Post by Sowelu on Jun 23, 2006 13:29:58 GMT -5
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 11: "You Are Ready!"
Featuring Tobias and Metatron, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
June 3, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together here in this safe and sacred space, bringing together the energies of all Shaumbra on Earth right now. Bringing together the energies of all of us in the Crimson Council and of the Order of the Arc who support and love you and are here to participate with you in this whole movement of energy. And it is such an honor for I, Tobias, to return to my rightful barstool! (laughter, Tobias chuckling)
As you have probably noticed we are working together with you, sharing this venue of shouding and channeling... sometimes Saint-Germain, sometimes Kuthumi - who will return shortly, sometimes the energies of Ohamah coming through, and Quan Yin coming through... but always, always the energy of Shaumbra.
The other day Cauldre said out loud to some of his loved ones that he had been feeling like crying lately, had been feeling an overwhelming energy come through. Not a sadness, but a type of crying. And he was very confused about this feeling, wondering where it was coming from, thinking that perhaps he needed to go out and let a few tears come out of his eyes.
We want to point out to him and to you that that sense of crying, that sense of deep and profound emotion was actually coming from us. Coming from Saint-Germain and Kuthumi and Quan Yin, coming from Kuntar, coming from all of those who have been working with you these past six years of time. It is our overwhelming feeling and thankfulness for the work that you are doing, knowing that you have come this far, knowing that you have endured some of the most difficult objects, some of the most difficult challenges along the way. Knowing that so often you have doubted yourself, so often you've wondered what you were doing here. But Shaumbra, by appointment you come across time and space to be here now on Earth, to be here for a process that you’ve personally been going through and to be here for the other humans
Each day we get, literally, millions of calls - you call them prayers - that we hear on our side of the veil. Humans who are hurting; humans who are desperate; humans who are lost and trapped and don’t know the way out; humans who are suffering in their bodies, suffering financially and emotionally – and they’re lost. Humans who want to know God – the big “G” authentic god - not the God in some book, not a distant and judgmental God, but a God in their everyday life. And they are so lonely. So lonely.
Perhaps the greatest majority of all of these prayers and calls that we receive each day, comes from the souls on Earth right now who are lonely. They are lonely not just for the companionship of another human but the companionship of God and the companionship of themselves. And we get these calls continually, over and over again.
Because of overlays and belief systems, it is difficult for us to come in to speak to them. They don’t necessarily think they can talk to angels or nonphysical beings. They’re not sure who or what to trust, so there’s very little we can do other than send them our blessings and send them our love. But so often those blessings and love go unanswered by them, undetected that they’re even there.
So it is time, Shaumbra, for the humans, for the teachers, for YOU to begin your service, your work, your love and your passion – whatever you want to call it. It is time for this to begin. We have spent, actually, seven years of time now together, going through a process with each and everyone of you, a process that other humans will go through also... perhaps not as deep, perhaps not as difficult as what you went through. We have been going through this together, going through our processes, and now many, many others will follow.
This is the last Shoud of this series, of the Clarity Series. There will not be a Shoud 12. We’re going to wrap up this series today and then, when we gather for the annual Shaumbra conference next month (referring to the 2006 Midsummer New Energy Conference), we will do a special supplement, a very special series of channelings and Shouds that will ultimately become part of the Clarity Series but yet as a supplement or an addendum to the series. We want to make it available to all of Shaumbra so we’re going to ask that, technically and otherwise, that it be made available - each one of these Shouds, each day - to all of Shaumbra, live online, and then as soon as possible be made available to those who want to download it and review it for later.
Kuthumi, Saint-Germain and I, Tobias, will be taking you through something that we’ve waited a long, long time for. It will be the icing on the cake of this Clarity Series but also the icing on the cake of all of the Shouds that we have done together. It will be, in a sense, a type of new beginning. It will be a rite of passage for Shaumbra. So we are looking forward to doing this with you. We are already planning on our side. We're planning for the very special return visit of Kuthumi just for this event.
So Shaumbra, Shoud 11 of the Clarity Series. We bring in a special guest, a very special guest who made a very dynamic appearance in April 2002. That is a FOUR, and another FOUR... (audience laughter as Tobias teasingly alludes to David McMaster's introduction) and it has been FOUR years and TWO months (more laughter) since this entity has come in to visit, like this entity comes and visits today. So we ask you to welcome in the energy of your Voice in Spirit, Metatron.
