Post by Sowelu on Dec 7, 2005 4:43:31 GMT -5
My Dear Friends:
Your collective awareness has picked up the fact that you are about to unseat that Dictator of Consciousness called "Father Time." For too long he has dominated your hearts and minds, and you are currently in process about how to free yourselves from his tenacious grip without totally losing the benefit that he has afforded you during his reign. The number and variance of prophetic writings that are appearing, concerning how this will happen, are quite illustrative of the diversity of effect that time has had upon your race.
Your return to Oneness will not eliminate the distinction of your physical expression. You will still have bodies. Many of you have been concerned about this, thinking that you will eventually evolve into an amorphous glob of undifferentiated goo. Although there are worlds you can visit, where that is the indigenous state--it is not your only option, by any means. The same will be true with your experience of time.
We are The Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your Expanded Self that you had to forget about in order to become human. We have never been far from you, just far enough. We are the Lords of Time, the Masters of Provision. And we are now your Tour Guides, if you will allow it--color announcers for the Grand Game! We come now with glad tidings. Your Game is almost over, and you have begun your journey home.
The changes we speak to you about are merely PERCEPTUAL in nature. This is because physical life is about perceiving, not alteration of what is! Even though changes appear to happen in 3D, everything and everyone is part of the SAME ETERNAL BEING! It is only your experience of reality that changes. Your journey here provides new ways of sensing and studying elements of reality that have been with you since the beginning. And everything that has been with you since the beginning will remain with you forever!
The upcoming shifts in your experience of Time will generally fall into two categories:
Even upon completion of your Timeshift Liberation, you may still allow yourself the familiarity of a "normal" life in 3D. Your manipulation of time may be as clinical as that described by H.G. Wells, in "The Time Machine," (there are versions of them currently in operation on your world, as we speak) or it can be as subtle and lyrical as the gradual unfoldment of a Spring Day.
Imagine a world wherein you awake each morning only when you are ready---from a sleep that leaves you perfectly refreshed and prepared to meet the day ahead. You eat whatever it is that pleases you, and you ask your body and mind what it desires next. You do this consciously, and in the moment, not adhering to some pre-ordered schedule that was set weeks ago, and penciled into a calendar which you allow to rule your life.
When you have decided what you wish to do, you set out on a road that will take you where you need to be. In the World of "Time/No-Time" there is no such thing as an "appointment." When a Reconnected Heart Space is allowed to freely orchestrate your lives, rather than your Separation Minds, everything and everyone becomes aligned within a synchronized flow. The tasks you wish to perform, and the people with whom you will perform them are all part of the same One Being. When humankind truly believes this, and begins to live according to that belief, the illusion known as "conflict" will begin to fade.
More and more, people will just begin "showing up" precisely at the time others are ready to see them. If a person sets out upon a journey and his desires suddenly shift, he will simply alter his path in accordance with the energy of the moment. Obstacles that appear to be blocking the attainment of some goal will no longer be considered to be your enemies. Rather, they will be interpreted as signs that you have gotten a bit off-course in your inner connection, and you need to re-examine your perceived desires.
The Law of Reciprocity states that it is energetically impossible for one person to desire something of another that does not have a significant meaning for both. After all, there is only one of you there! At the same time, a statement of "No, thank you.......," coming from one side of an interaction is automatically reflective of both sides. What you tend to think of as a "conflict of opinion" will eventually be recognized for what it truly is---an opportunity for two beings in physical space to experience and celebrate their multidimensional nature.
In Oneness, there is no such thing as disagreement. There is simply infinite variance upon the same, one theme. As your Reconnected Planetary Heart begins to beat in rhythm with this simple truth, your need for policemen and courtrooms will vanish. The time and resources once used to maintain them will be re-allocated to other endeavors. That alone could feed and clothe all the people of the world several times over.
The shifts and changes we are describing here cannot be enacted through political action or deliberate intent. They are born of a higher vibration, and can only begin manifesting when humankind lets go of its addiction to ego-centered control, and simply begins to flow with the river of life that has always been within you. The struggle and hardship of your Limitation Journey are just about complete! Your hearts are opening, and becoming knit-together through communication, and your growing realization of who you really are.
Now.....during this next phase of this Global Transformation, there are important new rules to the Game. To remain in form and continue to function well, the Player must align him or herself with the continuous dynamic flow of Spirit within. We are not speaking here of just any spirit. Rather, we are referring to ONE DOMINANT Energy that draws the Player forward with pure desire (despite the consequences). Indeed, one of the derivative meanings of the word "desire" is "...of the Father." It will mostly be felt as a gentle, inward pull toward something that feels as if it is backed by an ocean! You who have experienced this sensation know well what we mean.
