Post by ADMIN on Mar 28, 2006 9:14:45 GMT -5
This is the second half of the message.; for the 1rst part go to :
Absolute love is the love of all things. The Tao loves all things that it perceives as a consciousness and as relayed by earth and those who are ascending at this time in history. The Tao loves those who destroy and those who are destroyed alike for the patterns that are revealed and are problematic unto itself. Mila and Oa have learned to forgive those who are destructive towards them or in the world mirror through absolute love. How exactly does absolute love work? We will tell you an experience from Mila’s own life.
Mila agreed to work one to one with a particular set of initiates that were of very destructive ancestry and hosting an incomplete ascension in the family; Mila new the danger of uniting with their energy flow in a consultation as she could become badly shattered through the unconscious dynamics of the game; and yet she knew that there was something to learn from the experience.
The story was a sad one; through the false ascent the brother had been so badly stripped of grid work that he was having symptoms of MS. The newborn grandchild exhibited parallel symptoms and was dying. The entire dance is a false ascension game; the grid work of the child and brother was going to the other brother in their false ascension. The pain that this caused the disabled brother and wife who were grandparents to the dying child was unbelievable. And yet in touching upon this dance Mila could forgive; forgive the one having the false ascension by stripping the two to death in the unconscious and due to karmic patterning that they were unable to release; and forgive the ones who suffered as a result of false ascension.
Mila could also forgive all ancestors playing any part of a parallel dance throughout her human history. In the absolute forgiveness, Mila’s heart opened and she loved; she loved the one having the false ascent, the one dying from it, and the grandchild and grandmother who was suffering. In the absolute love, nothing could touch her field; her field could not be shattered as love is more powerful than fear; and this is absolute love in action.
Absolute forgiveness and absolute love are designed to work together. They are commands and blessings of the Tao. In learning to work with these two commands, one will find that the love in one’s field becomes a powerful force with which to hold one’s boundaries. The reason for this is that love is really more powerful than fear and always has been; it is just that humans have fallen into such a loss of remembrance that they perceive fear and abusiveness or war are more powerful than love.
As more and more initiates master absolute forgiveness and love, a shift shall occur and humans shall begin to recall that love is more powerful than fear; and they shall then begin to rely upon love to hold their boundaries and truth again. As this occurs in the nonphysical, then humans will also begin to relate to one another in love, and will find that love will dissolve the differences allowing for resolution of conflict without the need to war or violate anyone.
What does it require to master absolute love? First it requires opening the heart and ceasing to numb the field with addictions such as television, computer games, cigarettes and drugs. These preoccupations interfere with the ability to open the heart enough to love. The heart must open to a minimum of 26 petals of the 1000 petal lotus of the Bodhisattva. This requires enough chi to expand this region of the field, and addictions interfere with this by draining off too much chi through media, drug or cigarette planes of reality to foster enough chi to expand the heart.
As the heart opens, and this occurs as between 2400 and 2600 strands of DNA is mastered, the ability to commune also begins. Communion is a state of being through which the soul and earth connect to the human heart through the heart lotus; it is in a state of communion that love is extended from the nonphysical to the physical. As one feels the love of earth and soul, and intends absolute forgiveness and absolute love in association with any troubled circumstance one is experiencing, the earth and soul in communion will expand the heart lotus to double the size in an intricate series of movements hosting the pink and lavender rays; this expands the love and forgiveness enough so that it can be absolute, allowing for the dissolution of cords of attachment along with karmic agreements that are physical, ancestral and multidimensional in nature.
The mineral kingdom plays a role in opening the archives of karma so that it can be dissolved through absolute forgiveness and absolute love. Absolute love will strengthen the forgiveness making it five to one hundred times more powerful; as it is in the recognition that love is the most powerful force of the universe that the forgiveness of all actions of non-love or abuse in one’s life experience or ancestry can be forgiven. This is absolute love in action beloved.
