Post by Sowelu on May 3, 2006 1:44:06 GMT -5
The Elven Awakening Is Now
by Monsool through David Bower[/b]
channel for the teachers of the Elven realm[/size]
There is a story circulating around your earth plane at the moment that suggests your current incarnate space was seeded by Elven and Angelic Light, and I am here to contribute my light to that premise. For in the archives of your planetary histories, long before anything resembling your current life pattern walked upon the surface of your earth mother, there is written the truth of a glorious mix of evolutionary lights, weaving the threads of creation on this planet.
I am Monsool, and I speak to you on behalf of the Elven elders, who sit in council and serve as teachers to the Elven realm, and to any realm that has been touched by our evolutionary light. The Elven world is far older and more widespread throughout the One Creator’s light than you can conceive in human thought. The Elven energies of eons past have been caretakers of planets and stars. We have guided the course of evolutionary threads in service to the One Creator. We have conjured and we have decimated entire dimensions of light, all in service to the One Light.
We in the world of Elven have waited since the dawn of humanity for the events that are unfolding now upon your planet, or to be more accurate, upon what you perceive to be your planet. For in the realms of light, where creations are born, your earth and all you perceive with your first five senses are simply a collection of overlaid patterns of thought, woven together by countless incarnations of human-like beings.
The Elven have contributed much to this weave of thought, long before anything resembling human walked upon this plane of yours. We have served the One Creator as caretakers for this plane of consciousness for spans of evolutionary time beyond your understanding.
What is evolutionary time? It is the truth of the One Creator’s force. Each reality construct formed by the thought emanations of evolutionary beings establishes a framework, a lattice, within which evolutionary processes may experience themselves. Therefore, each reality has a unique context of understanding.
I am here, now, among the energies of your plane as a bridge between the ancient wisdom of Elven and the emerging vibration of a new human experience. I shall guide the process of delivering the knowledge of the Elven Way in a form that is usable during this phase of your conscious awakening.
You must know in your heart you are awakening. Your evolving awareness is the key to the Great Change that you have set in motion by your participation in this sacred process. Your awakening and your awareness of that awakening are your keys to unfolding all that you have planned for your Self and for this multi-layered reality you call earth.
I am an ancient light of the warrior class. It is my choice to maintain this vibrational form in service to the One Creator’s light. As you read these words, you may feel a resonance of recognition in your heart, for there are many among you who have experienced my light in spaces far removed from this human world. I shall shine a light, now, upon your understanding of realms known as Elven.
As Elven we trace our source to the core light of the One Creator, when the stirrings of evolutionary desire caused a ripple in the sea of particle light. This ripple of light radiated forth through all facets of created light until a trine of reflected force vibrations wove themselves into a new pattern of light, the seed vibration of the Elven experience.
The Elven evolutionary experience has encompassed realms of light beyond the bounds of your current understanding. The Elven light has dwelled in the worlds of water and it has walked upon dimensional planes such as earth. The Elven light has inhabited forests of magical light, it has created worlds and dimensions, simply to create and experience its own evolution. Even in your current world there are Elven energies about you—incarnate Elven who walk as human and those who swim as dolphin.
I share with you a story of change that once occurred upon a planetary system similar to the one you currently maintain with your thought conscious awareness—a planet whose star has long since extinguished its light. On this world the beings of light existed in a third-dimensional construct much like your own. For countless generations these beings had been in conflict with the very planet that allowed them the opportunity to incarnate and experience their life journeys. These beings held firm the belief that they were under siege perpetually from the forces of the planet’s surface, from the atmosphere, and from the very plants that allowed then to sustain their physical incarnations. These beings were born into fear, and they returned into their source light in fear.
These beings could not break the cycle of fear. They could not stop destroying their surroundings for fear their surroundings should destroy them. Their beliefs were so strong, so powerful, they were blind to the truth that they were destroying their very existence. Eventually, they turned their fears upon each other.
And so the cycle continued to unfold until there remained but a single tree standing on the entire face of this troubled planet—a single tree with a strong foundation and deep, deep roots. As the forces of destruction neared this solitary remnant of once vast and magical forests, a unique event occurred in the experience of these evolutionary beings. The tree began to glow. Its trunk and branches and leaves began to pulsate in a golden-white light. The tree appeared to shake and shimmer, its leaves shining forth rays of light in every direction. The ground began to vibrate, and the beings that surrounded this tree stopped and stared, transfixed as they were upon this sight.
And the light of this tree radiated into the heart of each being, and each felt the tree speak into its heart.
“I am the Living Tree of Light,” was the message they heard in their thoughts. “I am the divine light of the One Creator, just as you are the divine light of the One Creator. Feel the One Creator’s light fill your heart. Feel the vibration of oneness unfolding within you at this moment. Feel the depth of love the One Creator holds for you.
“You are one with the Living Tree, as I am one with your light. Feel the oneness with the ground beneath you. Feel the oneness with the arid wind that touches you. Feel the oneness with the star that shines its light upon you.”
In this way the One Creator touched the heart of each being who was left upon the planet’s face, and in a single moment, each felt connected to the other, and each discovered the truth of oneness within the One Creator’s light.
