Post by Sowelu on Apr 25, 2005 13:42:49 GMT -5
Monthly Weather Report
Before describing the movements of the second quarter of this year, we take a moment to remind you to read Gabriel’s Overview of 2005. That Overview will help you to put this quarter’s events into a much broader perspective.
It is often helpful to see that what we are going through at a particular moment in our lives is actually working to build something much bigger and greater. This way we don’t tend to get so caught up in fighting the specifics, realizing that each step is a necessary part of the whole. With this perspective, we can more often keep ourselves motivated to move towards the fulfillment of our life visions and greatest personal development.
In this case, reading the Overview will help as we look to the bigger picture of 2005. At this time we are all working to build an inner space of neutrality – vital preparation for the rising of the Soul, an event unprecedented in mass consciousness in the history of our planet.
In order for that much deeper sense of Self to be detectable and accessible, we must first clear what is “sitting on top” of the Soul, that which has been keeping us in a limited state of consciousness and fulfillment. These suppressing layers come from the very clear, though primitive decisions we all made in our earliest years. Though we are talking about the decisions of a child, these decisions imprinted our nervous systems and literally determine how we internalize the events of reality.
Very few adults are actually responsive to the neutral essence of reality as it is taking place. Believe it or not, this comes from the fact that many of our needs were not acknowledged, modeled, nurtured or encouraged when we were children. You see, when a child’s needs rise and are not acknowledged or validated, the child feels unsafe. They then begin to compensate by creating veils of protection and defense to cover the unmet needs. They innocently believe that “the unmet needs are creating the sense of threat. If they can just numb out or disconnect from these awkward parts of self that are attempting to rise, then they will be safe and in control.”
Though this approach is childish, we have typically acted in our world from these early survival decisions, using our protective veils in a lifelong defense against pain and conflict. This is merely an attempt to keep things from changing.
You see, if a child is not taught to embrace the ever-growing process of change as an enhancement that comes from meeting all their needs, they will continue to attempt to seek the comfort zone of what is familiar endlessly.
In order to understand this more fully, there are two things that are important to grasp about the early years of our lives:
First, we were all making these survival decisions that would affect the rest of our lives when we were in a stage of infantile, maternal love.
This was the stage when we were learning to trust in the world (or not) and actually needed someone to validate our needs, our feelings and the process of embracing change. In other words, this was the stage when we literally lived in the overall state of “Mommy, I need you to love me and to validate my worth. I need you to show me that I am loveable.”
Since we have lived in a world that has just begun to understand the importance of these stages of development, most of us grew up with parents who did not know how to recognize, model or encourage us in this way. Therefore, our individuality was never validated.
What we may not realize is that when there are gaps in these early stages, we become frozen – continuing to seek love and validation of our worth from outside ourselves, just like children. We live in a world where most adults are still doing this, rather than moving naturally into the two more advanced stages of love and trust that are possible once we have a clear foundation of maternal love.
The second element that needs to be considered here is that in our earliest formative years, the limbic brain is the only part of the brain that is functioning. This part of the brain is focused on survival instinct and feeling. In order to insure our survival, it takes in everything that is happening and interprets the events according to “how they affect me.”
During the stage of infantile/maternal love, we are also in a stage where everything is “all about me.” This stage of limbic brain is naturally egocentric or narcissistic. And true to form, if our needs are met and we feel safe, we naturally grow up and out of this stage. If, however, we do not meet all the needs in this first stage of being loved consistently, we become frozen in narcissism as well.
If we are truly honest, we will see that we have been living in a world of frozen, wounded children – very much in the agendas of infantile love and narcissism. We have not known how to move into the higher stages of love, most natural to the soul. Therefore, we return to the point that at this time we must commit to clearing these layers of childish survival imprints in our nervous systems so that we can move into the neutrality and fulfillment of our soul potential.
How do we recognize the symptoms of this early wounding? Simply scan your early life. It can be as simple as coming from a childhood where Mom and Dad did not know how to recognize your individual needs, particularly your emotional needs. Perhaps you did not get encouragement to feel and express your feelings. Perhaps you even experienced having these parts of self invalidated or shamed. Or perhaps there was so much going on in the drama of life, with everyone caught up in his or her own narcissism and fear, that no one was able to recognize or focus on your individual needs at all.
The adult REALITY we need to reach if we are going to grow out of infantile love is the deeper truth that “Mom and Dad were not educated about their own needs. Therefore, they did not know how to recognize or model my needs for me. Their lack of education is not all about me and does not determine my worth.”
