Post by Sowelu on Jan 29, 2006 17:26:15 GMT -5
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 6: "Shadow Self and Potentials; Part 2"
Featuring Tobias, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
January 7, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together once again in this beautiful, beautiful energy of Earth… what an amazing place to live and to exist and to create… what an amazing place to have yourself and your energies exist to learn in ways that you could not have done so in any of the other dimensions and in any other parts of the cosmos and the omniverse… only here… only on Earth could you do this. Dear angels, you have been all over prior to ever coming to Earth. You existed in so many different spaces and – what you would call – times, so many different dimensions, but nothing like this. It is a treasure. It is a gem here. It is an honor.
Sometimes you hear of how you volunteered, but in a sense, it is more accurate to say you were chosen, for only the angels who wanted to go to the next grandest and most expansive level were called on. Only those angels – you – heard the calling of Gabriel’s trumpet, sounding that the time was right and the consciousness of the omniverse was right to open planet Earth. You think in terms of time and space. And, you think how long it took to come here, how long it took to evolve as a species, to develop the human body and the human consciousness. But, in a sense, it was only a flash or a breath ago. It was only a breath ago that you left Home. It hasn’t been that long.
Sometimes what seems to get you down as human beings is you think this is going on for an eternity. It isn't the process that necessarily gets you down. It is the lack of speed. It is the slowness that gets you down. If you knew you would be through all of this in another year, obviously you could relax a bit. You would not be so concerned if you knew that there was some type of turnover point, what we call a “point of separation,” going from one level of consciousness or awareness into another. If you knew that it was going to happen in a relatively short order, none of the problems that plague you today would even seem like problems.
So, we have to chuckle sometimes when you call on us, which you do almost nightly (some audience laughter), and say, “Dear – or damn – Tobias,” depending on the night, “I’m going through all of this trauma in my life, all of this suffering and misery, and I don't know who I am anymore.” And, that, by the way, is a good thing. You went through all of this, and I say, lovingly and gently back to you, “Dear one, have patience.”
Your answer almost universally among Shaumbra is, “Patience, my ass!” (much audience laughter) “I’m tired of patience, you say. I’m so weary with the process, with the time that it takes, not the actual process or experience, but how long it seems to linger.” Guess what, Shaumbra, you can change it. And, I have tried to explain to you, but you tend to tune me out at this point. So, I will tell you now, and you can tune me out for the rest of this Shoud.
But… so let us change time. You wear that thing on your arm, that wristwatch. You have your mechanical devices on the walls. But, truly there is no such thing as time, not as you know it anyway. We don't have watches on our side. And, quite frankly we get somewhat bored and held back by the tedious nature of the time overlay that you operate under… you see… because when you are in a time zone and we are here as your loyal and faithful servants – unpaid, of course – but loyal and faithful (some laughter), we fall into a time frame also. And, it is very difficult for us.
So, perhaps during this Shoud today we can begin to expand time. We can begin to transcend it, to use it when we want to use it, when you want to use it, and not use it when it is not appropriate. No one said that there had to be 24 hours in a day. If you took away all of your clocks and watches and time devices, and then you took away the effects of the sun, which comes up at certain times and sets at certain times, you would have no concept of time. Time would mean very little to you at that point.
You could then more easily open up to the multi-dimensional nature, the potential, the shadow of timelessness. Then, you could use it to your advantage, however you want it. There are some times, of course, when you want time to go very slowly – when you are enjoying music, enjoying the company of friends, meditating, when you are taking a long walk. When you are sitting through a good movie, you want the movie to last forever and ever sometimes. There are many times when time can be stretched.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, other than consciousness overlay, that says time is fixed. But, you have bought into it. You said that “I have to be to work at a certain time.” Well, first of all, you should quit your jobs. Then, you wouldn’t have that problem (some laughter), as we have said over and over, Shaumbra. Ultimately, you want to become self-employed, actively self-unemployed, if you want to put it precisely.
So, if you didn’t have this element of time dragging out the difficulties or anxieties, the challenges of living on planet Earth, it wouldn’t seem nearly so difficult. So, let us begin this Shoud by opening up time itself, by breaking through its barriers. Your society is more and more time-oriented. We’re not saying that you’re going to dispel time, or get rid of it altogether. We’re saying you are going to use it when it serves you and ignore when it doesn't. You are going to stretch it out when it is appropriate, and condense it and compact it when it isn't. What an amazing thing… a group of humans actually ignoring the boundaries and limitations of time.
Now, right away we see some of you are worried about showing up to appointments late. And, perhaps you should experience that for a few times, what it is like. Does the world fall apart? No! Do those people in that meeting truly have to have your energy? No… they can continue without you, sad enough to say (some laughter). Are you going to miss your rightful position if you miss that meeting? Probably… probably, you are going to be then basically fading out of existence at that place that you’re working with. But, that's what you’re asking for anyway.