Many of you have been feeling – how to say – the hair on your arms rising, perhaps the hair on the back of your neck rising as we started bringing in the energy for today. Four years two months ago Metatron asked you a question, “Are you ready? Are you ready?”
And today Metatron comes in, and Metatron speaks to each and every one of you because it is your voice also. Metatron is an entity – is a collective energy. Metatron is you also. It is your Authentic Self, your Godself. And Metatron comes in today to work with us in this Shoud, the Shoud where we close out the Clarity Series. Instead of a question, Metatron makes a statement and says “You ARE ready. You are ready.”
And if you’re not.... (audience laughter) If you are not ready, Shaumbra ... and we're going to bypass any filters Cauldre might throw in here... (more laughter) If you’re not ready, perhaps it is time for you to find a different group. Perhaps it is time to look elsewhere for the answers. Perhaps it is time to go somewhere and work with other humans and other angels who will continue to do processing with you, continue to do facilitating with you, continue to work through your issues, because henceforth the Crimson Circle and Shaumbra is not going to focus the energy on that.
You ARE ready. You have all of the tools.You have all of the words and all of the energy. From here forward we move into the realms of true teachers. Our next series, which will start in August, which is an EIGHT month, in the year of EIGHT (laughter), will be called the “Teacher Series” and we’re going to be working with each and every one of you... (audience cheering and applause) and now, how to take what you have learned and what you have done with yourself over these SEVEN years of time (laughter as Tobias continues to emphasize the numbers) and do the teaching that you came here to do.
You have come across time and space to be here. None of it is truly what you think it is. What you have been going through these past number of years has been in preparation. It truly hasn’t been about you. It hasn’t been about you.
I’m going to work with Metatron’s energy here to make this very direct and very clear. You did not have to be here this lifetime. You think you did. You think you had karma. You think you had responsibilities to others. You think you had things to learn. You didn’t. It was an illusion. It was truly an illusion. A very, very real and poignant illusion, but it was an illusion. Much like me... (some laughter) I didn’t need to return - and you didn’t either.
If you remember for a moment how we sat around in the Cottage and talked about it and you said, “I don’t need to return to Earth. I don’t need to be there. I’ve gone through everything. I have reached my enlightenment. I have already gone through my ascension on Earth, another time, another place, but I’m going to choose to go back in one of the most dynamic but yet one of the most difficult times ever on Earth. I’m going to choose to go back and take on a role. I’m going to pretend that I had difficulties. I’m going to pretend I had karma. I’m going to pretend that I struggled with money. I’m going to pretend that I had relationship issues. I’m going to do this so I can learn, in the classroom of Earth, learn at the very deepest levels what it is like to go through these things during a transition into New Energy on Earth. I’m going to go there to develop the empathy and the compassion for other humans. I’m going to go there as a new and different type of teacher - not a teacher of theory, not a teacher of some illusive principles - but teacher of Life.” That’s why you are here.
If you remember for a moment how you and I, Saint-Germain, Kuthumi, Shaumbra, have sat around in the Cottage and talked about this lifetime of yours, the lifetime where you truly didn’t need to go back. And you remember when you asked me to remind you of why you are really here? And remember when you said, “Now Tobias, even if I don’t believe you, even if I don’t believe that I didn’t need to be here on Earth in this lifetime, even if I thought you were talking to somebody else, please remind me over and over again. Please remind me of who I truly am.”
Because we both know that it’s easy to get stuck in this thing of Earth. It’s easy for the doubts to come in. It’s easy to play this game of a victim. It’s easy for you, a grand angel, to get lost in this whole energy and overlay of Earth. But if you’re hearing or reading these words, you didn’t need to be here. You gave of yourself in an ultimate type of service to Spirit, to loved ones who you have known in other lifetimes. You gave yourself in love to the Crimson Council, which you are a part of, to come back here and pretend, to go through these things which, yes, have been very real. Some of you have the scars, physical and emotional, to prove it. But I want you to remember, you didn’t need to be here.
In one of our very, very early lessons that we did, I said to Shaumbra all over the world, “You’ve already ascended.” Seems like ages ago. It was one of the very first lessons in the very first series. You’ve already ascended. It was a reminder, even back then. Many of you forgot about that. Many of you thought I was talking to the person sitting next to you. Many of you thought that it was some sort of... perhaps, an esoteric concept. Some of you literally chose to forget that I said those words to you many, many years ago.
