Post by Edward on Apr 1, 2006 13:31:13 GMT -5
March 20, 2006 The Process of Healing Humanity
. Uriel Heals Newsletter
This week's messages
* Lessons in Appreciation
* Leave Revenge Alone
* Uriel's Message-Why do you Heal?
* Who Cares What Others Think?
* 30 Days to Everyday Miracles
Lessons in Appreciation
Each of our life experiences is a lesson in living, a means of teaching us how to live a life of peace, joy and abundance. Then why is it that so many of our lessons appear to show us just the opposite? Especially in the area of abundance. And in moments of despair we can see these lessons as proof that, as many believe, that the spiritual path is difficult and materially unrewarding. But our lessons are not there to teach us about lack, they are there to teach us about appreciation.
We must learn to appreciate what we have before we can ask for more. Even if we don't seem to have much to appreciate. Appreciation is not about being grateful for what appears to be the lack of abundance and blessings in our life. Appreciation is about taking responsibility for whatever is in our lives because we put it there. There is no big handout from the sky, no magical power that is going to turn our life around until we understand that the power that created whatever exists was ours, as is the power to change it.
When we tell the Universe that we appreciate every situation that exists in our lives, we acknowledge our creative power. Once we understand how our thoughts, beliefs and words are manifested in our reality, we can apply our energy differently so that the outcome is different. Adopting a sense of appreciation will also help us discover and define the lessons in each situation so that we know what we must learn, we get it and then we move on.
It's hard to say 'I appreciate this situation' when it is one that calls up our every fear, but we must if we are to move past it. This is one of our greatest and most difficult lessons in living, understanding the role of appreciation in our lives and its connection to our ability to use our creative power to manifest greater joy, peace and abundance in our lives. There is no stronger acknowledgement of our power than to appreciate its manifestation, whatever it is, in our lives .Then we are free to leave that lesson, move on and choose where we apply our energy and intention more carefully. This week, appreciate one lesson in your life, no matter how difficult it is. Then watch your understanding of that issue increase and it may even resolve itself as you use your creative power to create a different reality for yourself.
Read the March 2006 message...
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Blessings to you all!
The newsletter release has been delayed the past two weeks, nothing serious, just computer glitches. I'll be glad when Mercury retro ends this week! The March article is posted on the Uriel Heals website and this month's message is about Lessons in Living. The purpose of our life lessons is not to remind us of our imperfection, but to teach us about creating a life filled with joy, peace and unconditional love. How do we get there? This week's message is about the Lessons in Appreciation. When we appreciate what we have we take responsibility for having created it and step fully into our creative power. This week's Today's Children discusses Indigos and 'who cares what others think'. Uriel's message this week is about the gift of healing. The series on Indigos and Suicide is available on the Today's Children page, in response to your requests. Read the newsletter in panish at Zona Mistica. The link is on the Uriel Heals home page.
I would like to welcome all of our new subscribers and thank you for joining the Uriel Heals Newsletter. Recent newsletters and articles are archived on the Uriel Heals website on the 'Archives' page. The subscriber list grows daily and your continuing words of support, encouragement and gratitude are deeply appreciated. Enjoy this week's newsletter! Contents are Copyright(c) 2004-5 by Jennifer Hoffman. All Rights Reserved.
Leave Revenge Alone When someone mistreats, dishonors or otherwise treats us badly our first desire is to get back at them, to somehow feel vindicated for the pain that they caused us. We want them to feel as badly as we do and may even be willing to spend a great deal of time and energy doing so. But the price of revenge is high, higher than we know and when we engage in revenge we block our spiritual growth. Revenge is something that is better left alone, no matter how tempting it may be.
Those who treat us the worst are our most powerful spiritual teachers. We have all heard that saying and it is true. The difficult lessons that we have with them are not isolated or random, they are a repetition of situations and experiences that have played out across many lifetimes, with the same souls. We know this as karma. When we are on the receiving end of karma, i.e., we are the victim, we forget that in other lifetimes we were the aggressor and what has been done to us has been done by us. That puts the idea of revenge in a different light.
The reason we have karma with others is that no one has ever been able to forgive, to say enough, to stop the cycle of abuse and revenge. But the Shift is changing that by providing us with the opportunity to reconnect with our Source, to raise our vibrations, to see karma for what it is and to take the steps to stop it. Once we end karma with someone, we never have to repeat it again as long as we are willing to forgive, move on and to leave revenge alone.