You see... you ask for that new job. But, you want us to guarantee that you’re going to get it before you leave the old one. Ah… ah, dear Shaumbra, that is a chasm you must cross over. You must in your own heart lovingly and fully release what you are ready to release. And, if you’re not ready to do it, hang onto it. If it still serves you, hang onto it. But, when you’re ready to let go, let go completely and see what happens.
Your fears come up. You say, “But then how will I pay my bills?” Well, how about if you created a more abundant type of working situation? How about if you created a new way that abundance rolled in? It doesn't have to be another job. It doesn't have to be a singular one-on-one replacement, old job/new job. That is linear thinking, Old Energy thinking. And, it is also tedious thinking. And, it is a type that wears you down, that wears your mind down. We’re going to transcend this whole issue of time, one of the greatest overlays that there are.
I am here today with the energy of dear Adamus-Saint Germain. We’re here together. You’ll notice, if you listen for a moment… listen for a moment… notice… feel… and be aware of different layers of energy that are operating simultaneously. You think you're listening to one voice. You are listening to many voices simultaneously right now. You think that the words are coming out of Cauldre, in through his – what do you call that? – microphone, into the microphone and in through your system – thank you (to Linda) – in through your system. But, you are not. You just have been led to believe that. You have been led to focus on it.
What you are hearing right now is that and more. What you are hearing right now is I, Tobias. I’m standing right next to you. You’re not hearing this through the sound system. You’re hearing it because I'm right at the back of your head right there. I’m talking to you in a different way.
And, you're hearing the energy of Adamus-Saint Germain. Saint Germain is right there in front of you… he says, pointing to his head. He is talking to you also. You are hearing a voice; you’re hearing voices all simultaneously. Oh, and then there is a whole chorus in here, the chorus of Shaumbra that is talking. You’re all talking. You're all Shouding right along with all of us right now. They’re all over the world, Shaumbra. They are, and they’re talking. We’re talking in unison as one voice, as many voices, as one concept, as multiple concepts.
And, you say, “But, but I can’t hear anything.” But, yes, you can actually, if you expand. We’re glad that Cauldre did as we asked him to do at the beginning of this gathering today – expand the energy, expand your energy. Yes, that means your imagination. Trust in your imagination so much that you can open up and hear. Hearing doesn't have to just come from the physical ears. Hearing is a divine sense, as well. It's just there. It’s just there.
We are going to tell you something a little bit later in the Shoud today – you’re going to tell yourself actually – about this whole arena of imagination, of multiple levels, of why sometimes you get stuck. That is the primary topic of our discussion today. What's blocking you? What's getting you stuck? It’s really not much. You like to believe it is sometimes. But, it's really not much. We’re going to talk about that.
But, for a moment just listen to the magic of the many voices. Oh, some of them are also being carried through the actual literal voice and vibration of Cauldre. You see, Cauldre… he gets embarrassed when we talk about him. But, Cauldre has spent many lifetimes training as a channeler. And, one of the important things for any of you who channel isn't just about opening up so we can come through. It is about opening up so you can come through also. You open up all of the pipelines – us, yourself, the ones you are channeling or Shouding for. You open all of these. So, Cauldre studied that, as many of you have in the past.
But, there is also something else that happens in studying about channeling –how to literally bring all of these dimensional energetic aspects through your voice. When Cauldre channels, also coming through his physical voice are the vibrations of us and you. It is a channeler’s gift, a channeler’s obligation to train the voice that extends all the way literally down into the belly and comes up all the way through the lungs, the chest, the throat, and the mouth, to channel in the physical energies as well.
So, you are in “surround-sound” today. It is coming from every different direction. Why? Well, so you’ll hear it… if you don't hear from one source, you’ll hear it from the other, but also because you are multi-dimensional. As we sit chatting with you right now, there is energy being poured down through into your space, into your realm, energy of different dimensional aspects that then correspond with dimensional aspects or shadows of you… you see.
So, this is much more than the singular you sitting in the chairs, Cauldre sitting here channeling. It is happening on every level. Whether you are aware of it or not, it is happening on every level. An amazing thing… it is the New Energy way of living, multi-dimensional, multi-potentiated, all at one time. And, you know, it's not coming from somewhere else. It's not coming in from the ethers. And, it’s not necessarily even coming from us. It was there all of the time, waiting, waiting for you to allow it to come in and play.
So, today Saint Germain, I, Tobias, the angels who accompany us, other Shaumbra all gathered here to go to the next level… the first step, time… transcending time. You don’t have to get mental about it. You don't have to sit down with your watch and stare at it and try to shift it and shape it. You just have to understand that time is flexible. Humans have made it quite inflexible.
But, at its core… just feel the core of time for a minute. Don’t define it, just feel it. Feel the core of time, the set-up behind it, why it is there, how it has served you. Not in your head… if you’re feeling pressure in your head, take a deep breath, feel time. At its core energy it can be easily expanded.
