Post by Sowelu on Oct 13, 2005 23:10:51 GMT -5
Though this is not a new channeling, and perhaps others have read it before, I stumbled upon it today and find it to be the best description/explanation of these matters I've come across to date.
Considering some of the conversations we've been having lately, as well as just to gain a clearer understanding of changes, I thought I'd post this. THIS IS AN EXCERPT from a July 2001 Kryon channeling, the full channeling can be found here:
The Magnetic Grid and You
The grid system of the earth is specific in its purpose. It is fine-tuned, and it exists for only one reason: Human setup. Although you might think it is a geological attribute of the physics of the planet, it is more than that. It is a DNA delivery engine! That is what the grid system does. It talks to Humanity Human-by-Human, and it is part of who you are personally. It helps to both separate you and also unite you. It gives you setups, challenges, solutions, and love. It is what some of you relate to even when you think about God! Some would say, "Kryon, I don't like that idea of physics entering the realm of spirituality. I don't like the grid of the earth being part spiritual." I will say to you... it is the way of it! For as creators that you are, you have created everything that you have before you, including the test, the duality, the contracts, and the engine that administers them to your cellular structure. You cannot separate Spirit from your reality. You might wish to believe that it is somehow above that which is physical, but the truth is that it is the center of all that is physical. You can't leave God out of anything!
We are going to reveal some of the attributes of what you call your DNA. The magnetic grid of the planet is complicated, but it has remained chiefly as a delivery system to Humanity for many, many years. There has been very little change in terms of what it does, for Humanity never looked "up" to consider that the grid might be a changeable thing. Humanity never gave intent to claim the power of what was at the cellular level, or to consider what might be changeable within their lives. Even the prophets of old gave you information that you could change everything, yet you did not. Only seemingly at the 11th hour of the plan you created did you decide to change your reality, and you did. In order to do that, a grid-changing entourage arrived in 1989, which to me is now. In your time frame, a shift of the magnetic grid began, and now you know why. Your intent to create a new reality of Earth demanded that the "engine" of magnetics be changed to allow you to excel. Let me continue.
In order to accomplish the New Jerusalem - in order for solutions to begin - in order for you to change the very essence of why you are here - in order for longer life - in order for revealed science - in order for Spirit to speak through Human Beings as a normal event of life, all of the communication through the posturing of the magnetics that speaks to your DNA had to be "changed." And so it was that the grid system began to move! You moved it! Those that called themselves Lightworkers felt it, and those who were spiritual felt it. It began gradually to change and then accelerated. The actual changing of the grid was far more than the magnetics that you can measure on a compass. The very spiritual aspects of the ley lines, their shape, their uniformity, their synchronicity with other ley lines, changed to create a new setup, and a new earth potential. Instead of termination, you rode this wave of change, and here you sit one year away from its completion, lightworker! We know that some of you have felt the move of the grid. We know of your anxiousness, but there are things that are beginning to fall into place as the move settles and the new posturing of this magnetic energy comes to a close, where it will begin to affect the planet differently and finally become stable.
Let me tell you about the grid. In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have said that you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. That is so. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not see-able in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Do you see? Ten you cannot see, and two you can.
Let me tell you about your DNA. It is magnetic, and therefore it responds to the grid! With respect to magnetics, gravity, time, and matter placement: There is a puzzle here that has never been unraveled. It never could be within your old 4D paradigm. Now, suddenly in this new energy, your science begins to understand that there are at least 11 dimensions at the heart of every atom of matter. (We have told you that there are 12.) And suddenly you are beginning to understand that even time is variable. Later, there will also be the acknowledgment that the displacement of matter from one area to another is also part of this equation. There is one specific formula whose attributes are gravity, magnetics, time, and the location of matter. They all come together in a grand dance that will be the "mother lode" of physics when it is discovered and understood. When it is ready, this information will be brought to you, but for now, let me tell you about the "pattern" of how this works for your DNA.
