Post by Sowelu on May 18, 2006 17:51:17 GMT -5
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 10: "I AM Authentic"
Featuring Adamus Saint-Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
May 6, 2006[/b]
I am, yes I am, Professor Adamus Saint-Germain. I AM authentic.
Dear Shaumbra, Tobias is on a bit of a holiday preparing for his next travels with a Shaumbra group; preparing to go to these lands of Romania where I will join him in several days; preparing the energies of Shaumbra who come to Romania, who live in Romania; preparing the energies for the channeling workshop, for our Wall of Fire School, and to really truly move some energy.
It is a very unique group that is gathering here. They are very intent on moving energy this time. This will be the third trip for Tobias and company. They are ready now to truly shift, truly work with their own energies and it is going to have an effect on the Earth energies – the consciousness energies in that area.
So Tobias has asked me to come in and discuss with you today, take this next Shoud, talk to you about some important points. But first I would like to start with a few Saint-Germain bumper stickers. (laughter) It is a wonderful little concept. Humans tend to boil everything down and be able to get them on a bumper sticker.
And my first bumper sticker today is that “The Universe conspires to fill your desires.” It is actually not mine, I stole that from Tobias, (laughter) but ...
Shaumbra it is to know that you are the Creator. You are the one in the lead. All other energies support you, it is not the other way around. All energies support you, from the highest level of the angelic beings to the energy of Earth herself, to all of the entities, to all of your past lives, to all of the aspects of ones who you have known. They choose to help you fill your desires. Sometimes the desires are hidden. Sometimes you’re so focused on your human needs that you forget about your Soul desires. But yet the process is happening anyway. The process is happening anyway.
Take a look at your life, everything that is going on in it. Everything that is in your life is supporting a desire at some level, supporting a desire to perhaps find what it is like to feel that you are unworthy of love or unworthy of abundance or health. At some level there is a desire within you to learn more about these things. The desire could be the shadow of old karma, making it so that you have desire not to step out, not to be integrated. And so the Universe comes in to fill that desire. It will show you what it is like to feel unworthy, unneeded, unloved. But all this time you are creating it, Shaumbra. It is your desire. It is not mine. I have no desires for you, I have no wishes for you. It is your desire.
So, go and take a look around. Watch how the energy conspires to fill your desires - and “conspires,” by the way, is not a bad term at all. “Conspires” means to bring forth, to manifest. It has negative connotation right now in your society, but “conspires” is a wonderful word.
So that is my first Saint-Germain bumper sticker for the day. The second, a bit more profound and philosophic, is that “The greatest gift you can give yourself is to understand that everything you have given to yourself is a gift.”
The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to understand that everything that has happened in your lifetimes has been a gift. You’ve given yourself this thing. You’re not a victim of the outside world. You’ve given yourself all these wonderful gifts, and when you can look at things this way it takes the negative spin off of them. If you can look at everything that’s happened in your life... even bad parents, a bad relationship, a physical ailment... these are all gifts. And when you look at them as such, it takes the old charge off of what you would consider to be a negative event.
I see that some of you are still haunted by things that have happened to you in the past. You can’t seem to shake the energy... or something traumatic that happened to you, or a series of traumatic events... and they keep coming back over and over even though you think you are releasing them. They’ve come in to haunt your everyday life. But when you look at them as a gift, when you look at them as a precious gift you gave yourself, it takes the spin off, it takes the haunt off and you can then proceed with your life.
I would like to bring in and introduce our guests for this Shoud. Ones who I’ve worked with before, ones who are very authentic beings. The dear ones I would like to invite in today are Guy and Edna Ballard, the ones who worked so closely with the St. Germain energy back in the 1930's, who published the “I AM” series of books. They come in to this gathering of Shaumbra right now, because in a sense this is just an extension of the work that has been going on for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years with Shaumbra. The work that was the works of Godfre Ray King, also known as Guy Ballard, are continuing in a more contemporary version right now, but instead of just one writer putting together all of these books, it is a group. It is called Shaumbra.
