Post by Sowelu on Sept 1, 2005 23:41:30 GMT -5
Another Transmission from The Reconnections.......
[/color]"Spiritual Gifts: Planetary Gridwork"[/center]
Hello, My Dear Friends,
The transformation continues. And you are each learning, in detail, about those particular "gifts" you bring, which perfectly portray your own expanding nature, and are most useful for the Planetary Unfoldment as it expresses itself within your immediate vicinity. Indeed, you are ALL OF IT, in a macrocosmic sense. Never forget this wonderful, grounding fact. But locally, in the "first person" sense---the experiential level--you are also something very unique and powerful.
Spiritual Gifts fall into three categories: Orientations of Spirit (what motivates you), Operations of Spirit (what you manifest), and Opportunities for Service (what calls out to you for help). All of these are your way of nurturing the planet and your 3D self. We call them Charismation, Energematon, and Diakonion. These ancient Greek terms beautifully embody the distinctive focus and function of each category , as well as the community of individuals that will rally around it on the Earth. We have spoken to you earlier concerning "Families of the Heart." Now we would like to speak about the various components contained within that planetary "heart."
The first of these categories is a central topic of today's transmission. Indeed, it is a gateway into what you might speak of as your Core Self. The word "Charismation" (kar-is-ma-tyon) is the root from which you derive your English word "Charisma." The prefix "char" means "joy." You will find it quite easy to understand this type of gift if you simply think of it as your own personal form of "magic." It embodies your natural and most abundant way of being, your Core Self. It is what brings you joy, as well as those who gather around you.
There are seven Motivational Gifts that correspond to the Chakras of the Human Body. They represent the Primary Motivations that are distributed to those who are to be part of the "Ground Crew" as Earth goes through it's next series of changes. They are listed in the New Testament of the Bible in the Book of Romans, Chapter 12. The study and integration of this knowledge makes a nice start on finding your own connection to the "flow" that is moving through Planet Earth at this time.
These motivations are as follows:
Truth Telling (Prophecy): Those whose root motivation is to go beyond the superficial issues that take up time and energy in life, and go right for the heart of any matter. They value truth and clarity above all other things. (This motive usually is accompanied by the ability to channel, teach, or speak in a tactful, elegant manner).
Giving: People who know how and when to give toward or supply tangible, human needs. (This motive usually is accompanied by an uncanny ability for investment, or an ability to obtain money and things to support key projects or life needs)
Teaching: Also called the "Gift of Research." People whose tireless motivation is to get all the facts, resources, and knowledge that is available about key life issues, and arrange them for presentation in an orderly and clear way.
Exhortation: The motivation to encourage, counsel, and assist people as they go through life choices and transitions. Most often practiced in a one-on-one setting..........but can also be channeled to groups (as though they were one person as well).
Mercy: The motivation to relieve pain--psychically or physically. The word most often associated with this gift is COMFORTER. Most often accompanied by empathic ability.
Helps: Someone who loves to see things run smoothly, especially physical things in 3D.........logistics, supply, mechanical or domestic abilities that make life easier for the community and which help to "feed the masses."
Administration: Someone whose goal is to efficiently align people, things, groups, and life patterns so that maximal efficiency is achieved with minimal effort.
These are just the basic "7." Because we have discovered many more chakras in the body than these 3D ones, there are many more motivational gifts to explore as well. But these are the basics for human 'grounding and community.'
When looking for one's Personal Orientation in life, it can be tempting to claim ALL of these gifts as your motivation. Indeed, you all perform these functions, at some time or another in your life. But we are differentiating here, between performing a function and the CORE of what motivates you to do what you do and be what you are. Usually, when a person does a certain amount of soul-searching, over the years, it will be possible for him or her to narrow the list down to one or two.
We are available to help you, individually, if you wish to enlist us to do so.
By operating primarily from this motivational core, you receive maximum benefit from minimal effort. You no longer need to "think about" things to make them happen. Everything you do will turn to gold. To deny this gift, and to pretend to be something other than what you are, is to waste your energies and work against yourself. To embrace it is the clearest and easiest way to success and freedom. Of course, this does not negate your own chosen forms of limitation programming for struggle. Who would want to miss the adventure of being human, struggling, and then escaping from that struggle? Usually, during his or her "dark nights of the soul," a person will deliberately turn away from personal magic. He will complicate his life, in mind and soul, until the need for struggle is over. Then comes the dawn.
Do you remember when we were asking you the question: "Do You Believe In Magic?" And what was your reply? How you replied, and with what energy the reply came, was probably determined by your individual Charismation. Some spiritual orientations do not respect the concept of "magic" very much. Others thrive on it. But those are just logistics and semantics--which, by the way, are usually the only obstacles to growth in the Planetary Oneself. When Jesus prayed "Let them be ONE, even as we are ONE," each person's charisma became the Father's answer to that prayer.
