Post by Sowelu on Sept 10, 2005 16:24:15 GMT -5
The Love and Empowerment Foundation Newsletter
August, 2005
Under the auspices of the Archangel Metatron
The New Paradigm
[/b][/center]August, 2005
Under the auspices of the Archangel Metatron
The New Paradigm
I am sure that each and every one of you has felt the intense energetic shifting of the recent weeks in some way. I, myself, have spent the last weeks undergoing the most intense transformation of my entire path. Although I am a bit more grounded and focused in present time now, the transformation goes on. These past weeks have been a crucially important time in our planetary ascension, with the key cosmic configurations coupled with changes in the mass consciousness.
The reality shift is well under way and the time of magic and miracles is upon us. It has never been more important to be aware of one's choices. Many of us are still choosing by default, because we have not yet realized that we have choices to make, for love or fear, in each moment of our lives. The default choice will likely be one of fear, but only the conscious choice for love will bring the miracles.
Our power of conscious choice IS our personal power and our only effective tool. We are the initiators of a major paradigm shift in the planetary consciousness of Earth. It has been the way of humans for many millennia to seek power outside of self, to seek God outside of self, to believe that humans need an intermediary, master, guru or savior in order to connect with God. This is the paradigm that we are about changing.
In the Age of Aquarius, each human is to come to the circle as an incarnate master and to make a unique contribution to the whole. The Age of Aquarius is the age of personal power within and oneness with All-that-Is. The belief that one needs a master or savior to spiritually advance and connect with God is one that is rooted in fear. It belongs to the previous rungs on the ladder of human evolution. It falls to us, the Servants of the Light, to change this old paradigm by enacting the new one.
I still see so many of us looking to place power outside of ourselves, looking for the "fix" from the person with the right cosmic credentials. A few days ago, I found myself receiving emails from a glossy, slick new age marketing email list. I didn't subscribe to this mailing list, because I know now that I do not require anything outside of myself. I know that nothing happens without a reason, though. I allowed the emails to come, two or three times a day, for a few days, perusing the offerings.
I was aghast at the number of obviously questionable services being offered for substantial prices. How do I know what is questionable and what is not? I can feel the energy resonance through the advertisement. Not everyone who advertises in new age marketing emails, magazines or websites is questionable, of course. As I received the emails from this marketing list, though, I was again made aware of the number of "snake-oil salesmen" within our ranks, people who are capitalizing on our evolving planetary consciousness.
As I always say, let people do as they do. The only thing that matters is what "you" choose. Your choices in this now moment will determine the nature of your own future unfoldment. Our present planetary consciousness, of which we all are a part, supports capitalism and seizing the opportunity to make money in whatever way possible. We all have a part in creating that consciousness.
There are those who will apply that to spirituality and the ever expanding self-improvement industry as well. The search for meaning in spirituality and metaphysics is a part of our times and evolution. In these rapidly shifting planetary energies, we have a mixing of the paradigms, old and new. People are called by their higher intuition and even their DNA to seek, to expand, to become more. Yet, the human conditioning to seek power outside of itself is still very much at play.
I still see so many people looking for a leader, looking for someone to tell them what to believe, what to do to assure their personal ascension. I see people trying one "fix" after another, another guru, another master, another ascension method. People are trying to carry the belief systems of the previous age into the new age and it won't work.
It seems timely now for me once again to remind everyone that "the power lies within". You already have all that you require in order to ascend. The key lies within your own thoughts and emotions, and your choice to take back your power over them. Emotions are "frequency" and what you are feeling determines your frequency alignment here on Earth. In truth, no one can fix you but "you". Yes, there are times when seeking a product or service from someone else can accelerate the process, be very beneficial.
When we are seeking assistance with our path, we are also being given opportunities to choose/initiate the new paradigm by not giving over our personal power to those who provide the service. We implement the new paradigm by learning to trust our feelings and intuitions, taking what is needed, leaving the rest and not being attached to a particular belief system or way of doing things. In this new age, no one has "all the answers" or "better answers". The only answers are within. We are each led to that which will serve us best.
With the key cosmic alignments and energy shifting of this Summer, the doors to higher states of consciousness are open as never before. We still must bypass the auto-programming of the old paradigm and consciously choose to take back our power in order to transcend duality and fear. We must practice "living" the new paradigm in order for it to take effect. This is not necessarily a long and hard undertaking.
I encourage everyone to back off from looking at the very large picture, from the machinations of the mind trying to contemplate "how it all is going to work". If you avoid expectations, you will not experience disappointments. When you focus on staying in "now" and just taking back the power of choice over the immediate things at hand, an accelerated momentum will be created. One choice for love over fear leads to another, and another. The higher intuition comes back on line and the wellspring of Divinity within springs forth. With each choice for love that each person makes, our evolution is accelerated and our planetary consciousness changed.
NO ONE has any state of enlightenment, any method, any information that is not available to you, should you seek it. This is the age of the Collective Messiah, of many masters. Each one of you reading this is one of those masters. The gift of our times is that it is no longer necessary to spend a lifetime in austerity behind cloistered walls to attain enlightenment. You no longer "need" a master to become a master. All that you need to do in order to take up that mantle of the master is to take back the power of choice - one now moment at a time. The best time to start is right "now".