So Guy and Edna come in today as our guests to observe how the “I AM” work continues. They come in to observe the next evolution of the “I AM” work. Indeed, they did work with the purple flame, the Violet Flame. Indeed they did, because this was an appropriate tool some 80 years ago of time. It was an appropriate way of helping to get a focus. It was a symbol. It was something that the Ballards and the others could grasp onto. Now, you Shaumbra, don’t need those tools any more. You go to the next level – beyond the Violet Flame.
But the Violet Flame still exists, indeed. (Thunder is heard at this moment – Saint-Germain chuckles with much audience laughter.) There are many humans who still need to work with these tools, who still need to attach themselves to something like the Violet Flame, but Shaumbra you go far beyond that. You go far beyond in your work.
The Ballards brought in this tremendous “I AM” energy. They were ridiculed for it, they were greatly misunderstood by many people. They were a threat to the churches who saw a million-plus followers of the work. So they were ridiculed for what they did. But, they stayed to their core. They stayed to their truth. They stayed to the “I AM” work, and they come in today very proud to be with this group of Shaumbra, sharing a new time and a new energy. Both Guy and Edna wanting to come back to this Earth soon to take part in this whole evolution of new energy. So we ask you to welcome them in today, into this beautiful classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth.
It is a sweet energy here today. A very sweet energy in this room, based on Shaumbra who are here, based on the Ballards and all of the other guests. So I’m going to just ask you to just take a moment and breathe in the sweetness. I know sometimes when I come in to take Tobias’ place there is a bit of trepidation, (laughter and more thunder) some concern for what may happen on this day. But today... today it is sweet. Today it is a very sweet energy.
I'd like to begin by talking a bit about what is happening on the other side. What is happening in the heavens – the news from the heavens – for you are busy here, very focused on Earth, doing your work. So what is happening on the other side?
It is very busy, very busy indeed. I’m speaking here of the angelic non-physical beings who are giving in service to helping humanity, to helping Earth at this time. Indeed there are many, many other entities coming and going on the non-physical side: the ones who have recently died; the ones who are stuck in the near realms; the ones who are preparing to come back in. But I’m speaking here about the angelic beings who are in service.
By the way, they choose to be in service. There are angelic beings who, between lifetimes, give of themselves because they still feel very compassionate about the energy of Earth and the humans that they have left behind. So they, in a sense, volunteer to do this work, to continue to support and to love you.
There are other beings who have never been in human form. But they also volunteer, oftentimes shortly before they take on their first human incarnation. So they volunteer on our side of the veil to work with the humans. Particularly the humans who make it known, to themselves and to us, that they’re ready. They’re ready to drop the guise of the old human energy, ready to drop the old cycle of lifetime after lifetime.
So we are very busy on the other side. First of all, preparing for this quantum leap – just over a year of time – a quantum leap of consciousness, and Shaumbra we see it coming and you see it coming also. You see everything happening so fast right now. It was talked about, at the beginning of this gathering today, how only two hundred years ago the explorers were coming across this land of the Americas, the new Atlantis, searching for new lands, mapping out new territories. Only two hundred years ago. In the scheme of human history, that was just a blink of time ...
A hundred years ago, as was mentioned at the beginning of this gathering, the San Francisco earthquake. Just a short period of time ago, barely thirty years of time ago, the introduction of personal computers. The taking of technology, of computers, from just a few... for instance, the governments, the military and a few large corporations... and putting it into the hands of individuals – just thirty year ago. Look how it’s revolutionized your whole world. Everything that you do now is connected, in some way or the other, by the internet. In terms of history, that was less than a blink of time ago.
So those who wonder about the quantum leap, “Is it really happening?” Dear Shaumbra, we tell you it is happening very quickly. It is almost upon us. So there are angelic beings on this side who are ready and prepared. They will be assisting those, such as you Shaumbra, who are ready to do a reintegration of New Energy into your physical body and into your consciousness and belief systems. This is a major process and it requires great care so that your physical body doesn’t burn out, that your mind doesn’t go crazy. There is a continual need for balancing of energies.