You’ve already ascended. Now you just came back... came back to develop this empathy and compassion and to develop your own tool kit for going forth as a teacher. You didn’t need to be here. Why do you think it is that we want to cry sometimes? Why do you think that our feelings are so strong?
So today is a wonderful day to shed those old concepts of why you thought you were here. Time to shed those old lessons that you have been giving yourself. You’re not who you think you are. You are part of the Crimson Council. You’re here on Earth right now, as a human teacher, to help answer the calls from the millions and millions of humans who need help every day.
We’re going to shift gears with the Crimson Circle, after today in particular, taking it to a new level. The ground work and the foundation has been set by you and by those of us on this side, things that you may not even notice, or take for granted.
The development of this new Crimson Circle Energy Company - it’s not about the money. It’s about a way to bring Shaumbra – the Teachers – together. Crimson Circle Energy Company is truly the Shaumbra University. It’s the Teacher’s company. It’s a way for Shaumbra to support and encourage each other, because even though you’re going to be doing your teaching now. Oh yes, I’m going to underline that: You ARE going to be doing your teaching now. You’ve asked me to say that to you.
You’re not here for more processing, for more words about – how to say – dealing with things. You have those now. It’s going to be different from here on. You ARE going to be teaching. That’s what you came here for. That’s why you took on this most difficult challenge when you didn’t have to come back to Earth, when you sat and met with the grandest angels – you being one of them – in the Order of the Arc and in the Crimson Council, when you, a representative for your spiritual families in the other realms, didn’t need to come back but yet you did. That is sacrifice. That is love. That is crazy! (audience laughter, Tobias chuckling) Notice I didn’t come back! (more laughter) I speak through my friend.
So Shaumbra, we bring in the energy of Metatron today. We’ve been talking for this last year about Clarity. Talking about how humans feed, where they get their energy, how they get energy from other people, how they feed off of drama. Humans feed off of addictions - to drugs, to sex, to a wide variety of things. They’re taking energy from all of these other places.
Oh yes, there IS an energy crisis on Earth right now. There is, but it’s not about the fuel for your automobile or to heat your home. It’s about stealing and it’s about warping and twisting Old Energy. And there are those who seek out as much as they possibly can get. Perhaps they’re feeding off of money. Perhaps they’re feeding off of other’s suffering. Many, many, as I said, are feeding off of playing the victim game. The victim. The victim is the greatest abuser of energy - because they get others feeling sorry for them. They’re the victim! How do you think they feed? By continuing, by perpetuating.
If you notice the patterns of a victim... and we’re going to get into this in our upcoming series, the Teacher Series. We’re going to be talking about how humans go through their patterns. If you notice the pattern of a victim, they’re not just a victim once. They’re a victim every day and when the old victim story doesn’t play out, doesn’t give them enough energy, they become a victim again – a victim of a crime, a victim of a supposed accident, a victim of a corporate layoff. They’re always finding ways to stay in that victim energy.
We’re going to be addressing that in the Teacher Series, give you the tools to help them get out of that, because Shaumbra, as teachers, you’re going to be working with those who truly want to move forward. You’re not going to be going out and trying to wake up those who want to stay asleep. You’re not going to try to be converting any who love the games that they’re playing, no matter how miserable they think they are. This isn’t about converting. This is about answering the prayers of millions of human beings each and everyday.
We are a small group of 100,000 plus, a small group to handle millions and millions of requests everyday. But these are people who are genuine and sincere. They truly want the change in their life, the change that you experienced in some other lifetime of yours, or perhaps in between lifetimes. The change that took you from being stuck in the old human cycles into a place of enlightenment and ascension. You see, you already did it. You already went through it. You are prepared, ready, to be a teacher.
In this last series, the Clarity Series, we talked so much about disconnecting: letting go of the ways, the patterns, and the grids, the ways you’ve been interconnected with others. There is a saying that everything is but one. Everything is interconnected. There’s truth in that, for the tree is connected to the sky. The sky is connected to the water and the water is connected to every human and every human is connected to every other. It is true to a point but ultimately, the enlightened one, the simple one, lets go of the connections. They realize that they are sovereign and they don’t need that interconnection to have and to be in the – how to say – the Compassion of Spirit.
There is an old belief that you had to be interconnected to everything, that you had to be part of this grand oneness, and up to a point it’s true. Ultimately, the Masters, the enlightened ones, let go of all that. They let go. They realize that they are sovereign. They are God also. They don’t need anything on the outside to sustain themselves. They are whole and complete. Mark those words – whole and complete.