Sometimes you tell yourself that it’s going to take so many minutes or hours to do a task. And, then you say, “But I can only do so much task in the allotted amount of time of day.” Well, then it becomes true. But, now say to yourself, for instance, “Someday I’m going to do many tasks. I’m going to accomplish many things in a very compressed period of time. They will just get done efficiently and effectively without having to get neurotic or hyper about it. They will just process in the time incubator in a very short period. And, that leaves me more time – or “un-time” – to do the things I truly want to do for myself.”
Yes, there will always be tasks. There are tasks here on our side of the veil, too. But, we put those into time – how to say – types of capsules so the tasks are taken care of very easily. And, it allows more “un-time” for us to do the things we love to do… you see.
So, Shaumbra, today we’re going to go back to the Shaumbra Service Center. We were there a few months ago. This is an energy, an imaginary place that is very real. Yes, I love that – an imaginary place that is very real. You think that the two are not compatible, but they're absolutely compatible. The imagination and reality – they actually are the same thing. It's only how the energy manifests; that is different… you see.
So, we’re going to the Shaumbra Service Center today because it is a wonderful place. Your energy is there. It is a wonderful place to talk about the issues, about blockages, about opening up to potentials. It is a wonderful place to open yourself up. We’re going to be doing a little – how to say – group exercise today in opening up. We’re going to be doing some energy moving to be sure. We’re going to talk about some concepts and some philosophies.
So, let us all join together, bring our energies together in the Shaumbra Service Center. It doesn’t take any effort. It doesn’t take any pushing. Don't force your mind. If you choose to be there, then you are.
Your Shaumbra Service Center, your impression of its energies may differ somewhat than the person sitting next to you. That is appropriate. In the outer, or the expanded realms, everyone has a different take on the energies. If you’re seeing a beautifully carpeted floor with thick, thick carpeting that you can just lay on in the Shaumbra Service Center, but the person next to you feels and perceives wood floors, that’s because they exist together here. Carpet, wood, tile, dirt, water – you see, it is multi-dimensional. Which potential do you want to pick up on? It is up you to you.
So, we sit here in the Shaumbra Service Center renewing our energy. We are in a safe space to allow us to release some of the blocks, to allow us to look beyond who we think we are. So, take a deep breath and feel the energy.
And, by the way, we have to chide a few of you here. You run into trouble. Some of you have run into some very interesting, traumatic troubles over these past few holiday weeks of yours… what a wonderful time for drama! You get into trouble. Then, you get overwhelmed. You get down. You get depressed. And, then some of you get a bit maudlin as well. You let this dictate your life.
And, then you curse, and you say, “But I’m learning all of these things at the Shouds. But, it must be not for me. Or, it must not be real because then I run into all of these troubles and these traumas with my family, with my job. How could I possibly be Shaumbra if I just got fired the day before Christmas?” I know you’re out there… we heard. “How could that happen to me?”
Shaumbra, instead of getting upset and angry, instead of doing the “poor-me,” or instead of, more than anything else, instead of feeling that you’re not worthy of all of this, stop for a moment. Come over here to the Shaumbra Service Center. Many times it is absolutely vacant and empty. There are no Shaumbra in here at all. You can have the place to yourself.
Come here… sit down… take a deep breath. Bring your troubles with you if you want. As a matter of fact it is an excellent place to process, to look at or observe your troubles and to really see the shadow behind what you think are your problems. Come to the Shaumbra Service Center. Don't waste your energy in all of these other things. Come here for a moment. Call us in – I, Tobias, Saint Germain, Quan Yin, Ohama. Call us in. Have us sit with you if you want. Don’t ask us to solve your problem though because you know our answer to you. What’s inside? What does it feel like to you?
Now, you ask yourself sitting here in the Shaumbra Service Center, “So what is behind this issue? Why is it that I just got fired? Why is it that my body has been feeling so out of whack lately? Why is it that I’m having continual problems with my family? Why is it that I want to leave my spouse, but I can't seem to do it? I’m miserable, but I can't leave.” Well, come here… sit down… take a deep breath… have a glass of water. Indeed, you can; you can have a glass of water right here. Try it.
For some of you, you think, “Well, this is just silly.” Yes, it is, but not nearly as silly as being a one-dimensional human stuck on Earth. That is really silly. You don't have to be there. So, have a glass of water. Refresh a little bit. Take a deep breath, and say out loud or within yourself, “What is it with this? What is it?” Now, the minute you say that, everything goes to work. The answer has to come to you. It has to, sooner or later.
If you're stuck in your head, and you’re trying to figure it out there, then the answer will have a hard time making itself known to you. It will be right there. And, sometimes we can see the answer floating around your energy field. And, we have to say, “Dear God, why can’t they see it as clearly as we see it?” It’s because you are in your brain.
You are operating in the – what we would call – the near dimensions. You’re not operating in the creative dimensions. We’ll talk about that in just a moment. Get out of your head for a bit. Let go of the question. Stop trying to figure it out. “Dear Spirit, dear self, dear Shaumbra, what is with this abundance issue that’s in my life right now or lack of abundance? Why am I all of a sudden hit with all these bills, and my car breaks down, my rent just went up, and I lost my job?”