These angelic beings are working with you now, often while you sleep but even now more often while you are awake. Right now while you sit here, they are working with you, helping you to fulfill your desire for the reintegration of your entire body, mind and spirit. If it was to happen all at once, surely you would just disintegrate. Surely none of your biology and your mind could handle this great change-over, so it is happening over a period of time.
There are angelic beings on our side who are working with other humans on Earth right now (more thunder, some laughter) who are going through a type of spiritual awakening process but aren’t aware that that’s what it is. They are working very closely with these humans because these humans are – how to say – in a very delicate state of being, not sure of who they are anymore or why they are here. Nothing makes sense but they are trying to hold onto some of the old ways. So there are legions of angels who are working with them - even if they don’t believe in angels.
There are many angelic beings who are working to maintain a constant moving and balancing of energies of this planet Earth. As Tobias talked in your last discussion, Earth is holding many, many old, old energies and will continue to hold old energies for a course of at least another thirty years. So there are legions of Beings. You could almost see them lined up working with Earth, working with Earth on inter-dimensional levels, not just the physical Earth level but on inter-dimensional levels.
There are legions of Beings – angelic beings on our side – who are preparing for the next influx of humans to come to Earth. But these humans are different. These souls who will be incarnating have never been on Earth before so they require great training - you would say - great understanding. The ones who are training them are the ones who generally have been on Earth. They’ve experienced what it is like to be in a physical body in a physical place. They are trying to help these new incarnates to understand what it is like to be here, what it is like to potentially forget about who you are, what it is like to work in mass and biology.
There are those on our side of the veil who are working with the planet Earth and how it relates to the rest of the physical Cosmos. There are interconnections that we have with Earth, with all ends of the Omniverse, with not only the physical dimensions but the non-physical as well. And this also requires tremendous balancing.
Some of you who are listening in today have been in that service - that service of balancing Earth with the rest of the Cosmos. And yes indeed, with other civilizations -but none quite like the humans, with other dimensions and aspects of life in those dimensions. It requires a tremendous legion of angelic beings who are in service to continue performing this task.
And, Shaumbra, and these very beings are also in service to you. They can’t do it for you. If you request that they give you a million dollars, they can’t do it for you. That is not their job. Their job is to help you balance your energies, to help you evolve, to help you discover your truth.
So they are there all the time. Yes indeed they do love to talk to you. They don’t always have the answers. They are there to support you. They are there to help you get through some of the very difficult times that you tend to go through. It is appropriate to call on them as friends, as ones from your own angelic families, as beings who love you dearly. But again, they can’t do it for you. They are not your guides, those guides left a long time ago.
Also on our side of the veil, in the angelic realms, beyond the dimensions that are directly connected to Earth, beyond the crystalline dimensions, are the angelic levels of your spiritual family – what you call your angel family. They have been waiting and watching. They have been waiting for you, as a representative of the spiritual family... they’ve been waiting for humanity in general... to evolve, to grow, to learn on Earth.
Now that this quantum leap is coming to be, now that you are truly taking ownership in yourself, becoming a sovereign being, these spiritual families are starting to come out of their type of hold – an energy hold. They’ve been in an impasse, waiting... waiting to discover, through you, what it is like to go to this place called Earth, what it is like to walk back through so many of your experiences from when you were with them, what it is like to go to Earth and take a body and be alone. They have been waiting and now, because of the movements within you, their energies are starting to move again also.
If you could, feel for a moment back to your spiritual families. It’s not important to know the name, but just feel the energy of your own spiritual family. Their energy has been, in a sense, frozen or at an impasse, waiting in a holding pattern, but now it is moving once again. Now you can begin to feel an energy shift even at these highest levels.
So there is quite a bit of activity outside of your realm. Quite a bit of activity in the angelic realm, Shaumbra. That’s why you continue to feel movement... and it’s not just about you, it’s happening on all these different realms... continuing to feel the shift and the change of energy.
