinished” to you.
This helps to explain many puzzling things, for example:
- In what is called past life therapy, people experience “flashbacks” that often lead to an intense moment containing a powerful, locked-up emotion… that could not be accepted, allowed to flow and thus to dissolve during that lifetime. Throughout every lifetime, including the one you are in now, you allow some events to be as they are and feel some emotions without resisting or refusing them. But other emotions get blocked. When you do not give an emotion an outlet and allow it to flow through you, its charge fixes the related experience within the sphere of your group soul. Many people “regress”, in this form of therapy, to moments in other lifetimes where the human being they identify with is dying, being tortured, realizing that they have been betrayed, that they have done something that feels terribly wrong, have wasted their life on an illusion or… anything experienced as impossible to accept.
- In therapy and also in life, breakthroughs that truly cure mental (and sometimes also physical) illness happen NOT when people intellectually analyze their problems, but when they “re-live” a key experience and feel the emotion locked up within it. This can happen less consciously, as well, if a new experience triggers an emotion that you have not been ready, willing or able to feel before. As you feel the emotion – whether or not you express it – it flows through your sphere, and the charge it held dissolves for you… but only to the extent that you allow. If you resist, a part of it remains a part of who you are… and will inevitably draw triggers to you again.
- Some scoff at the fact that so many people claim to have been someone famous in a “previous life”. But, outside time, we can access any lifetime that will serve our evolution. Famous lifetimes are the subject of discussion, writing, films and fantasy, so they are “re-charged” all the time. As people open to the idea that they may also have existed elsewhere and allow perceptions to enter their experience, they attract relevant scenes into their awareness. The first ones to come through are often those that hold the strongest emotional charge. If it serves your evolution, you may well experience a moment in one of history’s highly charged lifetimes, a moment containing a locked-up emotion of significance to you. And thus you may believe that you “were” Cleopatra or Alexander the Great.
- The traditional concept of reincarnation makes it hard for some to understand how there could be so many more humans on earth now than at other known times of human history. Moreover, some dislike the idea that we have all been incarnated as other life forms, as well. The current cycle is highly accelerated in this era, so most of the group souls involved in the earth experiment spend less time than before focused “between lifetimes”. For every conscious self, the number of perceivable subconscious selves is highly variable. Outside space/time, we are all connected and compose one divine network, where many can be linked to few or few to many. It is only inside the system of creation on earth that each of you has chosen to be one human being at a time.
You define reality within your sphere
As you may recall, in a previous transmission we said that the primary creative act in our universe is to define a sphere. Creating your self in this way, you start by sensing your presence as a central point, and then as the outside and inside surface of your new playground. You immediately have a friend to play with, too. Once you have moved from the center to anywhere else, there are two of you: one holding the center and another moving around. With both there at once, you can move your sphere through the space that you have defined as outside it, or you can move around inside it and discover all the amazing shapes that naturally arise from repeated movements within a sphere. Or you can do both at once.
You are, in fact, doing both all the time. Persistently repeating quantum, atomic and molecular patterns within a sphere sustain the shape of a physical form – like the one you are in now – and parts of you are doing this continually. And you shift your entire group soul’s sphere, right along with your physical body (currently at its center) every time you move. Moreover, you shift its perceived inner and outer limits whenever you expand or contract your focus. For example, you contract your sphere when you give in to obsessive regret or recrimination about “the past”, or to self-limiting worry, anxiety or fear about “the future”. You expand it whenever you engage in imagination, rise to a challenge, allow yourself to do or say something that “isn’t like you”, carefully observe something you never noticed before, or evolve in any other way.
At the beginning of this wave of creation, before you started making choices, your sphere seemed empty. In truth, it was (is, always will be) full. Full of all the potentials of creation because they are present everywhere at once. Remember: in a holograph, every tiny segment contains the full potential of the whole.
One of your selves holds the center of who you are now. Your other soul-selves move around to scan potentials and consider whether it might be enjoyable and/or useful to try this one now, or maybe that one. From the realm of imagination, they send alternatives inwards, towards the center of who you are. The self who is holding the center gets to choose. In your slowed-down physical world, the one at the center has plenty of time to make up his or her mind. This is your daytime conscious self, the one you think of as you, who experiences scenarios in dreams, fantasies, unexpected thoughts, impulses, intuitions, etc. Any scenario that you do not love enough to welcome and do not hate enough to resist will dissolve, out in the realm of imagination, before it can precipitate into form and enter what you think of as your real life.