DNA - Astrological Energy
As the solar system moves around, it creates different gravitational attributes and actual patterns between the parts. Each planet around the sun revolves independently on its course, and during each independent minute of time, this gravitational scenario creates a different setup of magnetism and gravity within the influence of your sun. In the time frame that you have selected - which, by the way, has shifted greatly in the last two years - there is a pattern that is delivered to the sun that is at the center of the orbits, and therefore at the fulcrum of the gravitational source. The magnetic/gravitational pattern developed through the movements of the planets (including Earth, and also all the moons of the planets including your own) is delivered to the earth via what you call the solar wind - energy that is always passing from the sun to the earth. The solar wind delivers it onto the grid, for both are magnetic, and information is transferred within the influence of the field of the wind and that of the grid. The grid pattern, therefore, changes daily! It is interesting to note that the magnetic grid of the earth is actually a product of the physics of Earth, but its purpose for you is as a communication engine for Human DNA. Here is another example of how the physical earth is alive with cooperation for Humanity.
One of the attributes of what is imprinted upon your DNA at birth is the oldest science on Earth, and you have called it astrology. We have just given you science that explains astrology. Its science that is not fully understood or known, but it's science. When the "mother lode" physics formula is known regarding magnetics, gravity, time, and the location of matter, it will explain astrology. Meanwhile, you come to the planet, and imprinted upon your DNA - on one of the interdimensional layers - is this astrological information, the pattern of the solar system's magnetics and gravity when you were born. The name for the pattern, which you have given in astrological terms, establishes a setup, a personality type, a type of reaction to Human cause and effect. It is a magnetic/biological setup, as you know, continuing through your life, causing you to react to the solar system that created it, as well as others on the earth in specific, predictable ways.
DNA - Life Lesson
At the same time on another layer of your interdimensional DNA, comes "life lesson," not contracts, nor karma, but life lessons. What is your Achilles’ heel? What do you react to most? What is your purpose? Some of you have come here with profound reactions to authority. Some with a spiritual overlay. Life lesson is not karma. It's the big issue that is often developed from what has happened with your energy before. Some of you have come in with a life lesson that has to do with abundance issues that have been discussed even on this day [within the lecture portion].
Some of you have come in with a life lesson that is only about love. What have you created for yourselves around love: the love for one another, the love of your children, the love for your parents? What have you created for yourselves? What is the life lesson? Who are you (really)? This is all imprinted on your DNA - your choice, your pattern, your permission. Contract is only a beginning setup. There has to be a framework of reality for you to live within - a framework that you can change - a beginning posturing. Here is an unspoken thing we have never said: As you change your reality, all of you change your contract. The most profound part of co-creation, the missing piece that you have never truly understood, is that you do it with you! It is not procedural. It does not require anything more than your claiming the "intent" of the reality that you have - then requiring it to move. It is an opening structure only. Therefore, it is changeable!
Those of you who said, "I signed a contract and I've got to do this and that," misunderstand what this and that is. How many signatures are on a contract? Two! Whom is it with? It's with you! Therefore, when you give intent to change the contract, both signatures change simultaneously. We give you this metaphor so that you might understand the power you have to take the path you think you designed and to move off of it, designing another one. But the beginning contract is given to you through the magnetic grid of this planet. Karma is the other one.
DNA - Karma
We define karma perhaps differently than you do. We call it "unfinished energy." Its finish-able at any time you wish, through a number of methods. When we first arrived here as a collective grid-moving entity-group, we spoke to you about your ability to void this attribute of karma - to finish unfinished energy. This unfinished energy from what you call your past, which we call your now, lays upon many of you even this day right where you are hearing or reading. You've never understood it. Some of you have seen it as a plight. Some of have just agreed it would always be with you, not understanding for a moment that you could void it by simply claiming the fact. But the karma was in the old energy, before the marker was delivered to you in this fashion. Let me give you a secret, to allow some of this to now begin to make sense. Do you know what the difference between the old Human in the old energy and the new Human in the new energy is? It's in the DNA! Let me give you this new piece of information: Pure-bred Indigo children are born without karma! Now, look at the Indigos and what they are trying to do. Look at how they act and react. This information may explain a great deal about what you are seeing in the children... and it's not about unfinished business. It's about new business.