Tobias has talked before and said yes, even angels get tired - particularly those who work very close to the Earth realms - for the energy of Earth is strong; it is heavy. It is, in a sense, beyond just physical gravity. It is a type of energetic gravity that pulls beings – angelic beings – to Earth. And if they are not properly balanced and they don’t have their support team, it could literally cause them to fall into a cycle of incarnation even when they don’t necessarily choose it. The draw to Earth is so strong.
So yes indeed, the angelic beings, we do get tired. A different tired than you do physically, but it can be very draining on the energies. That is why we tend to come and go. For there are times when we have to go far away from the Earth energies to recuperate our own... to get our own sense of balance and well-being back. So you’re also feeling a continual shift and movement in angelic beings coming in, your runners, the ones who support you.
So, that is what is happening on our side of the veil. There’s an increase in activity, an increase in energy movement all to support you. All to support you in what you’re doing here on Earth right now.
In last month’s Shoud Tobias talked more about disconnecting. He talked about networks. He talked about that everything in your reality is a network, all interconnected with everything else. He mentioned that, for instance, your liver is a network. It's made up of not just the cells and molecules and atoms, but made up of energy highways. Every element, every attribute of that network, even though it is a liver, also can be become a heart network if it needs to. It’s in direct contact with your heart. It can literally change itself over to become a heart network or a brain network. And the brain can become a foot network.
Everything is interconnected and everything understands itself. Outside of the body, everything is energetically interconnected to everything else. You are connected to Earth. Earth is connected to other - and all - parts of the Cosmos. The Cosmos is connected to all the dimensions. It is all interconnected.
And here you are, being asked to disconnect. You are asked to go back in within yourself, to find the heart, the core and the essence. To let go of all of those things that have been feeding you and everything you’ve been feeding everything else. The process is a natural one. You don’t have to force it. You don’t have to even try to manipulate it. There’s no particular exercises that you have to do. It just happens, and that is where Shaumbra is right now. Slowly, gently, with the assistance of all of these angelic beings, letting go of those old connections.
(continued below)[/color]
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 10: "I AM Authentic"
Featuring Adamus Saint-Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
May 6, 2006[/b]
I am, yes I am, Professor Adamus Saint-Germain. I AM authentic.
Dear Shaumbra, Tobias is on a bit of a holiday preparing for his next travels with a Shaumbra group; preparing to go to these lands of Romania where I will join him in several days; preparing the energies of Shaumbra who come to Romania, who live in Romania; preparing the energies for the channeling workshop, for our Wall of Fire School, and to really truly move some energy.
It is a very unique group that is gathering here. They are very intent on moving energy this time. This will be the third trip for Tobias and company. They are ready now to truly shift, truly work with their own energies and it is going to have an effect on the Earth energies – the consciousness energies in that area.
So Tobias has asked me to come in and discuss with you today, take this next Shoud, talk to you about some important points. But first I would like to start with a few Saint-Germain bumper stickers. (laughter) It is a wonderful little concept. Humans tend to boil everything down and be able to get them on a bumper sticker.
And my first bumper sticker today is that “The Universe conspires to fill your desires.” It is actually not mine, I stole that from Tobias, (laughter) but ...
Shaumbra it is to know that you are the Creator. You are the one in the lead. All other energies support you, it is not the other way around. All energies support you, from the highest level of the angelic beings to the energy of Earth herself, to all of the entities, to all of your past lives, to all of the aspects of ones who you have known. They choose to help you fill your desires. Sometimes the desires are hidden. Sometimes you’re so focused on your human needs that you forget about your Soul desires. But yet the process is happening anyway. The process is happening anyway.
Take a look at your life, everything that is going on in it. Everything that is in your life is supporting a desire at some level, supporting a desire to perhaps find what it is like to feel that you are unworthy of love or unworthy of abundance or health. At some level there is a desire within you to learn more about these things. The desire could be the shadow of old karma, making it so that you have desire not to step out, not to be integrated. And so the Universe comes in to fill that desire. It will show you what it is like to feel unworthy, unneeded, unloved. But all this time you are creating it, Shaumbra. It is your desire. It is not mine. I have no desires for you, I have no wishes for you. It is your desire.