The lotus movement that allows for communion between body soul and earth along with absolute love and forgiveness requires that the same geometry be held with both the space within and space between of one’s energy flow. Those who continue to host pyramidal or box shaped flow in the space between of the chakras or subtle bodies will not be able to master absolute love or forgiveness. So this is another reason to bring about unity of field through intention in ascension. Forgiveness cannot occur in a state of disunity; forgiveness and love require a state of unity within. Unity within is born as both geometries mirror one another in the same patterning that is flower of life based.
The space between is a region of domain that is designed to separate and divide. When one applies love to the space between, it causes this region of domain to collapse down to size, and resume the structure and function that the space between hosts. What is the space between to do? The space between separates and divides creating pathways through which the light can move. What happens when the space between inflates? The space between then diminishes the space through which the light can flow causing a fall in consciousness.
Ultimately this is how all falls have occurred inside or outside the Great Central Sun in Terra’s experience beloved. The space between increased and increased and the space without or positive flow decreased and decreased until Terra dropped to the next dimension of life beneath the one that she previously held. So this is also how humans have fallen in consciousness; the space between expanded and expanded along with the false gods associated and the space without or positive energy collapsed and collapsed. Now at this time of ascension, all must collapse the space between and expand the light and life force in order to restore the biology to the crystalline and regenerative state of being. The lavender tones of absolute love will assist in this goal.
The false gods of the dark do not desire to leave or quit. They ultimately do not know anything but the animated state of being that they have been caught in. What animates the false gods? Well this is interesting and the Amethyst Mineral Kingdom would like to explain.
Long ago and humans and earth left the Great Central Sun dream, all fields including Terra’s global field turned inside out. As such, soul was left behind in the former dream and Terra and all upon her including humanity were left soulless. Terra also split into a light and dark dream losing her amalgamated state of being in turning inside out. Due to a loss of soul, Terra and all kingdoms upon her inflated a part of their own body level consciousness to assist in guiding life so that all would not perish. There were false gods of the light that were the result of puffing up the positive energy flow of the field; and false gods of the dark that were the result of puffing up the negative energy flow of the field into a state of god. This is the origins of the false gods of the dark and light.
In the beginning, Terra went through an era of light earth dream only, and this left the false gods of the light directing the show. The false gods of the light kept expanding and expanding her field until there was not enough density to sustain the expansion in balance. Terra’s field then began to wobble and fracture down and down in frequency thereafter, to less than the frequency that she left the Sun’s dream at. The fracturing did not stop but continued, and soon her field inverted into a dark dream. Now the false gods of the dark took over and continued to separate and divide and puff up more and more of Terra’s density until she fell to the dimension beneath in consciousness. This is from the records of the Tao in review of Terra’s first fall outside the Great Central Sun dream.
Now it is understood how the split dreams caused the demise of Terra over time; and how the disunity of failing to have both sides of self working in the same dream is at cause of the many falls in history. The reason that the false gods of the light and false gods of the dark do not work together is that they exist in such separation of dream that one does not know that the other exists. So this is so except for humans; humans can acknowledge the false gods of the dark as well as light as humans exist both in the light and dark dreams simultaneously. For each day one transits through a checkerboard upon earth’s surface of light and dark dreams; and in enter the light dream one can converse with the false gods of the light; and in the dark dream one can converse with the false gods of the dark.
This is confusing as one will receive information more supportive of ascension with one set of false gods and not so supportive from the other set in the space between. And the reality is that even the false gods of the light do not know how to ascend completely; as they focus only upon the light or positive energy flow of the field and do not perceive the space between. How can that which only perceives the positive energy ascend the negative? They cannot; hence the vastly incomplete ascensions that are occurring amongst those following the false gods of the light at this time in history.
There is a preference amongst humans to desire to focus upon love and light only. It is this desire that occurs within the false gods of the light as well. Communications from the false gods of the light tend to be gentle, nurturing and only acknowledging one side of the dance; which is the love and the light. What is not acknowledged is the dark or density as it is not a part of the dream in which humans exist. Those humans who focus only upon love and light also exist in a light earth dream and do not acknowledge the dark. And yet the dark is all around and expressed in the world mirror.