Put it out there… you see. You’re really putting it in there actually. You’re putting it into yourself. You’re listening from within. Let go for a while. Stop thinking about it. You’ve already posed the question. Anytime any angel or human asks a question – one of the most beautiful things in the world – it sets up a dynamic where the answer comes flowing in. It has to. It's a natural response from what you call the universe. But, it’s actually a natural response from yourself.
What is happening is that you pose the question, yourself. All levels say, “Oh, it is time to move on.” There is a desire for answers and understanding. They’re tired of going through the experience. And, now we create, or we bring forth, the answer that was always there anyway.
Now, here you are… you’ve posed your question. You let go. Go off… sit in the Shaumbra Service Center… drink water… take a swim in the pool… sit in the hot tub… sit under the waterfall, one of the most popular places here. There is a beautiful, beautiful waterfall. The water is warm. The water doesn't crash down on you; it’s in slow motion… you see… because here you can even slow down the effects of space. And, the water cascades over you.
Just sit there for a little while. Breathe… turn on some music. We have every possible type of music here, every music that was ever put on to – what you call – your CD’s. Every tune that was ever thought about but never written down is here. Celestial music… we even have country-western (some laughter).
So, you’ve let go. Now, don’t put a time restriction or limitation on when the answer should be there. That starts to mess everything up. Let it come in, timeless… you see. You are timeless. All of your answers are timeless. Don't say, “I need that answer in five minutes,” because now you’ve put a spin or an imbalanced energy on the question to begin with. Go timeless here. Some of you are saying, “But, what if takes a year?” Well, what if it does take a year? You still will have the answer, won’t you? Don’t worry about time here in the Shaumbra Service Center. Be timeless. The answers will come in.
So, Shaumbra, the question was asked in our Shoud last month, the question about darkness. Someone asked the question, “What is the difference between darkness and evil?” And, in the short way we responded and said, “Darkness is a natural state of being.”
Darkness can be called many other names, negative. It can be called the feminine energy. It can be called the “other” energy, the “other side,” whatever name you want to give it. It is just part of the equation. It could be the “zero” compared to the “one” of lightness. Or, it could be the “one” compared the “zero.” The darkness and the light in the purest sense are not locked into their energy structures. They change… you see. They change back and forth – darkness to light. They change their personalities.
So, the question was asked – darkness versus evil. And, we said darkness is a natural state of being. It is part of duality. It is a dimension in itself. It is the partner and the lover of the light. And, they switch rolls back and forth.
Evil – which some of you know would be “live” spelled backwards – evil is an imbalanced dark, where there is so much focus on the dark, and so much focus on – what you would call – energies of perhaps anger… or hate… or emptiness… lack of love… however you want to define it. It is an imbalanced dark. It is putting a focus on the dark and trying to ignore the light.
So, the question came up from our dear Linda, “So what is it when there is imbalanced light?” And, because we were – how to say – trying to get through as many questions as possible, we deferred. But, we would like to talk about that for a moment now because it is a very important aspect of being a multiple-dimensional and a multiple-potential being on Earth. You have to understand the dynamics of light and dark.
Light… you are “light-workers.” You work in the light, eliminating the dark from the universe. That is the biggest crock, Shaumbra (some laughter). That is imbalanced also. We have a word for it here. It doesn’t really relate to any human word. But, in the best translation we can provide, we call it “anost,” anost (Tobias pronouncing this as uh-NAHST). That means an imbalance to the light. The imbalance to the light, or anost, is a denial of the dark. It is a denial of half of yourself, if not more.
There are many, many New Agers… we’re laughing here because Cauldre is… he is shaking his head at us. He says, “Now we’re going to antagonize all of the New Agers.” But, they need a bit of antagonizing, you know (some laughter). It is time that they get off of their rather soft thrones… you see.
There’s also an imbalance to the light. And, we have to laugh when we hear about the “warriors of the light.” What are you battling? You’re going to go off and battle the dark? Well, they will win because they are stronger… you see. And, because you are picking up your sword, they will pick up theirs also. And, now you have a true battle going on. Now, you have, in spite of all of your words of peace and love and all of these other things… your denial of the dark creates the battle in the first place.
The dark is simply asking to be acknowledged… you see. Now, this is a tough issue for some because of the overlay of dark. Dark has gotten a bad rap… you see… from, yes, from the churches, from everything. You can’t be dark. Dark is often equated with evil. And, it's not. It’s simply an imbalanced version, unstable version, of darkness. There is nothing wrong with darkness.
So, Shaumbra, you can be imbalanced to the light, so imbalanced that it causes your own the fortitude to go soft. Then, it causes you to talk in these esoteric lofty words about peace on Earth, but not really understanding what the dynamics are. You want to save the world without having compassion for the world.