Revenge is a subtle process and even those who would not consciously cause harm to another can get their revenge in a variety of ways. But if we are truly willing to heal our own karma then we must be willing to give unconditional forgiveness and finally cut our spiritual cords with them, including releasing the need for revenge. If we cannot do that then the karmic cycle perpetuates into the next lifetime. What we do on an individual level we also do for all of humanity. There is a great need for the ending of karma in the world today, a release of the need to get revenge, to atone for wrongs done in the past. The ability to do that lies with us, as lightworkers, and each time we forgive, release, and move on, we provide all of humanity with the opportunity to do so. Leave revenge alone, for it is a burden that your soul is asking you to release now, so that humanity can live in peace.
The Difference Between a Victor and a Victim is I AM »
Uriel's Message-Why do you Heal?
Healing is not a gift that the Universe gives you, it is a gift that you give to yourself. When you allow yourself to heal from your emotional and spiritual wounds, you give yourself the gift of enlightenment and reconnection to the Source. This is something that you will repeat many times in your lifetime, for healing is a lifelong process. You will experience healing as a cycle during which you will experience a lesson, understand its meaning and purpose in your life and then choose whether you wish to heal and move on or repeat the lesson again, in a different form.
The gift of healing that you give to yourself also benefits everyone in your soul group. Many of you have been involved with soul groups through many lifetimes, as you struggle with lessons and issues in healing. The person who allows themselves to heal also provides the same opportunity to their soul group. The choice then becomes who will give the gift of healing. It is not easy, and goes against many human feelings and emotions, to give this gift. But it is a necessary part of your soul growth and essential at this time.
There are no rules to guide you through the healing process, no one to show you how it is done. It must come through your own initiative and be the full _expression of your heart's desire to move forward on your spiritual path. For this reason it may be a very difficult choice for you because it opens the door to a different kind of life, one in which you no longer struggle and have no fear.
Once you acknowledge your ability to give yourself the gift of healing, the process happens quite easily and quickly. Your gift of healing erases lifetimes of karma with others and clear your spiritual path of the blocks that have hindered you from moving forward. As each new lesson presents its healing opportunity, you move forward into new potential and new ways of being. Healing brings you joy and peace and is a gift that benefits you as well as many others. Give yourself the gift of healing and allow yourself to be free to move forward on your spiritual journey. Acknowledge your heart's desire to life in peace, joy, abundance and unconditional love by giving yourself the gift of healing today.
Read more about Archangel Uriel »
Who Cares What Others Think?
There is a new generation of children in the world and they are known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world. Along with their special gifts and talents, they also have certain needs and the purpose of this series is to help them and their parents find solutions to these needs so that Indigos and Crystals can do the work that they came here to do.
As a child, I remember being very aware of the importance of what others thought about me, how I look, acted and dressed. My mother worked hard ensure that we were well behaved, appropriately dressed and well groomed. I was never sure why what others thought was so important, but that was a time when we did what our parents told us. The Indigos have a very different opinion of that. They don't care what anyone things of them. It's not an _expression of rebellion, they simply don't care. When my Indigo son dyed his hair blue just before school pictures, I wasn't too concerned, I even helped him with the dye so he didn't get it all over the bathroom. My mother was very agitated when she saw the pictures and wanted to know what had happened to his hair. And how could she show her friends the pictures, with his blue hair?
Indigos often live in their own world and have their own secret fears, thoughts and beliefs that they rarely share. Worrying about what others think of them is not one of them. They have bigger issues to think about and are simply unconcerned about others' opinions of them. If we try to get them to focus on that as a means of motivating them, we will only be frustrated, they will be angry and in the end, they still won't care about what others think. It is hard enough to get them to vocalize what they are thinking about without putting the extra pressure on them to conform to others' standards.
I believe that the droopy pants and baggy shirts fashion of today is the Indigos' way of dressing as they please, without consideration for how they look or how others think they will look. I asked my Indigo son to dress for dinner at a restaurant and he came out of his room wearing a white t-shirt, instead of a black one. After some discussion, he changed into something more conservative but he wasn't happy. In his words, 'who cares what I have on, I dress as I please.' But is this wrong? I remember the pressure to wear the right clothes, hair and lifestyle that my generation was under. Indigos are showing us how unimportant they think this is and how unwilling they are to be controlled by what others think they should wear. How much do we judge others by their clothing, hair and material goods? When everyone looks the same, will have to change our standards of judgment? Or simply not judge by outward appearances? An interesting perspective, as are many that the Indigos present to us, as they slowly change the way the world thinks.