One of the attributes of the Indigos is that they are born with an overview that you did not have, and is still unnamed by you. It's something upon their DNA layers that was never a part of what you had. Call it life lesson if you wish. I'm going to call it earth lesson. The Indigos are here for a purpose - collectively, and they know what it is. It is to begin to create the New Jerusalem [the metaphor Kryon uses for peace on Earth].
In the old energy, there was never an attribute placed within the DNA that was specific to the earth, and now there is. Your indigenous peoples had to learn it, and your modern society threw it away, but the new children come in with it intact: Your karmic lessons, contracts, and karma were all about you and your personal growth. Now, suddenly, the Indigos carry full knowledge about what they can do for the earth, and this will be the passion for many of them.
DNA - The Vows
Those of you who understand the vows know that these promises to God from what you call your past are placed upon you at birth as a continuation of what you started, regarding the energy between you, personally, and God. There is nothing as strong as the energy of a vow - a promise to God; "Dear God, I promise to be poor so I can focus on you." Here you are, fulfilling it!
"God, I promise not to have Human relationships, ever, and instead, concentrate on you. I vow to be celibate."
Then, of course, when you aren't faithful to this vow, you feel guilt. We have spoken so many times about this and have said it is active in some of you - not a passing thing.
This vow energy is delivered to your DNA in an active way. It is not something in a book that lies there ready to be discovered. It is real and active and pokes you every day. It reminds you about the vow you gave. We have said this before: You can neutralize it and change it, dear Human Being! You can move from the old to the new energy. It's not difficult and only requires "intent." Remember, intent is not asking; it is claiming your Divinity. Intent is something you always had and always will. Intent is reaching onto a personal shelf that has always existed and pulling off the things that you need and designed before you got here.
(continued below)
Considering some of the conversations we've been having lately, as well as just to gain a clearer understanding of changes, I thought I'd post this. THIS IS AN EXCERPT from a July 2001 Kryon channeling, the full channeling can be found here:
The Grid and DNA
The Magnetic Grid and You
The grid system of the earth is specific in its purpose. It is fine-tuned, and it exists for only one reason: Human setup. Although you might think it is a geological attribute of the physics of the planet, it is more than that. It is a DNA delivery engine! That is what the grid system does. It talks to Humanity Human-by-Human, and it is part of who you are personally. It helps to both separate you and also unite you. It gives you setups, challenges, solutions, and love. It is what some of you relate to even when you think about God! Some would say, "Kryon, I don't like that idea of physics entering the realm of spirituality. I don't like the grid of the earth being part spiritual." I will say to you... it is the way of it! For as creators that you are, you have created everything that you have before you, including the test, the duality, the contracts, and the engine that administers them to your cellular structure. You cannot separate Spirit from your reality. You might wish to believe that it is somehow above that which is physical, but the truth is that it is the center of all that is physical. You can't leave God out of anything!
We are going to reveal some of the attributes of what you call your DNA. The magnetic grid of the planet is complicated, but it has remained chiefly as a delivery system to Humanity for many, many years. There has been very little change in terms of what it does, for Humanity never looked "up" to consider that the grid might be a changeable thing. Humanity never gave intent to claim the power of what was at the cellular level, or to consider what might be changeable within their lives. Even the prophets of old gave you information that you could change everything, yet you did not. Only seemingly at the 11th hour of the plan you created did you decide to change your reality, and you did. In order to do that, a grid-changing entourage arrived in 1989, which to me is now. In your time frame, a shift of the magnetic grid began, and now you know why. Your intent to create a new reality of Earth demanded that the "engine" of magnetics be changed to allow you to excel. Let me continue.