Anything you do welcome or resist begins to attract the forces of creation. You will start to see signs of it around you. It may not seem like a part of your life at this point, but it already is, as you only notice things that already have meaning and purpose for you.
The more intensely focused you are on any one thing, the less you will notice anything else… especially anything unfamiliar. Magicians intensify and distract your focus to entertain you; pickpockets do it to steal your wallet. In a documentary that you may have seen [shown on BBC TV], the narrator does it as he moves from one scene to the next, before telling you about a recent experiment conducted by a research team. This team gathered a roomful of people, told them that they were going to watch a film and gave them a task that required concentration. The narrator invites you to play along as you watch the experiment, sitting in front of your TV.
Following the instructions, you try to count the number of times yellow balls are passed back and forth, as a large number of actors crisscross, toss balls of different colors and do other things, besides. The film ends. The head researcher asks the roomful of people in the experiment for the answer. They don’t agree (which is reassuring, as you weren’t so sure, either!). Then he says that there was something unusual in the film. He instructs the participants not to say what this was but to raise their hands if they saw it. Only two hands go up. He asks them what they saw. They both reply: “A gorilla.” The others laugh and are incredulous, so he shows the film again. And this time – knowing that there may be a gorilla and watching out for it – everyone smiles as they see a man in a gorilla suit saunter through the crowd of crisscrossing actors and stop to beat his chest before plodding off in another direction.
To prove the point further, the narrator replays half a dozen scenes that you saw earlier in the documentary. You easily recall these, as they all present striking landscapes or recognizable city scenes. Only now you see that a gorilla was lurking in the background, here, there and everywhere. But you never saw it. Your expectations do not include a gorilla leaning against a lamppost in London or tucked under a tree by some lovely country road. In exactly the same way, nearly all the time, you are focused on and interpreting the familiar in your everyday life, and you only see and hear what you expect. All your expectations are beliefs (fixed, repeating thoughts) that make each day much like the one before, enabling you to function in the physical world… as well as in groups, families, communities, societies – worlds created by human beings.
Which brings up an interesting question: what do you expect, when you enter a human lifetime? Newborn babies do not seem to expect themselves to be separate beings. Children have to learn the difference between “I”, “we”, “you” and “they”, one of the countless distinctions that people make in consensus reality. Adults tend to be very sure about most of the distinctions that they believe in, so it is hard for the average child to resist. But some children have always focused in a different range and structured perception in a different way, making it difficult for them to communicate and function “normally” in family and society.
Who can say what is worth including in your world? What do you consider real, significant, true? This varies enormously from one family, culture and generation to another. Once you clearly see that truth, you can reclaim your freedom to choose what is real, important and true – for YOU.
We mentioned earlier that persistently repeating quantum, atomic and molecular patterns sustain your physical form. Persistently repeating emotional and mental patterns sustain the “shapes” and “colors” in these spheres, as well. Through them, our universe creates the expression and experience of your life.
Everything that carries an emotional charge within your sphere, conscious or not, emits a persistent call, broadcasting to the universe that this, too, is a part of who you are. Anyone emitting a complementary pattern will sense harmony and be attracted to yours. And you will tend to find theirs irresistible as well, no matter whether the attraction feels positive or negative.
That is what is meant by “resonance”. If two musical instruments are in tune, they trigger each other. Pluck a string on one violin, and the sound you hear is a wave emitted and expanding in all directions. When the wave reaches the string that matches its frequency on another violin, that second string will start to vibrate and produce the same sound. This phenomenon also explains a recurring scene in some comical movies, where a soprano hits a high note that shatters a glass. If a sound matches the frequency at which glass molecules vibrate, the molecules will respond, so if the glass is very thin….
The energy that radiates through your signature pattern, as you, emits not only the codes that correspond to your shape and colors but also to your current tone, a pattern of sound. These tones are outside your physical range of hearing, so your conscious self cannot be aware of them. But your unconscious selves hear your music and everyone (and everything) else’s, as well. They sense when the approach of someone or something creates resonance as it enters your sphere and sets your “strings” vibrating, whether or not that resonance will seem harmonious to you when you enter into relationship. The same is true, incidentally, of your sense of smell. All the perceptions out of range for your conscious self, but perceived by your selves, combine to inspire the vague felt senses known as intuition, instinct, impulse…. Even when you pay no attention to these senses, they continue to drive you from within and create the events in your life.
(continued below)