Post by Sowelu on Apr 25, 2005 13:43:09 GMT -5
Some of the symptoms you may find that come from your life scan may include deep and fearful perspectives such as, “I don’t deserve to have my needs met. I must numb out on the fact that I have needs. Whenever I have a need, I will be shamed or rejected. I have to compensate for the fact that I am not deserving or truly loveable by suffering or martyring myself until I finally deserve love. Or I must prove to the world that I deserve through my achievements and how much I do.”
There is a great deal of this wounded programming in the world we have known.
If our world is going to heal and become the Heaven on Earth that we have the potential to create, we need to look to the bigger picture. We need to look to the truth of what layers of shame, fear and survival are still present in our lives, so that we can take the necessary steps to wake up to more adult reality and fulfill our lives in ways that we have never imagined.
The first three months of 2005 were a deeper introduction to the stillness of the Void than we have ever known in mass consciousness. If you read the last Monthly Weather Report, you will remember this comes from having reached the mid-point of creation for our universe, much like the interruption of a pendulum swing.
We will now be going through eight years of interval, where we have time to get still and re-evaluate what serves us and what no longer serves us. We have time to catch up to a more adult reality before the pendulum moves powerfully in the opposite direction and moves us into the oneness of the soul.
It is vital that we take advantage of this time to clear what is in the way. If we do not, the pendulum move that begins in 2012 will literally seem to move in opposition to all that we have held onto for a false sense of safety. We will be losing the ability to stay in separation and isolation.
Unlike what we misinterpreted as children, we now need to begin to realize that the universe is on our side, supporting us to make clear choices. As we move through a time of accelerated change, we are being supported to constantly grow into more fulfilling choices and a deeper awareness of our needs. The shifting energies will continue to encourage this process in these eight years of shifting evolution unlike anything we have known.
So it is vital to wake up – to pass the word and to encourage one another into the process of embracing change and learning how to proceed into the two more advanced potentials of love. The first stage will be understanding that we have an impact and that we do make a difference – through a focus on what we give to one another. “I can love. My love matters and impacts the world around me.”
This level of support will help us to move out of infantile love, through a process of learning how to give and create a healing impact - eventually moving into a deep awareness that WE ARE LOVE. Once we reach this third stage of development, we will stand in the power of our true and authentic individuality. We will no longer need to make it “all about me,” because we will have such a deep sense of trust in Self. We will then be able to give and receive in balance, taking full responsibility for myself. We will be able to live in value of Self, which leads to valuing one another. We will become a world that moves out of threat into the privilege of loving one another.
But first we need to look at this present stage and take the opportunity to clear our wounded emotional approach as we prepare for the love of the rising soul!
The second quarter of this year will be a powerful time of transformation and transmutation, as old ideas, approaches and perceptions are transmuted. There will be a tremendous opening of the subconscious, specifically focused on clearing wounded emotional patterns and glamours. This will allow a deeper reformation of all structures, both inner and outer.
We must keep in mind that all things that are taking place on the outside are merely a reflection of that which is taking place on the inside. The more peace we create on the inside by dealing with our confused feelings, the more we will find places to celebrate that peace in the world around us.
April, May and June will bring powerful layers of transformation, coming through revelation, purging and challenge of the facing extremes or duality we have known. This will involve facing the issues of pride we have held in our ideals.
This will be a time of powerfully moving and awakening into the heart chakra. As we move into the stillness of the heart that was begun in the first three months of this year, we will deeply reveal all that is out of synch or out of balance in our individual lives and in the world around us.
Post by Sowelu on Apr 25, 2005 13:47:10 GMT -5
This quarter’s shift in perception is being accelerated by two major events in April.
On April 8, 2005 we experienced the last complete solar eclipse that we will know until the year 2012. This eclipse came at the end of our first quarter’s deepening within or move into the Void/stillness. This was also accompanied by energies raising the vibration of the body for each one of us.
This particular eclipse was particularly powerful and created a halo around the moon, heralding the total renewal that is possible as we awaken more potential of the soul.
This shift will be accompanied by rising collective karmic patterns from the depths of the subconscious mind. As we face these revelations, we will be able to respond and purge our lives of the choices that hold us in the repeated patterns of fear and defense. We will see these things reflected not only in our individual lives, but also in the idealizations of groups, cultures, religions, races, etc.
As these fearful perceptions rise, we will naturally see these idealisms coming into conflict with each other around the world. The “herd consciousness” we have known for thousands of years creates separation through a misunderstanding that there is a definitive “right and wrong.” If there is such a thing, then who is right and who is wrong?