The movement of the Expanded Self is always positive and tends to incline the Player toward something---not away from anything. There is nothing "evil" or "negative" in an of itself. All is energy, and energy is essentially neutral. That sensation which has been recognized as negativity (as if you are repulsed away from something) is, at its core, nothing more than an inward awareness that some other, more empowering option is being overlooked.
Negative Focus, or that which pits the Player against or in opposition to a course of action (any action) will always decelerate your consciousness. Movement towards expanded awareness is usually marked by a simple allowance of abrasive or undesirable situations to exist, coupled with a diminishing tendency to focus upon them.
Full concentration must now be placed upon that which gently but firmly pulls an individual (not just the mind--but the whole self) towards something. We refer to this as a "Wave" of Energy. The tendency to struggle or push (for whatever reason) must gradually give way to a sense of "flow." At times when no waves are in sight, you can either gently explore your immediate environment, or you can simply wait until the next wave comes along.
The cessation of one activity is usually accomplished by a stronger impulse to do something else. Nature abhors a void. One desire fades, as another desire takes center stage. Problems can arise when the ego begins to make decisions and evaluations about self or personal behavior, and seeks to consciously intervene with the dominant flow that already exists. Some people refer to this tendency as "pushing the river."
Truthfully, the Form Ego was never designed to issue command lines at all. There is generally not enough overall perspective available at that level of consciousness to be able to navigate correctly upon a human journey. Allowing your Ego to take control is like taking a mail room clerk in a Corporate Headquarters and making him Chairman of the Board.
It is very important, during these powerful times, to get in touch with your personal, inward flow. The sensations, images, and sounds of it are the closest thing to conversing with ALL THAT IS that you would ever need to know. If you like, you may attach it to some Transcendent Personality--such as Jesus, Buddha, or even The Reconnections. But in the end, you will come to recognize it as the clearest, most vivid and trustworthy part of yourself.
The prime regulator for the experiences of humankind is neither time nor money. It is your individual desire to move into Separation or to come out of it. The "collective" is simply a compilation of various aspects of the one who is perceiving it. It is a mirror, within which each person can view him or herself in a particular moment. If you do not want to be be powerful, you will create time issues or provision issues to keep you from experiencing power. When you are tired of that Game, all obtacles to power will fall away, as if by magic.
It is our perception that each soul is being exposed to this knowledge in his or her own perfect way. Some souls have not yet had their fill of hardship and struggle. They came here to suffer, and they will not wake up until their "quota" of misery has been fulfilled. So be it.
You come to 3D from a base of reality where you can literally do or have anything, just by thinking it. Abundance is no problem for you. In fact, you came here to get a vacation from all that power. You are like Corporation Presidents who need to take a few weeks away from your Empire--so you sign on to play greenhorns, at a Dude Ranch in Montana. You spend time slopping hogs, and scooping manure, and it relaxes you from playing out your role as Masters of the Universe. The life you are living in 3D--the joys, the trials, the connections, the reflections--makes up a perfect "holiday" for the Eternal Master that you truly are.
Does this sound outlandish to you? Good! That means that your time away has been fruitful, and your Infinite Mind has enjoyed a nice rest, here in 3D. Your alarm clock is sounding, and the moment to fully awaken is nearly here. If you'd like, you can hit the "snooze alarm" and catch a few more winks of sleep. Or, you can lay aside your "covers" of time and provision, and rise up to shower yourself with blessings, and return to your rightful "office" at the Center of All That Is.
Welcome to the World of Time/No-Time. You have now entered an Age of Magic. You need not look ahead to some "opening" for a realm that has never really been closed to you. Why spend time seeking keys to enlightenment? The door was never locked!
As you go through these final days of unfoldment, you may still find yourself drifting in and out of sleep. Your personal universe goes with you as you do. Some are experiencing a few more moments of sweet reverie, of gentle experiences---while others are cramming in some additional nightmares, just so they can rattle their brain. Some multi-media buffs are even managing to experience a multitude of "worlds".......all at the same time! Whatever you choose, enjoy it fully. There is plenty more where that came from, available at any moment you choose.
<End Transmission>
Channeled by Daniel Jacob.
Copyright, 2003-2004, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared for purposes of personal growth and/or research. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.
My Dear Friends:
Your collective awareness has picked up the fact that you are about to unseat that Dictator of Consciousness called "Father Time." For too long he has dominated your hearts and minds, and you are currently in process about how to free yourselves from his tenacious grip without totally losing the benefit that he has afforded you during his reign. The number and variance of prophetic writings that are appearing, concerning how this will happen, are quite illustrative of the diversity of effect that time has had upon your race.