(continued below)
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 6: "Shadow Self and Potentials; Part 2"
Featuring Tobias, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
January 7, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together once again in this beautiful, beautiful energy of Earth… what an amazing place to live and to exist and to create… what an amazing place to have yourself and your energies exist to learn in ways that you could not have done so in any of the other dimensions and in any other parts of the cosmos and the omniverse… only here… only on Earth could you do this. Dear angels, you have been all over prior to ever coming to Earth. You existed in so many different spaces and – what you would call – times, so many different dimensions, but nothing like this. It is a treasure. It is a gem here. It is an honor.
Sometimes you hear of how you volunteered, but in a sense, it is more accurate to say you were chosen, for only the angels who wanted to go to the next grandest and most expansive level were called on. Only those angels – you – heard the calling of Gabriel’s trumpet, sounding that the time was right and the consciousness of the omniverse was right to open planet Earth. You think in terms of time and space. And, you think how long it took to come here, how long it took to evolve as a species, to develop the human body and the human consciousness. But, in a sense, it was only a flash or a breath ago. It was only a breath ago that you left Home. It hasn’t been that long.
Sometimes what seems to get you down as human beings is you think this is going on for an eternity. It isn't the process that necessarily gets you down. It is the lack of speed. It is the slowness that gets you down. If you knew you would be through all of this in another year, obviously you could relax a bit. You would not be so concerned if you knew that there was some type of turnover point, what we call a “point of separation,” going from one level of consciousness or awareness into another. If you knew that it was going to happen in a relatively short order, none of the problems that plague you today would even seem like problems.
So, we have to chuckle sometimes when you call on us, which you do almost nightly (some audience laughter), and say, “Dear – or damn – Tobias,” depending on the night, “I’m going through all of this trauma in my life, all of this suffering and misery, and I don't know who I am anymore.” And, that, by the way, is a good thing. You went through all of this, and I say, lovingly and gently back to you, “Dear one, have patience.”
Your answer almost universally among Shaumbra is, “Patience, my ass!” (much audience laughter) “I’m tired of patience, you say. I’m so weary with the process, with the time that it takes, not the actual process or experience, but how long it seems to linger.” Guess what, Shaumbra, you can change it. And, I have tried to explain to you, but you tend to tune me out at this point. So, I will tell you now, and you can tune me out for the rest of this Shoud.
But… so let us change time. You wear that thing on your arm, that wristwatch. You have your mechanical devices on the walls. But, truly there is no such thing as time, not as you know it anyway. We don't have watches on our side. And, quite frankly we get somewhat bored and held back by the tedious nature of the time overlay that you operate under… you see… because when you are in a time zone and we are here as your loyal and faithful servants – unpaid, of course – but loyal and faithful (some laughter), we fall into a time frame also. And, it is very difficult for us.
So, perhaps during this Shoud today we can begin to expand time. We can begin to transcend it, to use it when we want to use it, when you want to use it, and not use it when it is not appropriate. No one said that there had to be 24 hours in a day. If you took away all of your clocks and watches and time devices, and then you took away the effects of the sun, which comes up at certain times and sets at certain times, you would have no concept of time. Time would mean very little to you at that point.
You could then more easily open up to the multi-dimensional nature, the potential, the shadow of timelessness. Then, you could use it to your advantage, however you want it. There are some times, of course, when you want time to go very slowly – when you are enjoying music, enjoying the company of friends, meditating, when you are taking a long walk. When you are sitting through a good movie, you want the movie to last forever and ever sometimes. There are many times when time can be stretched.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, other than consciousness overlay, that says time is fixed. But, you have bought into it. You said that “I have to be to work at a certain time.” Well, first of all, you should quit your jobs. Then, you wouldn’t have that problem (some laughter), as we have said over and over, Shaumbra. Ultimately, you want to become self-employed, actively self-unemployed, if you want to put it precisely.
So, if you didn’t have this element of time dragging out the difficulties or anxieties, the challenges of living on planet Earth, it wouldn’t seem nearly so difficult. So, let us begin this Shoud by opening up time itself, by breaking through its barriers. Your society is more and more time-oriented. We’re not saying that you’re going to dispel time, or get rid of it altogether. We’re saying you are going to use it when it serves you and ignore when it doesn't. You are going to stretch it out when it is appropriate, and condense it and compact it when it isn't. What an amazing thing… a group of humans actually ignoring the boundaries and limitations of time.
Now, right away we see some of you are worried about showing up to appointments late. And, perhaps you should experience that for a few times, what it is like. Does the world fall apart? No! Do those people in that meeting truly have to have your energy? No… they can continue without you, sad enough to say (some laughter). Are you going to miss your rightful position if you miss that meeting? Probably… probably, you are going to be then basically fading out of existence at that place that you’re working with. But, that's what you’re asking for anyway.