So, go and take a look around. Watch how the energy conspires to fill your desires - and “conspires,” by the way, is not a bad term at all. “Conspires” means to bring forth, to manifest. It has negative connotation right now in your society, but “conspires” is a wonderful word.
So that is my first Saint-Germain bumper sticker for the day. The second, a bit more profound and philosophic, is that “The greatest gift you can give yourself is to understand that everything you have given to yourself is a gift.”
The greatest gift you can give to yourself is to understand that everything that has happened in your lifetimes has been a gift. You’ve given yourself this thing. You’re not a victim of the outside world. You’ve given yourself all these wonderful gifts, and when you can look at things this way it takes the negative spin off of them. If you can look at everything that’s happened in your life... even bad parents, a bad relationship, a physical ailment... these are all gifts. And when you look at them as such, it takes the old charge off of what you would consider to be a negative event.
I see that some of you are still haunted by things that have happened to you in the past. You can’t seem to shake the energy... or something traumatic that happened to you, or a series of traumatic events... and they keep coming back over and over even though you think you are releasing them. They’ve come in to haunt your everyday life. But when you look at them as a gift, when you look at them as a precious gift you gave yourself, it takes the spin off, it takes the haunt off and you can then proceed with your life.
I would like to bring in and introduce our guests for this Shoud. Ones who I’ve worked with before, ones who are very authentic beings. The dear ones I would like to invite in today are Guy and Edna Ballard, the ones who worked so closely with the St. Germain energy back in the 1930's, who published the “I AM” series of books. They come in to this gathering of Shaumbra right now, because in a sense this is just an extension of the work that has been going on for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years with Shaumbra. The work that was the works of Godfre Ray King, also known as Guy Ballard, are continuing in a more contemporary version right now, but instead of just one writer putting together all of these books, it is a group. It is called Shaumbra.
So Guy and Edna come in today as our guests to observe how the “I AM” work continues. They come in to observe the next evolution of the “I AM” work. Indeed, they did work with the purple flame, the Violet Flame. Indeed they did, because this was an appropriate tool some 80 years ago of time. It was an appropriate way of helping to get a focus. It was a symbol. It was something that the Ballards and the others could grasp onto. Now, you Shaumbra, don’t need those tools any more. You go to the next level – beyond the Violet Flame.
But the Violet Flame still exists, indeed. (Thunder is heard at this moment – Saint-Germain chuckles with much audience laughter.) There are many humans who still need to work with these tools, who still need to attach themselves to something like the Violet Flame, but Shaumbra you go far beyond that. You go far beyond in your work.
The Ballards brought in this tremendous “I AM” energy. They were ridiculed for it, they were greatly misunderstood by many people. They were a threat to the churches who saw a million-plus followers of the work. So they were ridiculed for what they did. But, they stayed to their core. They stayed to their truth. They stayed to the “I AM” work, and they come in today very proud to be with this group of Shaumbra, sharing a new time and a new energy. Both Guy and Edna wanting to come back to this Earth soon to take part in this whole evolution of new energy. So we ask you to welcome them in today, into this beautiful classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth.
It is a sweet energy here today. A very sweet energy in this room, based on Shaumbra who are here, based on the Ballards and all of the other guests. So I’m going to just ask you to just take a moment and breathe in the sweetness. I know sometimes when I come in to take Tobias’ place there is a bit of trepidation, (laughter and more thunder) some concern for what may happen on this day. But today... today it is sweet. Today it is a very sweet energy.
I'd like to begin by talking a bit about what is happening on the other side. What is happening in the heavens – the news from the heavens – for you are busy here, very focused on Earth, doing your work. So what is happening on the other side?
It is very busy, very busy indeed. I’m speaking here of the angelic non-physical beings who are giving in service to helping humanity, to helping Earth at this time. Indeed there are many, many other entities coming and going on the non-physical side: the ones who have recently died; the ones who are stuck in the near realms; the ones who are preparing to come back in. But I’m speaking here about the angelic beings who are in service.