In order to accomplish the New Jerusalem - in order for solutions to begin - in order for you to change the very essence of why you are here - in order for longer life - in order for revealed science - in order for Spirit to speak through Human Beings as a normal event of life, all of the communication through the posturing of the magnetics that speaks to your DNA had to be "changed." And so it was that the grid system began to move! You moved it! Those that called themselves Lightworkers felt it, and those who were spiritual felt it. It began gradually to change and then accelerated. The actual changing of the grid was far more than the magnetics that you can measure on a compass. The very spiritual aspects of the ley lines, their shape, their uniformity, their synchronicity with other ley lines, changed to create a new setup, and a new earth potential. Instead of termination, you rode this wave of change, and here you sit one year away from its completion, lightworker! We know that some of you have felt the move of the grid. We know of your anxiousness, but there are things that are beginning to fall into place as the move settles and the new posturing of this magnetic energy comes to a close, where it will begin to affect the planet differently and finally become stable.
Let me tell you about the grid. In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have said that you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. That is so. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not see-able in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Do you see? Ten you cannot see, and two you can.
Let me tell you about your DNA. It is magnetic, and therefore it responds to the grid! With respect to magnetics, gravity, time, and matter placement: There is a puzzle here that has never been unraveled. It never could be within your old 4D paradigm. Now, suddenly in this new energy, your science begins to understand that there are at least 11 dimensions at the heart of every atom of matter. (We have told you that there are 12.) And suddenly you are beginning to understand that even time is variable. Later, there will also be the acknowledgment that the displacement of matter from one area to another is also part of this equation. There is one specific formula whose attributes are gravity, magnetics, time, and the location of matter. They all come together in a grand dance that will be the "mother lode" of physics when it is discovered and understood. When it is ready, this information will be brought to you, but for now, let me tell you about the "pattern" of how this works for your DNA.
DNA - Astrological Energy
As the solar system moves around, it creates different gravitational attributes and actual patterns between the parts. Each planet around the sun revolves independently on its course, and during each independent minute of time, this gravitational scenario creates a different setup of magnetism and gravity within the influence of your sun. In the time frame that you have selected - which, by the way, has shifted greatly in the last two years - there is a pattern that is delivered to the sun that is at the center of the orbits, and therefore at the fulcrum of the gravitational source. The magnetic/gravitational pattern developed through the movements of the planets (including Earth, and also all the moons of the planets including your own) is delivered to the earth via what you call the solar wind - energy that is always passing from the sun to the earth. The solar wind delivers it onto the grid, for both are magnetic, and information is transferred within the influence of the field of the wind and that of the grid. The grid pattern, therefore, changes daily! It is interesting to note that the magnetic grid of the earth is actually a product of the physics of Earth, but its purpose for you is as a communication engine for Human DNA. Here is another example of how the physical earth is alive with cooperation for Humanity.
One of the attributes of what is imprinted upon your DNA at birth is the oldest science on Earth, and you have called it astrology. We have just given you science that explains astrology. Its science that is not fully understood or known, but it's science. When the "mother lode" physics formula is known regarding magnetics, gravity, time, and the location of matter, it will explain astrology. Meanwhile, you come to the planet, and imprinted upon your DNA - on one of the interdimensional layers - is this astrological information, the pattern of the solar system's magnetics and gravity when you were born. The name for the pattern, which you have given in astrological terms, establishes a setup, a personality type, a type of reaction to Human cause and effect. It is a magnetic/biological setup, as you know, continuing through your life, causing you to react to the solar system that created it, as well as others on the earth in specific, predictable ways.
DNA - Life Lesson
At the same time on another layer of your interdimensional DNA, comes "life lesson," not contracts, nor karma, but life lessons. What is your Achilles’ heel? What do you react to most? What is your purpose? Some of you have come here with profound reactions to authority. Some with a spiritual overlay. Life lesson is not karma. It's the big issue that is often developed from what has happened with your energy before. Some of you have come in with a life lesson that has to do with abundance issues that have been discussed even on this day [within the lecture portion].