You see... you ask for that new job. But, you want us to guarantee that you’re going to get it before you leave the old one. Ah… ah, dear Shaumbra, that is a chasm you must cross over. You must in your own heart lovingly and fully release what you are ready to release. And, if you’re not ready to do it, hang onto it. If it still serves you, hang onto it. But, when you’re ready to let go, let go completely and see what happens.
Your fears come up. You say, “But then how will I pay my bills?” Well, how about if you created a more abundant type of working situation? How about if you created a new way that abundance rolled in? It doesn't have to be another job. It doesn't have to be a singular one-on-one replacement, old job/new job. That is linear thinking, Old Energy thinking. And, it is also tedious thinking. And, it is a type that wears you down, that wears your mind down. We’re going to transcend this whole issue of time, one of the greatest overlays that there are.
I am here today with the energy of dear Adamus-Saint Germain. We’re here together. You’ll notice, if you listen for a moment… listen for a moment… notice… feel… and be aware of different layers of energy that are operating simultaneously. You think you're listening to one voice. You are listening to many voices simultaneously right now. You think that the words are coming out of Cauldre, in through his – what do you call that? – microphone, into the microphone and in through your system – thank you (to Linda) – in through your system. But, you are not. You just have been led to believe that. You have been led to focus on it.
What you are hearing right now is that and more. What you are hearing right now is I, Tobias. I’m standing right next to you. You’re not hearing this through the sound system. You’re hearing it because I'm right at the back of your head right there. I’m talking to you in a different way.
And, you're hearing the energy of Adamus-Saint Germain. Saint Germain is right there in front of you… he says, pointing to his head. He is talking to you also. You are hearing a voice; you’re hearing voices all simultaneously. Oh, and then there is a whole chorus in here, the chorus of Shaumbra that is talking. You’re all talking. You're all Shouding right along with all of us right now. They’re all over the world, Shaumbra. They are, and they’re talking. We’re talking in unison as one voice, as many voices, as one concept, as multiple concepts.
And, you say, “But, but I can’t hear anything.” But, yes, you can actually, if you expand. We’re glad that Cauldre did as we asked him to do at the beginning of this gathering today – expand the energy, expand your energy. Yes, that means your imagination. Trust in your imagination so much that you can open up and hear. Hearing doesn't have to just come from the physical ears. Hearing is a divine sense, as well. It's just there. It’s just there.
We are going to tell you something a little bit later in the Shoud today – you’re going to tell yourself actually – about this whole arena of imagination, of multiple levels, of why sometimes you get stuck. That is the primary topic of our discussion today. What's blocking you? What's getting you stuck? It’s really not much. You like to believe it is sometimes. But, it's really not much. We’re going to talk about that.
But, for a moment just listen to the magic of the many voices. Oh, some of them are also being carried through the actual literal voice and vibration of Cauldre. You see, Cauldre… he gets embarrassed when we talk about him. But, Cauldre has spent many lifetimes training as a channeler. And, one of the important things for any of you who channel isn't just about opening up so we can come through. It is about opening up so you can come through also. You open up all of the pipelines – us, yourself, the ones you are channeling or Shouding for. You open all of these. So, Cauldre studied that, as many of you have in the past.
But, there is also something else that happens in studying about channeling –how to literally bring all of these dimensional energetic aspects through your voice. When Cauldre channels, also coming through his physical voice are the vibrations of us and you. It is a channeler’s gift, a channeler’s obligation to train the voice that extends all the way literally down into the belly and comes up all the way through the lungs, the chest, the throat, and the mouth, to channel in the physical energies as well.
So, you are in “surround-sound” today. It is coming from every different direction. Why? Well, so you’ll hear it… if you don't hear from one source, you’ll hear it from the other, but also because you are multi-dimensional. As we sit chatting with you right now, there is energy being poured down through into your space, into your realm, energy of different dimensional aspects that then correspond with dimensional aspects or shadows of you… you see.
So, this is much more than the singular you sitting in the chairs, Cauldre sitting here channeling. It is happening on every level. Whether you are aware of it or not, it is happening on every level. An amazing thing… it is the New Energy way of living, multi-dimensional, multi-potentiated, all at one time. And, you know, it's not coming from somewhere else. It's not coming in from the ethers. And, it’s not necessarily even coming from us. It was there all of the time, waiting, waiting for you to allow it to come in and play.
So, today Saint Germain, I, Tobias, the angels who accompany us, other Shaumbra all gathered here to go to the next level… the first step, time… transcending time. You don’t have to get mental about it. You don't have to sit down with your watch and stare at it and try to shift it and shape it. You just have to understand that time is flexible. Humans have made it quite inflexible.
But, at its core… just feel the core of time for a minute. Don’t define it, just feel it. Feel the core of time, the set-up behind it, why it is there, how it has served you. Not in your head… if you’re feeling pressure in your head, take a deep breath, feel time. At its core energy it can be easily expanded.