This is a childish perspective of a misunderstood child, trying to please Mom and Dad by doing the “right thing.” And most often “right” is nothing more than doing that which agrees with their particular limited choices.
That just might work, except that not many Moms and Dads agree from family to family, group to group, religion to religion, culture to culture about what is actually RIGHT.
This childish approach must be replaced with a celebration of individuality, based on the principles and values inherent in the hearts of each and every one of us.
The second event that we need to consider in this new opening is the lunar eclipse that takes place on April 24. This shift of feminine energies will create a deeper merging of inner and outer energies, bringing us more deeply in touch with where our lives reflect imbalance.
This will be a time of confronting our patterns of isolation, as well as past life patterns that brought us into isolation as a karmic tendency. The deeper truth is that we chose the parents who would set up the perfect karmic patterns that needed to be faced at this stage in our soul’s evolution.
As we move into this deeper connection to the stillness that reveals the soul, we will find ourselves drawn more into things that give us an opportunity to experience community, unity and oneness. This is due to the fact that the soul is known in the highest form of the love force, which is inclusive and in acceptance of all that is.
As we move through the emotional shifts of this quarter, we will move more fully into a time of renewal, coming to terms with patterns of duality and the purging of ideals.
April will initiate many things in an attempt to deepen our awareness. This will come from an integration of the energies will have been downloading in the first three months of the year. In this time we have been activating new levels of our light bodies.
Most people are not very educated about the light body or the higher aspects of energy that are reflected in the miracles of our physical bodies. There will be more education very soon available on this web site for this level of energetic education and growth.
For now we will share that there are recorder cells on the sides of our heads that store the downloaded energy, until it is ready for assimilation. There are also recorder cells in the forehead, above each eye.
As these levels are accelerated, we activate the axiotonal system of the light body. As this begins to integrate into the physical body, you may experience what is known as “spin cycles.” This may feel like electrical impulses across the skin or may feel like bugs are crawling across the skin. It can also result in deep itching on the skin.
As all of this creates an expansion in our awareness, it can also bring a sense of “losing Oneself.” This is simply losing the false sense of separation and isolation that we have misinterpreted as individuality.
In April we are also receiving more information and energetic codes of the Divine Plan into our physical bodies. This will reveal slowly how we fit into the plan for the planetary soul, revealed so that we can take our individual place in this greater grid.
This information actually is stored in the DNA already, but is awakened as we raise the vibration and frequency of our bodies, awakening us to a conscious awareness of our soul purpose. This will take place as we are willing to face and release more of the karmic patterns that have been held there.
As we move out of the separation more fully, we will question the changes in our familiarity of Self. Who am I? What am I doing? Why am I here? These questions will plague us on deeper levels, attempting to trigger a deeper connection - preparation for taking our place of purpose, supporting the One Soul.
There may be times when we feel very disconnected. People around us will be experiencing the same thing, often seeming dissociated from reality.
The body will be going through many transitions as well, as we assimilate these new energies. The head, face and legs will be the primary locations of spin cycles.
Cosmic awareness is building at this time as well. There will be lots of active dreaming, with powerful symbols and archetypes. This is a necessary part of releasing the karmic patterns and emotional imprinting, as so much of it is held in the subconscious mind. When we are asleep is when we access the subconscious most fully at this stage of our development.
You may find yourself examining the meaning of things this month. Why is each thing significant? You may find yourself clearing out, letting go of old patterns or even relationships that are karmically complete.
There may be deeper recall of old experiences at times, revealing an inner knowing. You are gathering more parts of yourself that have been dispersed (for many lifetimes for some of you).
The lunar eclipse will activate more of this internal release for the next month as well.
Post by Sowelu on Apr 25, 2005 13:48:53 GMT -5
May will be a month of identifying purpose more fully. As you do, you will explore and know meaning more fully. This internal journey will involve more purging of old ideologies.
Separation and the suppression of others’ freedom will be faced again. You will begin to see anything you still hold in idealized forms – even with patterns of thinking. For example, you will look at all the ways that you haven “assuming.” This is a pride that will not serve you any longer. Taking things for granted. Entitlement as well.
There will be focus on the Catholic shifts that have been taking place, as well as an increase in the Muslim conflicts. You will be faced with the ideology of democracy that the US has been distorting in order to control others. The actual reality of democracy is wonderful, but the reality of how it has been misused must be faced. There has been a great collective pride and assumption in this, which has led to an entitlement as well. Other countries have similar setups. It is not just the United States.
Pride is a major stumbling block, justifying the ideals and unforgiveness. This is inherent even in believing you are a victim.