Your return to Oneness will not eliminate the distinction of your physical expression. You will still have bodies. Many of you have been concerned about this, thinking that you will eventually evolve into an amorphous glob of undifferentiated goo. Although there are worlds you can visit, where that is the indigenous state--it is not your only option, by any means. The same will be true with your experience of time.
We are The Reconnections. We represent all those parts of your Expanded Self that you had to forget about in order to become human. We have never been far from you, just far enough. We are the Lords of Time, the Masters of Provision. And we are now your Tour Guides, if you will allow it--color announcers for the Grand Game! We come now with glad tidings. Your Game is almost over, and you have begun your journey home.
The changes we speak to you about are merely PERCEPTUAL in nature. This is because physical life is about perceiving, not alteration of what is! Even though changes appear to happen in 3D, everything and everyone is part of the SAME ETERNAL BEING! It is only your experience of reality that changes. Your journey here provides new ways of sensing and studying elements of reality that have been with you since the beginning. And everything that has been with you since the beginning will remain with you forever!
The upcoming shifts in your experience of Time will generally fall into two categories:
- You shall no longer use time to define yourself or your experience. Recognizing that all time is NOW, and all space is HERE, you will dance freely and easily through The Fourth Dimension--flinging open, at will, the many doors of possibility that line its corridor. The state which you call "Timelessness" is truly an aspect of Oneness, and can be a Touchstone for you, to clear your palate for the next perceptual meal you are about to serve yourself.
- You shall finally recognize that the Faculty of Time is but a filing system---a card catalog within the Library of All That Is. And you will learn to use it as such, in much the same way that you now use the "counter" on your VCR, to determine where in the movie you wish to go as you begin your enjoyment of it. The designation of "beginning" or "end" have been illusory constructs, which have provided you with considerable enjoyment during your Dance in Limitation. In truth, all essences are circular in nature--spirals, to be exact--and they each expand/contract, on and on, into infinity.
Even upon completion of your Timeshift Liberation, you may still allow yourself the familiarity of a "normal" life in 3D. Your manipulation of time may be as clinical as that described by H.G. Wells, in "The Time Machine," (there are versions of them currently in operation on your world, as we speak) or it can be as subtle and lyrical as the gradual unfoldment of a Spring Day.
Imagine a world wherein you awake each morning only when you are ready---from a sleep that leaves you perfectly refreshed and prepared to meet the day ahead. You eat whatever it is that pleases you, and you ask your body and mind what it desires next. You do this consciously, and in the moment, not adhering to some pre-ordered schedule that was set weeks ago, and penciled into a calendar which you allow to rule your life.
When you have decided what you wish to do, you set out on a road that will take you where you need to be. In the World of "Time/No-Time" there is no such thing as an "appointment." When a Reconnected Heart Space is allowed to freely orchestrate your lives, rather than your Separation Minds, everything and everyone becomes aligned within a synchronized flow. The tasks you wish to perform, and the people with whom you will perform them are all part of the same One Being. When humankind truly believes this, and begins to live according to that belief, the illusion known as "conflict" will begin to fade.
More and more, people will just begin "showing up" precisely at the time others are ready to see them. If a person sets out upon a journey and his desires suddenly shift, he will simply alter his path in accordance with the energy of the moment. Obstacles that appear to be blocking the attainment of some goal will no longer be considered to be your enemies. Rather, they will be interpreted as signs that you have gotten a bit off-course in your inner connection, and you need to re-examine your perceived desires.
The Law of Reciprocity states that it is energetically impossible for one person to desire something of another that does not have a significant meaning for both. After all, there is only one of you there! At the same time, a statement of "No, thank you.......," coming from one side of an interaction is automatically reflective of both sides. What you tend to think of as a "conflict of opinion" will eventually be recognized for what it truly is---an opportunity for two beings in physical space to experience and celebrate their multidimensional nature.
In Oneness, there is no such thing as disagreement. There is simply infinite variance upon the same, one theme. As your Reconnected Planetary Heart begins to beat in rhythm with this simple truth, your need for policemen and courtrooms will vanish. The time and resources once used to maintain them will be re-allocated to other endeavors. That alone could feed and clothe all the people of the world several times over.
The shifts and changes we are describing here cannot be enacted through political action or deliberate intent. They are born of a higher vibration, and can only begin manifesting when humankind lets go of its addiction to ego-centered control, and simply begins to flow with the river of life that has always been within you. The struggle and hardship of your Limitation Journey are just about complete! Your hearts are opening, and becoming knit-together through communication, and your growing realization of who you really are.