Those focusing only upon the light wish the darkness to simply be swept under the carpet and ignored; they also fail to acknowledge their own darkness within or the karma that their ancestry has accumulated for destructive actions in their incarnations. If one fails to acknowledge the darkness within, then one only ascends one half of oneself, and the light increases and the dark also increases and will eventually override the field leading to disease. As it is only in the ascension of the dark or space between that it collapses back to size and holds the proper structure and function of carving the pathways of light.
Now this may be hard to understand as ascension should inflate, should it not? Well it inflates the light and collapses the space between as this is what is required to move more chi through the etheric body so that a higher and higher frequency can be held. Without diminishing the space between, not enough chi will flow through to the etheric cells ultimately to hold its new vibration; and this also can cause the body to become ill.
Humans have made many mistakes over time in their ascensions. Most of the mistakes have been the result of following the voices of the false gods, whether they are of the light or dark matters not. As the false gods of the light will focus only upon love and light and expanding this region of domain but fail to collapse the darkness or space between that they do not perceive; the darkness then overruns the field leading to death of the form. This has occurred in many time periods and is repeated at this time as ascension is triggered. The only way out of this particular type of ascension if it has been one’s ancestral inheritance is to intend otherwise; one can intend to modify and collapse the space between and the consciousness associated back to its structure and function; and this will not only lead to a complete ascension, but a state of health and regeneration in the physical as well..
And so the Amethyst Kingdom invites ascending humans to ascend both the light and dark parts of self. We also invite each to pay attention to the destructive karma of one’s inheritance and learn to forgive it with absolute forgiveness and absolute love. It is only as more humans move into absolute forgiveness and love that the human dream can be altered enough to give birth to a new day. This requires each ascending human to do their part in the greater support of the whole.
As for the mineral kingdom, we too are learning our lessons of complete ascension. We too have mountains and valleys that sit in the dark dream and move the wrong geometry for Terra or the Great Central Sun dream. We too are learning to collapse our space between and alter our geometry to be supportive of the whole. And so you see we really do mirror one another.
We leave you with these thoughts
The Amethyst Mineral Kingdom
Absolute love is the love of all things. The Tao loves all things that it perceives as a consciousness and as relayed by earth and those who are ascending at this time in history. The Tao loves those who destroy and those who are destroyed alike for the patterns that are revealed and are problematic unto itself. Mila and Oa have learned to forgive those who are destructive towards them or in the world mirror through absolute love. How exactly does absolute love work? We will tell you an experience from Mila’s own life.
Mila agreed to work one to one with a particular set of initiates that were of very destructive ancestry and hosting an incomplete ascension in the family; Mila new the danger of uniting with their energy flow in a consultation as she could become badly shattered through the unconscious dynamics of the game; and yet she knew that there was something to learn from the experience.
The story was a sad one; through the false ascent the brother had been so badly stripped of grid work that he was having symptoms of MS. The newborn grandchild exhibited parallel symptoms and was dying. The entire dance is a false ascension game; the grid work of the child and brother was going to the other brother in their false ascension. The pain that this caused the disabled brother and wife who were grandparents to the dying child was unbelievable. And yet in touching upon this dance Mila could forgive; forgive the one having the false ascension by stripping the two to death in the unconscious and due to karmic patterning that they were unable to release; and forgive the ones who suffered as a result of false ascension.
Mila could also forgive all ancestors playing any part of a parallel dance throughout her human history. In the absolute forgiveness, Mila’s heart opened and she loved; she loved the one having the false ascent, the one dying from it, and the grandchild and grandmother who was suffering. In the absolute love, nothing could touch her field; her field could not be shattered as love is more powerful than fear; and this is absolute love in action.
Absolute forgiveness and absolute love are designed to work together. They are commands and blessings of the Tao. In learning to work with these two commands, one will find that the love in one’s field becomes a powerful force with which to hold one’s boundaries. The reason for this is that love is really more powerful than fear and always has been; it is just that humans have fallen into such a loss of remembrance that they perceive fear and abusiveness or war are more powerful than love.