Today's Children »
30 Days to Everyday Miracles
I am still having problems with the e-book and anticipate having them fixed this week. Mercury retrograde seems to be affecting me at this time. The release of the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles will be announced in the newsletter and available on the Uriel Heals website Miracle Coaching page.
Do you really need a miracle right now? Do you wish you could get just focus on getting whatever you needed in your life, at this moment and have it appear? The Miracle Coaching program can teach you how to do that. Miracle coaching teaches you how to use your creative power and become a miracle creator, putting you in control of creating miracles in your life, instead of just wishing that they would happen. The 8 week Miracle Program will teach you how to get 'unstuck' and get the creative energy moving in your life, so that miracles are an everyday occurrence in your life. For 8 weeks, I will be your personal coach, guiding you through this process. Each week you will have a lesson to complete and a 30 to 45 minute personal coaching session with me. I am also available by email on an unlimited basis to provide you with support and feedback on your progress. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, acknowledging your success as a miracle creator. You will also receive a FREE e-book '30 days to Everyday Miracles', filled with information on how to create miracles. Coaching availability is limited, so sign up now. Information is available on the Uriel Heals website, Miracle Coaching page.
About Uriel Archangel Uriel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity. Uriel rules the mental plane, our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, magic, alchemy, astrology, universal consciousness, divine order, the distribution of power, the cosmic universal flow and the Earth's environment. Uriel is humanity's link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power through a process that will help each individual Shift in consciousness and therefore accelerate the entire human kingdom's shift into higher realms of consciousness
About the Channel and Author I am a spiritual intuitive, author, speaker, teacher and channel for the Archangel Uriel. My path has often been challenging, which has provided me with the insight and compassion that is required at this time when humanity is shifting in consciousness. I am honored to be a channel for the Archangel Uriel and to help others through this process. For information on how to schedule a seminar or workshop in your area, email me for information at
Miracle Coaching Program »
. email:
voice: 480-894-1675
Uriel Heals · 3505 NE Lacewood Court · Lee's Summit · MO · 64064
. Uriel Heals Newsletter
This week's messages
* Lessons in Appreciation
* Leave Revenge Alone
* Uriel's Message-Why do you Heal?
* Who Cares What Others Think?
* 30 Days to Everyday Miracles
Lessons in Appreciation
Each of our life experiences is a lesson in living, a means of teaching us how to live a life of peace, joy and abundance. Then why is it that so many of our lessons appear to show us just the opposite? Especially in the area of abundance. And in moments of despair we can see these lessons as proof that, as many believe, that the spiritual path is difficult and materially unrewarding. But our lessons are not there to teach us about lack, they are there to teach us about appreciation.
We must learn to appreciate what we have before we can ask for more. Even if we don't seem to have much to appreciate. Appreciation is not about being grateful for what appears to be the lack of abundance and blessings in our life. Appreciation is about taking responsibility for whatever is in our lives because we put it there. There is no big handout from the sky, no magical power that is going to turn our life around until we understand that the power that created whatever exists was ours, as is the power to change it.
When we tell the Universe that we appreciate every situation that exists in our lives, we acknowledge our creative power. Once we understand how our thoughts, beliefs and words are manifested in our reality, we can apply our energy differently so that the outcome is different. Adopting a sense of appreciation will also help us discover and define the lessons in each situation so that we know what we must learn, we get it and then we move on.
It's hard to say 'I appreciate this situation' when it is one that calls up our every fear, but we must if we are to move past it. This is one of our greatest and most difficult lessons in living, understanding the role of appreciation in our lives and its connection to our ability to use our creative power to manifest greater joy, peace and abundance in our lives. There is no stronger acknowledgement of our power than to appreciate its manifestation, whatever it is, in our lives .Then we are free to leave that lesson, move on and choose where we apply our energy and intention more carefully. This week, appreciate one lesson in your life, no matter how difficult it is. Then watch your understanding of that issue increase and it may even resolve itself as you use your creative power to create a different reality for yourself.
Read the March 2006 message...
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Blessings to you all!
The newsletter release has been delayed the past two weeks, nothing serious, just computer glitches. I'll be glad when Mercury retro ends this week! The March article is posted on the Uriel Heals website and this month's message is about Lessons in Living. The purpose of our life lessons is not to remind us of our imperfection, but to teach us about creating a life filled with joy, peace and unconditional love. How do we get there? This week's message is about the Lessons in Appreciation. When we appreciate what we have we take responsibility for having created it and step fully into our creative power. This week's Today's Children discusses Indigos and 'who cares what others think'. Uriel's message this week is about the gift of healing. The series on Indigos and Suicide is available on the Today's Children page, in response to your requests. Read the newsletter in panish at Zona Mistica. The link is on the Uriel Heals home page.