Now.....during this next phase of this Global Transformation, there are important new rules to the Game. To remain in form and continue to function well, the Player must align him or herself with the continuous dynamic flow of Spirit within. We are not speaking here of just any spirit. Rather, we are referring to ONE DOMINANT Energy that draws the Player forward with pure desire (despite the consequences). Indeed, one of the derivative meanings of the word "desire" is "...of the Father." It will mostly be felt as a gentle, inward pull toward something that feels as if it is backed by an ocean! You who have experienced this sensation know well what we mean.
The movement of the Expanded Self is always positive and tends to incline the Player toward something---not away from anything. There is nothing "evil" or "negative" in an of itself. All is energy, and energy is essentially neutral. That sensation which has been recognized as negativity (as if you are repulsed away from something) is, at its core, nothing more than an inward awareness that some other, more empowering option is being overlooked.
Negative Focus, or that which pits the Player against or in opposition to a course of action (any action) will always decelerate your consciousness. Movement towards expanded awareness is usually marked by a simple allowance of abrasive or undesirable situations to exist, coupled with a diminishing tendency to focus upon them.
Full concentration must now be placed upon that which gently but firmly pulls an individual (not just the mind--but the whole self) towards something. We refer to this as a "Wave" of Energy. The tendency to struggle or push (for whatever reason) must gradually give way to a sense of "flow." At times when no waves are in sight, you can either gently explore your immediate environment, or you can simply wait until the next wave comes along.
The cessation of one activity is usually accomplished by a stronger impulse to do something else. Nature abhors a void. One desire fades, as another desire takes center stage. Problems can arise when the ego begins to make decisions and evaluations about self or personal behavior, and seeks to consciously intervene with the dominant flow that already exists. Some people refer to this tendency as "pushing the river."
Truthfully, the Form Ego was never designed to issue command lines at all. There is generally not enough overall perspective available at that level of consciousness to be able to navigate correctly upon a human journey. Allowing your Ego to take control is like taking a mail room clerk in a Corporate Headquarters and making him Chairman of the Board.
It is very important, during these powerful times, to get in touch with your personal, inward flow. The sensations, images, and sounds of it are the closest thing to conversing with ALL THAT IS that you would ever need to know. If you like, you may attach it to some Transcendent Personality--such as Jesus, Buddha, or even The Reconnections. But in the end, you will come to recognize it as the clearest, most vivid and trustworthy part of yourself.
The prime regulator for the experiences of humankind is neither time nor money. It is your individual desire to move into Separation or to come out of it. The "collective" is simply a compilation of various aspects of the one who is perceiving it. It is a mirror, within which each person can view him or herself in a particular moment. If you do not want to be be powerful, you will create time issues or provision issues to keep you from experiencing power. When you are tired of that Game, all obtacles to power will fall away, as if by magic.
It is our perception that each soul is being exposed to this knowledge in his or her own perfect way. Some souls have not yet had their fill of hardship and struggle. They came here to suffer, and they will not wake up until their "quota" of misery has been fulfilled. So be it.
You come to 3D from a base of reality where you can literally do or have anything, just by thinking it. Abundance is no problem for you. In fact, you came here to get a vacation from all that power. You are like Corporation Presidents who need to take a few weeks away from your Empire--so you sign on to play greenhorns, at a Dude Ranch in Montana. You spend time slopping hogs, and scooping manure, and it relaxes you from playing out your role as Masters of the Universe. The life you are living in 3D--the joys, the trials, the connections, the reflections--makes up a perfect "holiday" for the Eternal Master that you truly are.
Does this sound outlandish to you? Good! That means that your time away has been fruitful, and your Infinite Mind has enjoyed a nice rest, here in 3D. Your alarm clock is sounding, and the moment to fully awaken is nearly here. If you'd like, you can hit the "snooze alarm" and catch a few more winks of sleep. Or, you can lay aside your "covers" of time and provision, and rise up to shower yourself with blessings, and return to your rightful "office" at the Center of All That Is.
Welcome to the World of Time/No-Time. You have now entered an Age of Magic. You need not look ahead to some "opening" for a realm that has never really been closed to you. Why spend time seeking keys to enlightenment? The door was never locked!
As you go through these final days of unfoldment, you may still find yourself drifting in and out of sleep. Your personal universe goes with you as you do. Some are experiencing a few more moments of sweet reverie, of gentle experiences---while others are cramming in some additional nightmares, just so they can rattle their brain. Some multi-media buffs are even managing to experience a multitude of "worlds".......all at the same time! Whatever you choose, enjoy it fully. There is plenty more where that came from, available at any moment you choose.
<End Transmission>
Channeled by Daniel Jacob.
Copyright, 2003-2004, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared for purposes of personal growth and/or research. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.