While this story may appear to hold no relevance to your current form of life or your current incarnate time-space, I share with you the possibility that the story of the Living Tree is a metaphor of great importance to your evolutionary staging.
You call it by many names, yet it is the Great Change you are now experiencing. As many of the human light are choosing now to awaken, you are causing a fundamental change in your earth-human experience. Your epiphanies of truth shall continue to occur on multiple levels. So, just as the love of the Living Tree created a Great Change in a planetary society on the verge of self destruction, the Living Tree shall appear in your own experience. The Living Tree shall appear in your heart when you no longer can tolerate non-evolutionary experiences in your human journey. It shall appear in your thoughts when you can no longer accept the choices being made on your behalf by your governmental, religious or clan leaders. The Living Tree shall whisper in your ear when you begin to feel the pain of your earth mother, striving for a moment of peace upon her troubled face.
The Living Tree lives in your cellular awareness because Elven evolutionary experience is woven into your DNA. If you are walking the journey of human, you are carrying Elven light within your pattern of being. Eons of Elven wisdom are woven into your very existence, even as you read these words upon the page. The Elven awakening is here.
Some among you are here to reveal the truth of the Elven light upon the world of earth-human, for the journey of your Great Change is a significant event in the One Creator’s light. All patterns of light are gathering about you either to observe this Great Change or participate within it. Please know that the Elven realms are here to participate. While there many among the Elven councils who feel the world of human is not yet ready to embrace the necessary Elven wisdom, there are some among us who have chosen to step forth and help you to remember.
The Elven realms were guardians to your earth mother long before your Lemurian experience. There is Elven magic woven into the core of your light. The Elven worlds have experienced many a great change, and it is simply our desire to share the wisdom of these experiences with you.
Many of you shall read this and a light will be sparked within your heart. You will begin to remember truth about the Divine, the Shield, and the Elven elders. Memories will surface of your relationships with trees and all living things that surround you. You will recall lifetimes living within the very branches and roots of the trees, and swimming in the seas with great speed and finesse, and creating great abodes in the sky.
The Elven awakening is now. I say to you it is an integral weave of the Great Change. If you hold Elven wisdom within your heart, now is the time to release it. It is safe. There are many here with you, both physical and non-physical. Allow your Elven light to shine, for your sisters and brothers are waiting for your bright light to shine upon their paths.
I ask you in all humbleness of light to embrace the truth that the Living Tree dwells within your heart, that its golden-white light is shining forth from you, and that your true purpose is to allow your light to shine.
I offer this from my light, for I am Monsool of the Elven teachers.
© 2005 David Bower
The Elven Awakening Is Now
by Monsool through David Bower[/b]
channel for the teachers of the Elven realm[/size]
There is a story circulating around your earth plane at the moment that suggests your current incarnate space was seeded by Elven and Angelic Light, and I am here to contribute my light to that premise. For in the archives of your planetary histories, long before anything resembling your current life pattern walked upon the surface of your earth mother, there is written the truth of a glorious mix of evolutionary lights, weaving the threads of creation on this planet.
I am Monsool, and I speak to you on behalf of the Elven elders, who sit in council and serve as teachers to the Elven realm, and to any realm that has been touched by our evolutionary light. The Elven world is far older and more widespread throughout the One Creator’s light than you can conceive in human thought. The Elven energies of eons past have been caretakers of planets and stars. We have guided the course of evolutionary threads in service to the One Creator. We have conjured and we have decimated entire dimensions of light, all in service to the One Light.
We in the world of Elven have waited since the dawn of humanity for the events that are unfolding now upon your planet, or to be more accurate, upon what you perceive to be your planet. For in the realms of light, where creations are born, your earth and all you perceive with your first five senses are simply a collection of overlaid patterns of thought, woven together by countless incarnations of human-like beings.
The Elven have contributed much to this weave of thought, long before anything resembling human walked upon this plane of yours. We have served the One Creator as caretakers for this plane of consciousness for spans of evolutionary time beyond your understanding.
What is evolutionary time? It is the truth of the One Creator’s force. Each reality construct formed by the thought emanations of evolutionary beings establishes a framework, a lattice, within which evolutionary processes may experience themselves. Therefore, each reality has a unique context of understanding.
I am here, now, among the energies of your plane as a bridge between the ancient wisdom of Elven and the emerging vibration of a new human experience. I shall guide the process of delivering the knowledge of the Elven Way in a form that is usable during this phase of your conscious awakening.
You must know in your heart you are awakening. Your evolving awareness is the key to the Great Change that you have set in motion by your participation in this sacred process. Your awakening and your awareness of that awakening are your keys to unfolding all that you have planned for your Self and for this multi-layered reality you call earth.
I am an ancient light of the warrior class. It is my choice to maintain this vibrational form in service to the One Creator’s light. As you read these words, you may feel a resonance of recognition in your heart, for there are many among you who have experienced my light in spaces far removed from this human world. I shall shine a light, now, upon your understanding of realms known as Elven.