By the way, they choose to be in service. There are angelic beings who, between lifetimes, give of themselves because they still feel very compassionate about the energy of Earth and the humans that they have left behind. So they, in a sense, volunteer to do this work, to continue to support and to love you.
There are other beings who have never been in human form. But they also volunteer, oftentimes shortly before they take on their first human incarnation. So they volunteer on our side of the veil to work with the humans. Particularly the humans who make it known, to themselves and to us, that they’re ready. They’re ready to drop the guise of the old human energy, ready to drop the old cycle of lifetime after lifetime.
So we are very busy on the other side. First of all, preparing for this quantum leap – just over a year of time – a quantum leap of consciousness, and Shaumbra we see it coming and you see it coming also. You see everything happening so fast right now. It was talked about, at the beginning of this gathering today, how only two hundred years ago the explorers were coming across this land of the Americas, the new Atlantis, searching for new lands, mapping out new territories. Only two hundred years ago. In the scheme of human history, that was just a blink of time ...
A hundred years ago, as was mentioned at the beginning of this gathering, the San Francisco earthquake. Just a short period of time ago, barely thirty years of time ago, the introduction of personal computers. The taking of technology, of computers, from just a few... for instance, the governments, the military and a few large corporations... and putting it into the hands of individuals – just thirty year ago. Look how it’s revolutionized your whole world. Everything that you do now is connected, in some way or the other, by the internet. In terms of history, that was less than a blink of time ago.
So those who wonder about the quantum leap, “Is it really happening?” Dear Shaumbra, we tell you it is happening very quickly. It is almost upon us. So there are angelic beings on this side who are ready and prepared. They will be assisting those, such as you Shaumbra, who are ready to do a reintegration of New Energy into your physical body and into your consciousness and belief systems. This is a major process and it requires great care so that your physical body doesn’t burn out, that your mind doesn’t go crazy. There is a continual need for balancing of energies.
These angelic beings are working with you now, often while you sleep but even now more often while you are awake. Right now while you sit here, they are working with you, helping you to fulfill your desire for the reintegration of your entire body, mind and spirit. If it was to happen all at once, surely you would just disintegrate. Surely none of your biology and your mind could handle this great change-over, so it is happening over a period of time.
There are angelic beings on our side who are working with other humans on Earth right now (more thunder, some laughter) who are going through a type of spiritual awakening process but aren’t aware that that’s what it is. They are working very closely with these humans because these humans are – how to say – in a very delicate state of being, not sure of who they are anymore or why they are here. Nothing makes sense but they are trying to hold onto some of the old ways. So there are legions of angels who are working with them - even if they don’t believe in angels.
There are many angelic beings who are working to maintain a constant moving and balancing of energies of this planet Earth. As Tobias talked in your last discussion, Earth is holding many, many old, old energies and will continue to hold old energies for a course of at least another thirty years. So there are legions of Beings. You could almost see them lined up working with Earth, working with Earth on inter-dimensional levels, not just the physical Earth level but on inter-dimensional levels.
There are legions of Beings – angelic beings on our side – who are preparing for the next influx of humans to come to Earth. But these humans are different. These souls who will be incarnating have never been on Earth before so they require great training - you would say - great understanding. The ones who are training them are the ones who generally have been on Earth. They’ve experienced what it is like to be in a physical body in a physical place. They are trying to help these new incarnates to understand what it is like to be here, what it is like to potentially forget about who you are, what it is like to work in mass and biology.
There are those on our side of the veil who are working with the planet Earth and how it relates to the rest of the physical Cosmos. There are interconnections that we have with Earth, with all ends of the Omniverse, with not only the physical dimensions but the non-physical as well. And this also requires tremendous balancing.
Some of you who are listening in today have been in that service - that service of balancing Earth with the rest of the Cosmos. And yes indeed, with other civilizations -but none quite like the humans, with other dimensions and aspects of life in those dimensions. It requires a tremendous legion of angelic beings who are in service to continue performing this task.