Sometimes you tell yourself that it’s going to take so many minutes or hours to do a task. And, then you say, “But I can only do so much task in the allotted amount of time of day.” Well, then it becomes true. But, now say to yourself, for instance, “Someday I’m going to do many tasks. I’m going to accomplish many things in a very compressed period of time. They will just get done efficiently and effectively without having to get neurotic or hyper about it. They will just process in the time incubator in a very short period. And, that leaves me more time – or “un-time” – to do the things I truly want to do for myself.”
Yes, there will always be tasks. There are tasks here on our side of the veil, too. But, we put those into time – how to say – types of capsules so the tasks are taken care of very easily. And, it allows more “un-time” for us to do the things we love to do… you see.
So, Shaumbra, today we’re going to go back to the Shaumbra Service Center. We were there a few months ago. This is an energy, an imaginary place that is very real. Yes, I love that – an imaginary place that is very real. You think that the two are not compatible, but they're absolutely compatible. The imagination and reality – they actually are the same thing. It's only how the energy manifests; that is different… you see.
So, we’re going to the Shaumbra Service Center today because it is a wonderful place. Your energy is there. It is a wonderful place to talk about the issues, about blockages, about opening up to potentials. It is a wonderful place to open yourself up. We’re going to be doing a little – how to say – group exercise today in opening up. We’re going to be doing some energy moving to be sure. We’re going to talk about some concepts and some philosophies.
So, let us all join together, bring our energies together in the Shaumbra Service Center. It doesn’t take any effort. It doesn’t take any pushing. Don't force your mind. If you choose to be there, then you are.
Your Shaumbra Service Center, your impression of its energies may differ somewhat than the person sitting next to you. That is appropriate. In the outer, or the expanded realms, everyone has a different take on the energies. If you’re seeing a beautifully carpeted floor with thick, thick carpeting that you can just lay on in the Shaumbra Service Center, but the person next to you feels and perceives wood floors, that’s because they exist together here. Carpet, wood, tile, dirt, water – you see, it is multi-dimensional. Which potential do you want to pick up on? It is up you to you.
So, we sit here in the Shaumbra Service Center renewing our energy. We are in a safe space to allow us to release some of the blocks, to allow us to look beyond who we think we are. So, take a deep breath and feel the energy.
And, by the way, we have to chide a few of you here. You run into trouble. Some of you have run into some very interesting, traumatic troubles over these past few holiday weeks of yours… what a wonderful time for drama! You get into trouble. Then, you get overwhelmed. You get down. You get depressed. And, then some of you get a bit maudlin as well. You let this dictate your life.
And, then you curse, and you say, “But I’m learning all of these things at the Shouds. But, it must be not for me. Or, it must not be real because then I run into all of these troubles and these traumas with my family, with my job. How could I possibly be Shaumbra if I just got fired the day before Christmas?” I know you’re out there… we heard. “How could that happen to me?”
Shaumbra, instead of getting upset and angry, instead of doing the “poor-me,” or instead of, more than anything else, instead of feeling that you’re not worthy of all of this, stop for a moment. Come over here to the Shaumbra Service Center. Many times it is absolutely vacant and empty. There are no Shaumbra in here at all. You can have the place to yourself.
Come here… sit down… take a deep breath. Bring your troubles with you if you want. As a matter of fact it is an excellent place to process, to look at or observe your troubles and to really see the shadow behind what you think are your problems. Come to the Shaumbra Service Center. Don't waste your energy in all of these other things. Come here for a moment. Call us in – I, Tobias, Saint Germain, Quan Yin, Ohama. Call us in. Have us sit with you if you want. Don’t ask us to solve your problem though because you know our answer to you. What’s inside? What does it feel like to you?
Now, you ask yourself sitting here in the Shaumbra Service Center, “So what is behind this issue? Why is it that I just got fired? Why is it that my body has been feeling so out of whack lately? Why is it that I’m having continual problems with my family? Why is it that I want to leave my spouse, but I can't seem to do it? I’m miserable, but I can't leave.” Well, come here… sit down… take a deep breath… have a glass of water. Indeed, you can; you can have a glass of water right here. Try it.
For some of you, you think, “Well, this is just silly.” Yes, it is, but not nearly as silly as being a one-dimensional human stuck on Earth. That is really silly. You don't have to be there. So, have a glass of water. Refresh a little bit. Take a deep breath, and say out loud or within yourself, “What is it with this? What is it?” Now, the minute you say that, everything goes to work. The answer has to come to you. It has to, sooner or later.
If you're stuck in your head, and you’re trying to figure it out there, then the answer will have a hard time making itself known to you. It will be right there. And, sometimes we can see the answer floating around your energy field. And, we have to say, “Dear God, why can’t they see it as clearly as we see it?” It’s because you are in your brain.
You are operating in the – what we would call – the near dimensions. You’re not operating in the creative dimensions. We’ll talk about that in just a moment. Get out of your head for a bit. Let go of the question. Stop trying to figure it out. “Dear Spirit, dear self, dear Shaumbra, what is with this abundance issue that’s in my life right now or lack of abundance? Why am I all of a sudden hit with all these bills, and my car breaks down, my rent just went up, and I lost my job?”