(continued below)[/color]
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 11: "You Are Ready!"
Featuring Tobias and Metatron, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
June 3, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather together here in this safe and sacred space, bringing together the energies of all Shaumbra on Earth right now. Bringing together the energies of all of us in the Crimson Council and of the Order of the Arc who support and love you and are here to participate with you in this whole movement of energy. And it is such an honor for I, Tobias, to return to my rightful barstool! (laughter, Tobias chuckling)
As you have probably noticed we are working together with you, sharing this venue of shouding and channeling... sometimes Saint-Germain, sometimes Kuthumi - who will return shortly, sometimes the energies of Ohamah coming through, and Quan Yin coming through... but always, always the energy of Shaumbra.
The other day Cauldre said out loud to some of his loved ones that he had been feeling like crying lately, had been feeling an overwhelming energy come through. Not a sadness, but a type of crying. And he was very confused about this feeling, wondering where it was coming from, thinking that perhaps he needed to go out and let a few tears come out of his eyes.
We want to point out to him and to you that that sense of crying, that sense of deep and profound emotion was actually coming from us. Coming from Saint-Germain and Kuthumi and Quan Yin, coming from Kuntar, coming from all of those who have been working with you these past six years of time. It is our overwhelming feeling and thankfulness for the work that you are doing, knowing that you have come this far, knowing that you have endured some of the most difficult objects, some of the most difficult challenges along the way. Knowing that so often you have doubted yourself, so often you've wondered what you were doing here. But Shaumbra, by appointment you come across time and space to be here now on Earth, to be here for a process that you’ve personally been going through and to be here for the other humans
Each day we get, literally, millions of calls - you call them prayers - that we hear on our side of the veil. Humans who are hurting; humans who are desperate; humans who are lost and trapped and don’t know the way out; humans who are suffering in their bodies, suffering financially and emotionally – and they’re lost. Humans who want to know God – the big “G” authentic god - not the God in some book, not a distant and judgmental God, but a God in their everyday life. And they are so lonely. So lonely.
Perhaps the greatest majority of all of these prayers and calls that we receive each day, comes from the souls on Earth right now who are lonely. They are lonely not just for the companionship of another human but the companionship of God and the companionship of themselves. And we get these calls continually, over and over again.
Because of overlays and belief systems, it is difficult for us to come in to speak to them. They don’t necessarily think they can talk to angels or nonphysical beings. They’re not sure who or what to trust, so there’s very little we can do other than send them our blessings and send them our love. But so often those blessings and love go unanswered by them, undetected that they’re even there.
So it is time, Shaumbra, for the humans, for the teachers, for YOU to begin your service, your work, your love and your passion – whatever you want to call it. It is time for this to begin. We have spent, actually, seven years of time now together, going through a process with each and everyone of you, a process that other humans will go through also... perhaps not as deep, perhaps not as difficult as what you went through. We have been going through this together, going through our processes, and now many, many others will follow.
This is the last Shoud of this series, of the Clarity Series. There will not be a Shoud 12. We’re going to wrap up this series today and then, when we gather for the annual Shaumbra conference next month (referring to the 2006 Midsummer New Energy Conference), we will do a special supplement, a very special series of channelings and Shouds that will ultimately become part of the Clarity Series but yet as a supplement or an addendum to the series. We want to make it available to all of Shaumbra so we’re going to ask that, technically and otherwise, that it be made available - each one of these Shouds, each day - to all of Shaumbra, live online, and then as soon as possible be made available to those who want to download it and review it for later.
Kuthumi, Saint-Germain and I, Tobias, will be taking you through something that we’ve waited a long, long time for. It will be the icing on the cake of this Clarity Series but also the icing on the cake of all of the Shouds that we have done together. It will be, in a sense, a type of new beginning. It will be a rite of passage for Shaumbra. So we are looking forward to doing this with you. We are already planning on our side. We're planning for the very special return visit of Kuthumi just for this event.
So Shaumbra, Shoud 11 of the Clarity Series. We bring in a special guest, a very special guest who made a very dynamic appearance in April 2002. That is a FOUR, and another FOUR... (audience laughter as Tobias teasingly alludes to David McMaster's introduction) and it has been FOUR years and TWO months (more laughter) since this entity has come in to visit, like this entity comes and visits today. So we ask you to welcome in the energy of your Voice in Spirit, Metatron.
Many of you have been feeling – how to say – the hair on your arms rising, perhaps the hair on the back of your neck rising as we started bringing in the energy for today. Four years two months ago Metatron asked you a question, “Are you ready? Are you ready?”