We call these Orientations of Spirit because each of them forms a specific GRID through which you perceive, sensitize yourself, and interact with your universe. A medical examination of the brain will reveal that there are specific locations that deal with specific perceptual perameters and functions. The Spiritual Orientation Gifts represent this within the Oneself Planetary Brain.
Your Orientation is what motivates you, engages you, and forms your personality essence. We are all one, but we are also Individuated Fragments, a Oneself Mixture, which activates and energizes itself through the flow and function of human interact. Remember what we said about Families of the Heart? It takes a village--not only to satisfy the soul, but also to create a complete representation of who you all are. You are far more vast in your essence than most of you are ready to admit.
There are many kinds of Orientation Gifts. This transmission uses Planetary Gridwork as an example. There will come a time when all of society will be organized according to Motivational Gifts and Personal Passion. You may ask us: "Is that really how it will be?" Our response is: "No. But this is how it could be." In the Multiverse, there are limitless variations of how people live out their lives. We explained this in detail in our message "What's Ahead for the Planet Earth?" Our attempt here is simply to offer you some options that we believe will be exciting and growth-producing. But the path you choose will be entirely up to you.
Remember, the Oneself moves through realms that are not confined by a 3D conceptual template. The 3D formatting is built upon the phrase "I am." Above 3D, the formatting changes to "Suppose I were......." Your options are endless. You are not the "chosen ones," in this Christing Process. You are THE ONES WHO CHOOSE.
We said earlier that each of the Charismation are like chakras in the Oneself Body. However, we don't mean to imply that there is only one gift for each physical chakra. Instead, we mean that each Orientation Gift moves through the chakras in a unique and distinctive way. Each gift serves the Oneself Body the way each chakra serves a physical body.
And now, a few definitions. A Matrix is a womb--a context in which living, developing, and birthing takes place. Most Matrices configurate themselves according to a particular idea or group of ideas. The beings who live in them are physically and psychically entrained with the core ideas they represent. They "spin" at the same speed and vibrate at the same frequency. The Matrix is the "reality box" in which they exist.
Most awakening Neo-Shamans are able to comprehend the existence of a Matrix in society. They think of it as a kind of Collective Consciousness or Mindset. Only a few of you have caught on to the idea that each individual, who is now upon a transformational track, is a Matrix unto himself. He also forms his own Vortex, which is a swirling flow of energy that grabs hold of people or things in its path, and attracts them in to become one with him. Vortices can move clockwise, to pull people in, or counter-clockwise, to repel them away.
Each chakra in a human body is a Vortex, a communal force within which a number of divergent energies center themselves, and move, according to their agreed function within that body.
A Grid is a crisscross of lines and squares that are the foundational design template for 3D life. The lines represent statements of "fact," while the spaces represent a person's feelings or thoughts about that statement. The vertical lines suggest connection to God, Goddess, All That Is. It is the "as above, so below" element of the image. The horizontal lines suggest a connections to specific aspects of the Earth Plane (family, heritage, citizenship, etc).
Personal Gridwork or "Earthwork," as some of you refer to it, is done by those whose life motivation is intensive identification with Planet Earth. They relate to the planet as SELF, which leads to an entrainment of mind and soul with the operations of Terra, as it moves through physical space. For these individuals, everyone upon the planet is a "cell" that makes up the Oneself Body of Earth. Since a Gridworker's Orientation for living is identifying with that Body, each of the "cells" become open to his examination and consciousness--if their activities and feelings directly affect some imminent change that is about to affect the planet.
In this way, you might say that Earthworkers are Planetary Empaths, whose focus of awareness can either expand or contract according to the macro or micro nature of the information they process. They will feel the needs of the planet as if it is present in their own body, which it is! In many ways, their physical body has become the Earth.
The cost of having this gift is a substantial loss of a person's ability to separate from operations that are unfolding upon on the Earth. One primary benefit of Gridwork is a tremendous expansion of personal authority and influence upon what happens here. Those who do not have this gift are disinclined to believe that such power exists. Those who do have it can become impatient with others who do not share the personal commitment to the planet, and believe in their own ability to affect it.
To be a Gridworker means to personally live out the promise: "ask whatever you will and it shall be given unto you." Unlike many individuals in 3D, Gridworkers know no difference between "personal will" and "God's will." For them, the two motivations are one and the same, so long as the person is properly aligned to his or her spiritual center. Though it is possible for such a being to become imbalanced and "de-centralized," it does not take long for him or her to realize the error and return to that charismatic power for designing planetary events.
Most stores employ an individual who walks around with a little machine (usually a computer) and takes note of the facings of merchandise that need to be re-ordered, restocked, or re-arranged to include new products. If this same function could be assigned to a monitor of the Earth's Storehouse, such an individual might be called a Gridmaster.