As more and more initiates master absolute forgiveness and love, a shift shall occur and humans shall begin to recall that love is more powerful than fear; and they shall then begin to rely upon love to hold their boundaries and truth again. As this occurs in the nonphysical, then humans will also begin to relate to one another in love, and will find that love will dissolve the differences allowing for resolution of conflict without the need to war or violate anyone.
What does it require to master absolute love? First it requires opening the heart and ceasing to numb the field with addictions such as television, computer games, cigarettes and drugs. These preoccupations interfere with the ability to open the heart enough to love. The heart must open to a minimum of 26 petals of the 1000 petal lotus of the Bodhisattva. This requires enough chi to expand this region of the field, and addictions interfere with this by draining off too much chi through media, drug or cigarette planes of reality to foster enough chi to expand the heart.
As the heart opens, and this occurs as between 2400 and 2600 strands of DNA is mastered, the ability to commune also begins. Communion is a state of being through which the soul and earth connect to the human heart through the heart lotus; it is in a state of communion that love is extended from the nonphysical to the physical. As one feels the love of earth and soul, and intends absolute forgiveness and absolute love in association with any troubled circumstance one is experiencing, the earth and soul in communion will expand the heart lotus to double the size in an intricate series of movements hosting the pink and lavender rays; this expands the love and forgiveness enough so that it can be absolute, allowing for the dissolution of cords of attachment along with karmic agreements that are physical, ancestral and multidimensional in nature.
The mineral kingdom plays a role in opening the archives of karma so that it can be dissolved through absolute forgiveness and absolute love. Absolute love will strengthen the forgiveness making it five to one hundred times more powerful; as it is in the recognition that love is the most powerful force of the universe that the forgiveness of all actions of non-love or abuse in one’s life experience or ancestry can be forgiven. This is absolute love in action beloved.
The lotus movement that allows for communion between body soul and earth along with absolute love and forgiveness requires that the same geometry be held with both the space within and space between of one’s energy flow. Those who continue to host pyramidal or box shaped flow in the space between of the chakras or subtle bodies will not be able to master absolute love or forgiveness. So this is another reason to bring about unity of field through intention in ascension. Forgiveness cannot occur in a state of disunity; forgiveness and love require a state of unity within. Unity within is born as both geometries mirror one another in the same patterning that is flower of life based.
The space between is a region of domain that is designed to separate and divide. When one applies love to the space between, it causes this region of domain to collapse down to size, and resume the structure and function that the space between hosts. What is the space between to do? The space between separates and divides creating pathways through which the light can move. What happens when the space between inflates? The space between then diminishes the space through which the light can flow causing a fall in consciousness.
Ultimately this is how all falls have occurred inside or outside the Great Central Sun in Terra’s experience beloved. The space between increased and increased and the space without or positive flow decreased and decreased until Terra dropped to the next dimension of life beneath the one that she previously held. So this is also how humans have fallen in consciousness; the space between expanded and expanded along with the false gods associated and the space without or positive energy collapsed and collapsed. Now at this time of ascension, all must collapse the space between and expand the light and life force in order to restore the biology to the crystalline and regenerative state of being. The lavender tones of absolute love will assist in this goal.
The false gods of the dark do not desire to leave or quit. They ultimately do not know anything but the animated state of being that they have been caught in. What animates the false gods? Well this is interesting and the Amethyst Mineral Kingdom would like to explain.
Long ago and humans and earth left the Great Central Sun dream, all fields including Terra’s global field turned inside out. As such, soul was left behind in the former dream and Terra and all upon her including humanity were left soulless. Terra also split into a light and dark dream losing her amalgamated state of being in turning inside out. Due to a loss of soul, Terra and all kingdoms upon her inflated a part of their own body level consciousness to assist in guiding life so that all would not perish. There were false gods of the light that were the result of puffing up the positive energy flow of the field; and false gods of the dark that were the result of puffing up the negative energy flow of the field into a state of god. This is the origins of the false gods of the dark and light.