The moon influence in the earlier eclipse will reveal anything that holds these ideologies in place. We must all begin to seek and create more balance, acceptance and forgiveness - one of the biggest keys at this time.
The 7th ray influence will deepen at this time, releasing more barriers of duality. All illusions held in the ideals will be clearer, like it or not.
There will be physical symptoms in May as well. Issues in the head, throat, 3rd eye, base of the skull – pressure or even stabbing pains. There will be headaches that come and go rather quickly. There will be activity in the lower back, legs and in the feet as well. The hips and genital regions hold a lot of shame and unforgiveness energies as well.
There will be situations that reflect old patterns rising to resolve unforgiveness. This will shift entire life cycles. Some of our sacred cows that we assumed to be fulfilling will actually prove to be very disillusioning. They will not have the same “glamour hits.”
The soul presence will deepen, coming to the surface as the inner and outer connect. There will be an opening to our divine grace, related to the connection of purpose.
Love will become more apparent in its true meaning. We need to become our own lovers.
As we embrace forgiveness more fully, we will build more clarity and reclaim the authentic will. Outside of forgiveness we know judgment and separation. Embracing forgiveness will allow each of us to take back responsibility, rather than remain in blame and projection.
Acceptance of what IS does not require understanding it or controlling anything. Simply be in charge, fueled with purpose!!! As we do, we may experience a deepening and expanding, with a sense of purpose of life on a new experiential level. We will see more fully how our purpose can influence those around us, sometimes even affecting the course of history.
Post by Sowelu on Apr 25, 2005 13:51:13 GMT -5
This will be a month that culminates and formulates what has been accessed in meaning and purpose in the previous two months.
This will be a time of bringing things together in harmony, through surrendering separation. We will find peacefulness in releasing the patterns of isolation and open more fully the gateway of compassion and balance.
If we have been responding consciousness to all that has come before, we will start to recognize the middle path of neutrality and surrender more fully. We will move more fully into the experience of resonance and empowered creating. There will be almost a compulsion to put purpose into action.
Be aware that many will feel exhausted in this process, sometimes lost and confused. Many will also question directions and what they are supposed to be doing. What begins to take place now is all preparation for soul awakening.
Group soul connections will begin to take place in three primary areas of our world:
1. Politics
2. Religion
3. Education
Groups will come together and begin to be affected and attracted by particular rays of consciousness. This is because each person is charged with a particular ray of soul influence. There are seven primary rays…though not much room to elaborate into this entire science in the Weather Report. Simply follow your impulses and trust your heart’s guidance until you are able to get more information (from this website or elsewhere).
Also know that your soul’s ray will come in more fully with the solar eclipse in April. Surrender to the movement of the order of things will become more apparent. There will create more of a unified field in your world.
Choices made from this heart connection will reflect more harmony. We will recognize more fully the commonality of humanity. This will inspire us more fully into world service, less in the personal agendas.
This month will teach us even more fully what we truly value. We will entertain the idea of considering the needs of the whole more fully. The Earth. The human family.
Value will begin to reveal how the universe is unified and how it all supports itself through the higher good and inner fulfillment of all that is.
The physical symptoms can involve activity in the solar plexus, heart and thymus. There may be movements in the throat. Sometimes there will seem to be a pulsation, a lump or simply activity in these areas.
Some people who have nurturing trauma from childhood will show complications with teeth, gums and eyesight. All your senses may become more sensitive. Sometimes there will be a sense of feeling with the whole body.
We may experience warmth spreading out through the body. This may sometimes feel like we are dissolving into nothing. There may be dizziness or lightheadedness. The pancreas and spleen may create some digestive disruption. Or we may have a sense of too much energy.
In the world we will start to see a new reformation coming together. There will be more conscience that is beginning to develop. People will see more value reflected in the whole. Valuing life will become more of a daily practice. There will be a greater trust that begins to emerge.
If you are not looking to face and integrate these things, you will likely move more fully into a sense of nothingness and emptiness.
In world organizations there will be upheavals and revelations of corrupt intentions. These three areas mentioned above will show great activity, with potential for great transformation over time in the world.
These are the primary strokes of this next quarter. Remember that facing the specifics of this time will simply add to the benefit of the bigger picture – the rising of the Soul and a conscious awareness of our true divinity for the first time on our planet as a whole!
Blessings to all! www.childrenoflight.com/monthly.htm
Post by Cherubtree on May 8, 2005 10:16:01 GMT -5
Dear Sowelu: Thankyou for posting this. Are any of you experiencing theses symptoms they are talking about in the head, face or legs..? I sure am..feel like my legs are going crazy! Lol! Love, Spirit