Some of you have come in with a life lesson that is only about love. What have you created for yourselves around love: the love for one another, the love of your children, the love for your parents? What have you created for yourselves? What is the life lesson? Who are you (really)? This is all imprinted on your DNA - your choice, your pattern, your permission. Contract is only a beginning setup. There has to be a framework of reality for you to live within - a framework that you can change - a beginning posturing. Here is an unspoken thing we have never said: As you change your reality, all of you change your contract. The most profound part of co-creation, the missing piece that you have never truly understood, is that you do it with you! It is not procedural. It does not require anything more than your claiming the "intent" of the reality that you have - then requiring it to move. It is an opening structure only. Therefore, it is changeable!
Those of you who said, "I signed a contract and I've got to do this and that," misunderstand what this and that is. How many signatures are on a contract? Two! Whom is it with? It's with you! Therefore, when you give intent to change the contract, both signatures change simultaneously. We give you this metaphor so that you might understand the power you have to take the path you think you designed and to move off of it, designing another one. But the beginning contract is given to you through the magnetic grid of this planet. Karma is the other one.
DNA - Karma
We define karma perhaps differently than you do. We call it "unfinished energy." Its finish-able at any time you wish, through a number of methods. When we first arrived here as a collective grid-moving entity-group, we spoke to you about your ability to void this attribute of karma - to finish unfinished energy. This unfinished energy from what you call your past, which we call your now, lays upon many of you even this day right where you are hearing or reading. You've never understood it. Some of you have seen it as a plight. Some of have just agreed it would always be with you, not understanding for a moment that you could void it by simply claiming the fact. But the karma was in the old energy, before the marker was delivered to you in this fashion. Let me give you a secret, to allow some of this to now begin to make sense. Do you know what the difference between the old Human in the old energy and the new Human in the new energy is? It's in the DNA! Let me give you this new piece of information: Pure-bred Indigo children are born without karma! Now, look at the Indigos and what they are trying to do. Look at how they act and react. This information may explain a great deal about what you are seeing in the children... and it's not about unfinished business. It's about new business.
One of the attributes of the Indigos is that they are born with an overview that you did not have, and is still unnamed by you. It's something upon their DNA layers that was never a part of what you had. Call it life lesson if you wish. I'm going to call it earth lesson. The Indigos are here for a purpose - collectively, and they know what it is. It is to begin to create the New Jerusalem [the metaphor Kryon uses for peace on Earth].
In the old energy, there was never an attribute placed within the DNA that was specific to the earth, and now there is. Your indigenous peoples had to learn it, and your modern society threw it away, but the new children come in with it intact: Your karmic lessons, contracts, and karma were all about you and your personal growth. Now, suddenly, the Indigos carry full knowledge about what they can do for the earth, and this will be the passion for many of them.
DNA - The Vows
Those of you who understand the vows know that these promises to God from what you call your past are placed upon you at birth as a continuation of what you started, regarding the energy between you, personally, and God. There is nothing as strong as the energy of a vow - a promise to God; "Dear God, I promise to be poor so I can focus on you." Here you are, fulfilling it!
"God, I promise not to have Human relationships, ever, and instead, concentrate on you. I vow to be celibate."
Then, of course, when you aren't faithful to this vow, you feel guilt. We have spoken so many times about this and have said it is active in some of you - not a passing thing.
This vow energy is delivered to your DNA in an active way. It is not something in a book that lies there ready to be discovered. It is real and active and pokes you every day. It reminds you about the vow you gave. We have said this before: You can neutralize it and change it, dear Human Being! You can move from the old to the new energy. It's not difficult and only requires "intent." Remember, intent is not asking; it is claiming your Divinity. Intent is something you always had and always will. Intent is reaching onto a personal shelf that has always existed and pulling off the things that you need and designed before you got here.
(continued below)