I would like to welcome all of our new subscribers and thank you for joining the Uriel Heals Newsletter. Recent newsletters and articles are archived on the Uriel Heals website on the 'Archives' page. The subscriber list grows daily and your continuing words of support, encouragement and gratitude are deeply appreciated. Enjoy this week's newsletter! Contents are Copyright(c) 2004-5 by Jennifer Hoffman. All Rights Reserved.
Leave Revenge Alone When someone mistreats, dishonors or otherwise treats us badly our first desire is to get back at them, to somehow feel vindicated for the pain that they caused us. We want them to feel as badly as we do and may even be willing to spend a great deal of time and energy doing so. But the price of revenge is high, higher than we know and when we engage in revenge we block our spiritual growth. Revenge is something that is better left alone, no matter how tempting it may be.
Those who treat us the worst are our most powerful spiritual teachers. We have all heard that saying and it is true. The difficult lessons that we have with them are not isolated or random, they are a repetition of situations and experiences that have played out across many lifetimes, with the same souls. We know this as karma. When we are on the receiving end of karma, i.e., we are the victim, we forget that in other lifetimes we were the aggressor and what has been done to us has been done by us. That puts the idea of revenge in a different light.
The reason we have karma with others is that no one has ever been able to forgive, to say enough, to stop the cycle of abuse and revenge. But the Shift is changing that by providing us with the opportunity to reconnect with our Source, to raise our vibrations, to see karma for what it is and to take the steps to stop it. Once we end karma with someone, we never have to repeat it again as long as we are willing to forgive, move on and to leave revenge alone.
Revenge is a subtle process and even those who would not consciously cause harm to another can get their revenge in a variety of ways. But if we are truly willing to heal our own karma then we must be willing to give unconditional forgiveness and finally cut our spiritual cords with them, including releasing the need for revenge. If we cannot do that then the karmic cycle perpetuates into the next lifetime. What we do on an individual level we also do for all of humanity. There is a great need for the ending of karma in the world today, a release of the need to get revenge, to atone for wrongs done in the past. The ability to do that lies with us, as lightworkers, and each time we forgive, release, and move on, we provide all of humanity with the opportunity to do so. Leave revenge alone, for it is a burden that your soul is asking you to release now, so that humanity can live in peace.
The Difference Between a Victor and a Victim is I AM »
Uriel's Message-Why do you Heal?
Healing is not a gift that the Universe gives you, it is a gift that you give to yourself. When you allow yourself to heal from your emotional and spiritual wounds, you give yourself the gift of enlightenment and reconnection to the Source. This is something that you will repeat many times in your lifetime, for healing is a lifelong process. You will experience healing as a cycle during which you will experience a lesson, understand its meaning and purpose in your life and then choose whether you wish to heal and move on or repeat the lesson again, in a different form.
The gift of healing that you give to yourself also benefits everyone in your soul group. Many of you have been involved with soul groups through many lifetimes, as you struggle with lessons and issues in healing. The person who allows themselves to heal also provides the same opportunity to their soul group. The choice then becomes who will give the gift of healing. It is not easy, and goes against many human feelings and emotions, to give this gift. But it is a necessary part of your soul growth and essential at this time.
There are no rules to guide you through the healing process, no one to show you how it is done. It must come through your own initiative and be the full _expression of your heart's desire to move forward on your spiritual path. For this reason it may be a very difficult choice for you because it opens the door to a different kind of life, one in which you no longer struggle and have no fear.
Once you acknowledge your ability to give yourself the gift of healing, the process happens quite easily and quickly. Your gift of healing erases lifetimes of karma with others and clear your spiritual path of the blocks that have hindered you from moving forward. As each new lesson presents its healing opportunity, you move forward into new potential and new ways of being. Healing brings you joy and peace and is a gift that benefits you as well as many others. Give yourself the gift of healing and allow yourself to be free to move forward on your spiritual journey. Acknowledge your heart's desire to life in peace, joy, abundance and unconditional love by giving yourself the gift of healing today.
Read more about Archangel Uriel »
Who Cares What Others Think?