There is little separation, in the life of a Gridmaster, between the world of dreams and the world of physical reality. When someone operates from the purity of this gift, everything appears as it truly is: A Formula of Energy. You have seen a visualization of this in the movie trilogy which is called "The Matrix." In that setting, physical reality was "coded" as a series of running numbers and symbols. For a stocking manager in a superstore, each piece of merchandise is coded by an order number or "SKU," which has been entered into the main computer, which in turn interfaces with that company's warehouse.
Failing to properly enter a "SKU," during an order to the warehouse, will block delivery of merchandise to a superstore in the mall. Even so, a failure to properly utilize focused intent, when petitioning for shifts in planetary function and transformation will make a Gridmaster feel as though he does not know what he is doing. In truth, the problem may simply be that he does not yet understand why the changes are needed, and requires more grounding before he can call in the four directions and complete the order.
The "orders" that are submitted by Planetary Gridmasters are TONAL in nature. By this we mean that they connect to the entire body of the individual, not just his head. This is why we have been emphasizing "Living from the Heart" in our previous transmissions to you. Magic is now being taken out of the hands of "magicians," who have used it too long for purposes of personal aggrandizement and control--and it is being placed in the hands of those who live from the simplest motivational base. We are speaking here about children, and certain elders who have learned to identify with life as a playground, rather than a killing field.
Those who seek to control the world, without being the world will ultimately be thwarted in their intent. They move from a dualistic perceptual base, which places their "other".........whoever or whatever that person may be........ outside their definition of "self." Since all "motions" in a parliamentary court require a second before being considered, anything that is petitioned from a separationist base will "die" (for lack of a second) before that motion can be enacted.
Even though the world's energetic circuitry has not yet been totally converted to this heart-centered system for maintaining your reality, and ordering changes--there is enough of the new concept in place to retard, and ultimately block the growth of separationist motivations on Earth.
The admonition to "think globally, but act locally" grows from the Charismation (Spiritual Orientation) of Gridwork. On a physical basis, Gridmasters are loners, who have enough appropriate connections in or around their physical community to generally resonate with planetary functions under their charge. Beyond that, their needs or contacts remain minimal. They are simplistic by nature, comfortable with a cot to sleep on, and chair in which they can sit and ponder. They need grounding to run the emotional flow that brings up the planetary interface, but they also need personal time to do the design and ordering that will sustain their personal sector of the Planetary Grid.
These masters tend to think in metaphor, if they ponder anything at all. Some have become so adept at toning that the only concepts that linger long in their consciousness are new codes and sequences that must be entered into the design and ordering system. At that point, the whole process may even happen during a sleep state, or during meditation, when the outer world is quiet.
There are many who are doing Gridwork at this time. Not all of them do it with joy, which is the primary earmark of a person with this Orientation Gift. As we study more and more of these gifts, we will begin to see in present day what was once very prominent in communities such as Atlantis and Mu. Your society will begin to organize itself around clusters of individuals who live their lives from a similar motivation. There may even be a color-coding in dress or the wearing of some kind of insignia, which denotes a person's charisma or primary interests in life. In this way, strangers needing help in that area can spot them in society, and call upon their services with greater ease and confidence.
There is a vast difference between being a "professional" and being a "charismatic" in a certain field. The former status gives you money (and sometimes, more than a few headaches). The latter brings you joy, by its very definition, and turns everything you touch into gold.
It is becoming more and more necessary for individuals in society to get "down and dirty" with themselves about who they are, and what they truly want. This process would be greatly assisted if said society would make it less threatening (and costly) for a person to openly admit: "I don't like what I'm doing anymore. I need to do this instead." Human values must be shifted, hopefully without a global catastrophe to hurry things along.
In future transmissions, we will expand upon the other categories of gifts, as well as expound upon ways to enhance personal passion in life, so that the vibratory essence of your planet can reap the rewards of having each man, woman, and child reconnecting with his or her sacred core! Gridmasters all over the world are intending heavily in just the directions we have outlined for you here. Perhaps you are one of them!
The time for personal reformation is here. The vehicle for this change is your Majestic Multidimensional NOW. Look for the handles, look for the dials that are contained therein. When they are spotted, reach for them with gusto, and hang onto your hats. The Planetary Wheel of Fortune is beginning to spin, faster and faster. Those who cannot or will not jump aboard may miss out on some fantastic dividends. Or, they may be designing a whole new "game," in which the wheels go up and down, rather than round and round.
However it ends up looking, its truly beautiful! And so are all of you! You remain, forever in our hearts and profound intentions........
<end transmission>
As printed and illustrated in
Channeled by Daniel Jacob
Copyright, 2004, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied and shared, for purposes of personal growth and/or research. All reproduction for profit requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.