Put it out there… you see. You’re really putting it in there actually. You’re putting it into yourself. You’re listening from within. Let go for a while. Stop thinking about it. You’ve already posed the question. Anytime any angel or human asks a question – one of the most beautiful things in the world – it sets up a dynamic where the answer comes flowing in. It has to. It's a natural response from what you call the universe. But, it’s actually a natural response from yourself.
What is happening is that you pose the question, yourself. All levels say, “Oh, it is time to move on.” There is a desire for answers and understanding. They’re tired of going through the experience. And, now we create, or we bring forth, the answer that was always there anyway.
Now, here you are… you’ve posed your question. You let go. Go off… sit in the Shaumbra Service Center… drink water… take a swim in the pool… sit in the hot tub… sit under the waterfall, one of the most popular places here. There is a beautiful, beautiful waterfall. The water is warm. The water doesn't crash down on you; it’s in slow motion… you see… because here you can even slow down the effects of space. And, the water cascades over you.
Just sit there for a little while. Breathe… turn on some music. We have every possible type of music here, every music that was ever put on to – what you call – your CD’s. Every tune that was ever thought about but never written down is here. Celestial music… we even have country-western (some laughter).
So, you’ve let go. Now, don’t put a time restriction or limitation on when the answer should be there. That starts to mess everything up. Let it come in, timeless… you see. You are timeless. All of your answers are timeless. Don't say, “I need that answer in five minutes,” because now you’ve put a spin or an imbalanced energy on the question to begin with. Go timeless here. Some of you are saying, “But, what if takes a year?” Well, what if it does take a year? You still will have the answer, won’t you? Don’t worry about time here in the Shaumbra Service Center. Be timeless. The answers will come in.
So, Shaumbra, the question was asked in our Shoud last month, the question about darkness. Someone asked the question, “What is the difference between darkness and evil?” And, in the short way we responded and said, “Darkness is a natural state of being.”
Darkness can be called many other names, negative. It can be called the feminine energy. It can be called the “other” energy, the “other side,” whatever name you want to give it. It is just part of the equation. It could be the “zero” compared to the “one” of lightness. Or, it could be the “one” compared the “zero.” The darkness and the light in the purest sense are not locked into their energy structures. They change… you see. They change back and forth – darkness to light. They change their personalities.
So, the question was asked – darkness versus evil. And, we said darkness is a natural state of being. It is part of duality. It is a dimension in itself. It is the partner and the lover of the light. And, they switch rolls back and forth.
Evil – which some of you know would be “live” spelled backwards – evil is an imbalanced dark, where there is so much focus on the dark, and so much focus on – what you would call – energies of perhaps anger… or hate… or emptiness… lack of love… however you want to define it. It is an imbalanced dark. It is putting a focus on the dark and trying to ignore the light.
So, the question came up from our dear Linda, “So what is it when there is imbalanced light?” And, because we were – how to say – trying to get through as many questions as possible, we deferred. But, we would like to talk about that for a moment now because it is a very important aspect of being a multiple-dimensional and a multiple-potential being on Earth. You have to understand the dynamics of light and dark.
Light… you are “light-workers.” You work in the light, eliminating the dark from the universe. That is the biggest crock, Shaumbra (some laughter). That is imbalanced also. We have a word for it here. It doesn’t really relate to any human word. But, in the best translation we can provide, we call it “anost,” anost (Tobias pronouncing this as uh-NAHST). That means an imbalance to the light. The imbalance to the light, or anost, is a denial of the dark. It is a denial of half of yourself, if not more.
There are many, many New Agers… we’re laughing here because Cauldre is… he is shaking his head at us. He says, “Now we’re going to antagonize all of the New Agers.” But, they need a bit of antagonizing, you know (some laughter). It is time that they get off of their rather soft thrones… you see.
There’s also an imbalance to the light. And, we have to laugh when we hear about the “warriors of the light.” What are you battling? You’re going to go off and battle the dark? Well, they will win because they are stronger… you see. And, because you are picking up your sword, they will pick up theirs also. And, now you have a true battle going on. Now, you have, in spite of all of your words of peace and love and all of these other things… your denial of the dark creates the battle in the first place.
The dark is simply asking to be acknowledged… you see. Now, this is a tough issue for some because of the overlay of dark. Dark has gotten a bad rap… you see… from, yes, from the churches, from everything. You can’t be dark. Dark is often equated with evil. And, it's not. It’s simply an imbalanced version, unstable version, of darkness. There is nothing wrong with darkness.
So, Shaumbra, you can be imbalanced to the light, so imbalanced that it causes your own the fortitude to go soft. Then, it causes you to talk in these esoteric lofty words about peace on Earth, but not really understanding what the dynamics are. You want to save the world without having compassion for the world.
(continued below)