In the beginning, Terra went through an era of light earth dream only, and this left the false gods of the light directing the show. The false gods of the light kept expanding and expanding her field until there was not enough density to sustain the expansion in balance. Terra’s field then began to wobble and fracture down and down in frequency thereafter, to less than the frequency that she left the Sun’s dream at. The fracturing did not stop but continued, and soon her field inverted into a dark dream. Now the false gods of the dark took over and continued to separate and divide and puff up more and more of Terra’s density until she fell to the dimension beneath in consciousness. This is from the records of the Tao in review of Terra’s first fall outside the Great Central Sun dream.
Now it is understood how the split dreams caused the demise of Terra over time; and how the disunity of failing to have both sides of self working in the same dream is at cause of the many falls in history. The reason that the false gods of the light and false gods of the dark do not work together is that they exist in such separation of dream that one does not know that the other exists. So this is so except for humans; humans can acknowledge the false gods of the dark as well as light as humans exist both in the light and dark dreams simultaneously. For each day one transits through a checkerboard upon earth’s surface of light and dark dreams; and in enter the light dream one can converse with the false gods of the light; and in the dark dream one can converse with the false gods of the dark.
This is confusing as one will receive information more supportive of ascension with one set of false gods and not so supportive from the other set in the space between. And the reality is that even the false gods of the light do not know how to ascend completely; as they focus only upon the light or positive energy flow of the field and do not perceive the space between. How can that which only perceives the positive energy ascend the negative? They cannot; hence the vastly incomplete ascensions that are occurring amongst those following the false gods of the light at this time in history.
There is a preference amongst humans to desire to focus upon love and light only. It is this desire that occurs within the false gods of the light as well. Communications from the false gods of the light tend to be gentle, nurturing and only acknowledging one side of the dance; which is the love and the light. What is not acknowledged is the dark or density as it is not a part of the dream in which humans exist. Those humans who focus only upon love and light also exist in a light earth dream and do not acknowledge the dark. And yet the dark is all around and expressed in the world mirror.
Those focusing only upon the light wish the darkness to simply be swept under the carpet and ignored; they also fail to acknowledge their own darkness within or the karma that their ancestry has accumulated for destructive actions in their incarnations. If one fails to acknowledge the darkness within, then one only ascends one half of oneself, and the light increases and the dark also increases and will eventually override the field leading to disease. As it is only in the ascension of the dark or space between that it collapses back to size and holds the proper structure and function of carving the pathways of light.
Now this may be hard to understand as ascension should inflate, should it not? Well it inflates the light and collapses the space between as this is what is required to move more chi through the etheric body so that a higher and higher frequency can be held. Without diminishing the space between, not enough chi will flow through to the etheric cells ultimately to hold its new vibration; and this also can cause the body to become ill.
Humans have made many mistakes over time in their ascensions. Most of the mistakes have been the result of following the voices of the false gods, whether they are of the light or dark matters not. As the false gods of the light will focus only upon love and light and expanding this region of domain but fail to collapse the darkness or space between that they do not perceive; the darkness then overruns the field leading to death of the form. This has occurred in many time periods and is repeated at this time as ascension is triggered. The only way out of this particular type of ascension if it has been one’s ancestral inheritance is to intend otherwise; one can intend to modify and collapse the space between and the consciousness associated back to its structure and function; and this will not only lead to a complete ascension, but a state of health and regeneration in the physical as well..
And so the Amethyst Kingdom invites ascending humans to ascend both the light and dark parts of self. We also invite each to pay attention to the destructive karma of one’s inheritance and learn to forgive it with absolute forgiveness and absolute love. It is only as more humans move into absolute forgiveness and love that the human dream can be altered enough to give birth to a new day. This requires each ascending human to do their part in the greater support of the whole.
As for the mineral kingdom, we too are learning our lessons of complete ascension. We too have mountains and valleys that sit in the dark dream and move the wrong geometry for Terra or the Great Central Sun dream. We too are learning to collapse our space between and alter our geometry to be supportive of the whole. And so you see we really do mirror one another.
We leave you with these thoughts
The Amethyst Mineral Kingdom