And, Shaumbra, and these very beings are also in service to you. They can’t do it for you. If you request that they give you a million dollars, they can’t do it for you. That is not their job. Their job is to help you balance your energies, to help you evolve, to help you discover your truth.
So they are there all the time. Yes indeed they do love to talk to you. They don’t always have the answers. They are there to support you. They are there to help you get through some of the very difficult times that you tend to go through. It is appropriate to call on them as friends, as ones from your own angelic families, as beings who love you dearly. But again, they can’t do it for you. They are not your guides, those guides left a long time ago.
Also on our side of the veil, in the angelic realms, beyond the dimensions that are directly connected to Earth, beyond the crystalline dimensions, are the angelic levels of your spiritual family – what you call your angel family. They have been waiting and watching. They have been waiting for you, as a representative of the spiritual family... they’ve been waiting for humanity in general... to evolve, to grow, to learn on Earth.
Now that this quantum leap is coming to be, now that you are truly taking ownership in yourself, becoming a sovereign being, these spiritual families are starting to come out of their type of hold – an energy hold. They’ve been in an impasse, waiting... waiting to discover, through you, what it is like to go to this place called Earth, what it is like to walk back through so many of your experiences from when you were with them, what it is like to go to Earth and take a body and be alone. They have been waiting and now, because of the movements within you, their energies are starting to move again also.
If you could, feel for a moment back to your spiritual families. It’s not important to know the name, but just feel the energy of your own spiritual family. Their energy has been, in a sense, frozen or at an impasse, waiting in a holding pattern, but now it is moving once again. Now you can begin to feel an energy shift even at these highest levels.
So there is quite a bit of activity outside of your realm. Quite a bit of activity in the angelic realm, Shaumbra. That’s why you continue to feel movement... and it’s not just about you, it’s happening on all these different realms... continuing to feel the shift and the change of energy.
Tobias has talked before and said yes, even angels get tired - particularly those who work very close to the Earth realms - for the energy of Earth is strong; it is heavy. It is, in a sense, beyond just physical gravity. It is a type of energetic gravity that pulls beings – angelic beings – to Earth. And if they are not properly balanced and they don’t have their support team, it could literally cause them to fall into a cycle of incarnation even when they don’t necessarily choose it. The draw to Earth is so strong.
So yes indeed, the angelic beings, we do get tired. A different tired than you do physically, but it can be very draining on the energies. That is why we tend to come and go. For there are times when we have to go far away from the Earth energies to recuperate our own... to get our own sense of balance and well-being back. So you’re also feeling a continual shift and movement in angelic beings coming in, your runners, the ones who support you.
So, that is what is happening on our side of the veil. There’s an increase in activity, an increase in energy movement all to support you. All to support you in what you’re doing here on Earth right now.
In last month’s Shoud Tobias talked more about disconnecting. He talked about networks. He talked about that everything in your reality is a network, all interconnected with everything else. He mentioned that, for instance, your liver is a network. It's made up of not just the cells and molecules and atoms, but made up of energy highways. Every element, every attribute of that network, even though it is a liver, also can be become a heart network if it needs to. It’s in direct contact with your heart. It can literally change itself over to become a heart network or a brain network. And the brain can become a foot network.
Everything is interconnected and everything understands itself. Outside of the body, everything is energetically interconnected to everything else. You are connected to Earth. Earth is connected to other - and all - parts of the Cosmos. The Cosmos is connected to all the dimensions. It is all interconnected.
And here you are, being asked to disconnect. You are asked to go back in within yourself, to find the heart, the core and the essence. To let go of all of those things that have been feeding you and everything you’ve been feeding everything else. The process is a natural one. You don’t have to force it. You don’t have to even try to manipulate it. There’s no particular exercises that you have to do. It just happens, and that is where Shaumbra is right now. Slowly, gently, with the assistance of all of these angelic beings, letting go of those old connections.
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