There is a new generation of children in the world and they are known by many names, including Indigo and Crystal Children, Star Children, Light Children. Whatever name they are known by, they are a generation that we have never seen before and they have special needs, gifts and talents. The Crystal and Indigo children represent the new, higher energetic patterns that are arriving to change the Earth's vibrational frequency.This new series provides information on these children and the wonderful gifts they bring to the world. Along with their special gifts and talents, they also have certain needs and the purpose of this series is to help them and their parents find solutions to these needs so that Indigos and Crystals can do the work that they came here to do.
As a child, I remember being very aware of the importance of what others thought about me, how I look, acted and dressed. My mother worked hard ensure that we were well behaved, appropriately dressed and well groomed. I was never sure why what others thought was so important, but that was a time when we did what our parents told us. The Indigos have a very different opinion of that. They don't care what anyone things of them. It's not an _expression of rebellion, they simply don't care. When my Indigo son dyed his hair blue just before school pictures, I wasn't too concerned, I even helped him with the dye so he didn't get it all over the bathroom. My mother was very agitated when she saw the pictures and wanted to know what had happened to his hair. And how could she show her friends the pictures, with his blue hair?
Indigos often live in their own world and have their own secret fears, thoughts and beliefs that they rarely share. Worrying about what others think of them is not one of them. They have bigger issues to think about and are simply unconcerned about others' opinions of them. If we try to get them to focus on that as a means of motivating them, we will only be frustrated, they will be angry and in the end, they still won't care about what others think. It is hard enough to get them to vocalize what they are thinking about without putting the extra pressure on them to conform to others' standards.
I believe that the droopy pants and baggy shirts fashion of today is the Indigos' way of dressing as they please, without consideration for how they look or how others think they will look. I asked my Indigo son to dress for dinner at a restaurant and he came out of his room wearing a white t-shirt, instead of a black one. After some discussion, he changed into something more conservative but he wasn't happy. In his words, 'who cares what I have on, I dress as I please.' But is this wrong? I remember the pressure to wear the right clothes, hair and lifestyle that my generation was under. Indigos are showing us how unimportant they think this is and how unwilling they are to be controlled by what others think they should wear. How much do we judge others by their clothing, hair and material goods? When everyone looks the same, will have to change our standards of judgment? Or simply not judge by outward appearances? An interesting perspective, as are many that the Indigos present to us, as they slowly change the way the world thinks.
Today's Children »
30 Days to Everyday Miracles
I am still having problems with the e-book and anticipate having them fixed this week. Mercury retrograde seems to be affecting me at this time. The release of the 30 Days to Everyday Miracles will be announced in the newsletter and available on the Uriel Heals website Miracle Coaching page.
Do you really need a miracle right now? Do you wish you could get just focus on getting whatever you needed in your life, at this moment and have it appear? The Miracle Coaching program can teach you how to do that. Miracle coaching teaches you how to use your creative power and become a miracle creator, putting you in control of creating miracles in your life, instead of just wishing that they would happen. The 8 week Miracle Program will teach you how to get 'unstuck' and get the creative energy moving in your life, so that miracles are an everyday occurrence in your life. For 8 weeks, I will be your personal coach, guiding you through this process. Each week you will have a lesson to complete and a 30 to 45 minute personal coaching session with me. I am also available by email on an unlimited basis to provide you with support and feedback on your progress. You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, acknowledging your success as a miracle creator. You will also receive a FREE e-book '30 days to Everyday Miracles', filled with information on how to create miracles. Coaching availability is limited, so sign up now. Information is available on the Uriel Heals website, Miracle Coaching page.
About Uriel Archangel Uriel is one of the seven Archangels that stand at the throne of the God Creator and one of the four major Archangels that serve humanity. Uriel rules the mental plane, our thoughts and ideas, creativity, insights, judgment, magic, alchemy, astrology, universal consciousness, divine order, the distribution of power, the cosmic universal flow and the Earth's environment. Uriel is humanity's link to the spiritual realms and he can show us how to find our inner power through a process that will help each individual Shift in consciousness and therefore accelerate the entire human kingdom's shift into higher realms of consciousness
About the Channel and Author I am a spiritual intuitive, author, speaker, teacher and channel for the Archangel Uriel. My path has often been challenging, which has provided me with the insight and compassion that is required at this time when humanity is shifting in consciousness. I am honored to be a channel for the Archangel Uriel and to help others through this process. For information on how to schedule a seminar or workshop in your area, email me for information at
Miracle Coaching Program »
. email:
voice: 480-894-1675
Uriel Heals · 3505 NE Lacewood Court · Lee's Summit · MO · 64064