As Elven we trace our source to the core light of the One Creator, when the stirrings of evolutionary desire caused a ripple in the sea of particle light. This ripple of light radiated forth through all facets of created light until a trine of reflected force vibrations wove themselves into a new pattern of light, the seed vibration of the Elven experience.
The Elven evolutionary experience has encompassed realms of light beyond the bounds of your current understanding. The Elven light has dwelled in the worlds of water and it has walked upon dimensional planes such as earth. The Elven light has inhabited forests of magical light, it has created worlds and dimensions, simply to create and experience its own evolution. Even in your current world there are Elven energies about you—incarnate Elven who walk as human and those who swim as dolphin.
I share with you a story of change that once occurred upon a planetary system similar to the one you currently maintain with your thought conscious awareness—a planet whose star has long since extinguished its light. On this world the beings of light existed in a third-dimensional construct much like your own. For countless generations these beings had been in conflict with the very planet that allowed them the opportunity to incarnate and experience their life journeys. These beings held firm the belief that they were under siege perpetually from the forces of the planet’s surface, from the atmosphere, and from the very plants that allowed then to sustain their physical incarnations. These beings were born into fear, and they returned into their source light in fear.
These beings could not break the cycle of fear. They could not stop destroying their surroundings for fear their surroundings should destroy them. Their beliefs were so strong, so powerful, they were blind to the truth that they were destroying their very existence. Eventually, they turned their fears upon each other.
And so the cycle continued to unfold until there remained but a single tree standing on the entire face of this troubled planet—a single tree with a strong foundation and deep, deep roots. As the forces of destruction neared this solitary remnant of once vast and magical forests, a unique event occurred in the experience of these evolutionary beings. The tree began to glow. Its trunk and branches and leaves began to pulsate in a golden-white light. The tree appeared to shake and shimmer, its leaves shining forth rays of light in every direction. The ground began to vibrate, and the beings that surrounded this tree stopped and stared, transfixed as they were upon this sight.
And the light of this tree radiated into the heart of each being, and each felt the tree speak into its heart.
“I am the Living Tree of Light,” was the message they heard in their thoughts. “I am the divine light of the One Creator, just as you are the divine light of the One Creator. Feel the One Creator’s light fill your heart. Feel the vibration of oneness unfolding within you at this moment. Feel the depth of love the One Creator holds for you.
“You are one with the Living Tree, as I am one with your light. Feel the oneness with the ground beneath you. Feel the oneness with the arid wind that touches you. Feel the oneness with the star that shines its light upon you.”
In this way the One Creator touched the heart of each being who was left upon the planet’s face, and in a single moment, each felt connected to the other, and each discovered the truth of oneness within the One Creator’s light.
While this story may appear to hold no relevance to your current form of life or your current incarnate time-space, I share with you the possibility that the story of the Living Tree is a metaphor of great importance to your evolutionary staging.
You call it by many names, yet it is the Great Change you are now experiencing. As many of the human light are choosing now to awaken, you are causing a fundamental change in your earth-human experience. Your epiphanies of truth shall continue to occur on multiple levels. So, just as the love of the Living Tree created a Great Change in a planetary society on the verge of self destruction, the Living Tree shall appear in your own experience. The Living Tree shall appear in your heart when you no longer can tolerate non-evolutionary experiences in your human journey. It shall appear in your thoughts when you can no longer accept the choices being made on your behalf by your governmental, religious or clan leaders. The Living Tree shall whisper in your ear when you begin to feel the pain of your earth mother, striving for a moment of peace upon her troubled face.
The Living Tree lives in your cellular awareness because Elven evolutionary experience is woven into your DNA. If you are walking the journey of human, you are carrying Elven light within your pattern of being. Eons of Elven wisdom are woven into your very existence, even as you read these words upon the page. The Elven awakening is here.
Some among you are here to reveal the truth of the Elven light upon the world of earth-human, for the journey of your Great Change is a significant event in the One Creator’s light. All patterns of light are gathering about you either to observe this Great Change or participate within it. Please know that the Elven realms are here to participate. While there many among the Elven councils who feel the world of human is not yet ready to embrace the necessary Elven wisdom, there are some among us who have chosen to step forth and help you to remember.
The Elven realms were guardians to your earth mother long before your Lemurian experience. There is Elven magic woven into the core of your light. The Elven worlds have experienced many a great change, and it is simply our desire to share the wisdom of these experiences with you.
Many of you shall read this and a light will be sparked within your heart. You will begin to remember truth about the Divine, the Shield, and the Elven elders. Memories will surface of your relationships with trees and all living things that surround you. You will recall lifetimes living within the very branches and roots of the trees, and swimming in the seas with great speed and finesse, and creating great abodes in the sky.
The Elven awakening is now. I say to you it is an integral weave of the Great Change. If you hold Elven wisdom within your heart, now is the time to release it. It is safe. There are many here with you, both physical and non-physical. Allow your Elven light to shine, for your sisters and brothers are waiting for your bright light to shine upon their paths.
I ask you in all humbleness of light to embrace the truth that the Living Tree dwells within your heart, that its golden-white light is shining forth from you, and that your true purpose is to allow your light to shine.
I offer this from my light, for I am Monsool of the Elven teachers.
© 2005 David Bower