And today Metatron comes in, and Metatron speaks to each and every one of you because it is your voice also. Metatron is an entity – is a collective energy. Metatron is you also. It is your Authentic Self, your Godself. And Metatron comes in today to work with us in this Shoud, the Shoud where we close out the Clarity Series. Instead of a question, Metatron makes a statement and says “You ARE ready. You are ready.”
And if you’re not.... (audience laughter) If you are not ready, Shaumbra ... and we're going to bypass any filters Cauldre might throw in here... (more laughter) If you’re not ready, perhaps it is time for you to find a different group. Perhaps it is time to look elsewhere for the answers. Perhaps it is time to go somewhere and work with other humans and other angels who will continue to do processing with you, continue to do facilitating with you, continue to work through your issues, because henceforth the Crimson Circle and Shaumbra is not going to focus the energy on that.
You ARE ready. You have all of the tools.You have all of the words and all of the energy. From here forward we move into the realms of true teachers. Our next series, which will start in August, which is an EIGHT month, in the year of EIGHT (laughter), will be called the “Teacher Series” and we’re going to be working with each and every one of you... (audience cheering and applause) and now, how to take what you have learned and what you have done with yourself over these SEVEN years of time (laughter as Tobias continues to emphasize the numbers) and do the teaching that you came here to do.
You have come across time and space to be here. None of it is truly what you think it is. What you have been going through these past number of years has been in preparation. It truly hasn’t been about you. It hasn’t been about you.
I’m going to work with Metatron’s energy here to make this very direct and very clear. You did not have to be here this lifetime. You think you did. You think you had karma. You think you had responsibilities to others. You think you had things to learn. You didn’t. It was an illusion. It was truly an illusion. A very, very real and poignant illusion, but it was an illusion. Much like me... (some laughter) I didn’t need to return - and you didn’t either.
If you remember for a moment how we sat around in the Cottage and talked about it and you said, “I don’t need to return to Earth. I don’t need to be there. I’ve gone through everything. I have reached my enlightenment. I have already gone through my ascension on Earth, another time, another place, but I’m going to choose to go back in one of the most dynamic but yet one of the most difficult times ever on Earth. I’m going to choose to go back and take on a role. I’m going to pretend that I had difficulties. I’m going to pretend I had karma. I’m going to pretend that I struggled with money. I’m going to pretend that I had relationship issues. I’m going to do this so I can learn, in the classroom of Earth, learn at the very deepest levels what it is like to go through these things during a transition into New Energy on Earth. I’m going to go there to develop the empathy and the compassion for other humans. I’m going to go there as a new and different type of teacher - not a teacher of theory, not a teacher of some illusive principles - but teacher of Life.” That’s why you are here.
If you remember for a moment how you and I, Saint-Germain, Kuthumi, Shaumbra, have sat around in the Cottage and talked about this lifetime of yours, the lifetime where you truly didn’t need to go back. And you remember when you asked me to remind you of why you are really here? And remember when you said, “Now Tobias, even if I don’t believe you, even if I don’t believe that I didn’t need to be here on Earth in this lifetime, even if I thought you were talking to somebody else, please remind me over and over again. Please remind me of who I truly am.”
Because we both know that it’s easy to get stuck in this thing of Earth. It’s easy for the doubts to come in. It’s easy to play this game of a victim. It’s easy for you, a grand angel, to get lost in this whole energy and overlay of Earth. But if you’re hearing or reading these words, you didn’t need to be here. You gave of yourself in an ultimate type of service to Spirit, to loved ones who you have known in other lifetimes. You gave yourself in love to the Crimson Council, which you are a part of, to come back here and pretend, to go through these things which, yes, have been very real. Some of you have the scars, physical and emotional, to prove it. But I want you to remember, you didn’t need to be here.
In one of our very, very early lessons that we did, I said to Shaumbra all over the world, “You’ve already ascended.” Seems like ages ago. It was one of the very first lessons in the very first series. You’ve already ascended. It was a reminder, even back then. Many of you forgot about that. Many of you thought I was talking to the person sitting next to you. Many of you thought that it was some sort of... perhaps, an esoteric concept. Some of you literally chose to forget that I said those words to you many, many years ago.
You’ve already ascended. Now you just came back... came back to develop this empathy and compassion and to develop your own tool kit for going forth as a teacher. You didn’t need to be here. Why do you think it is that we want to cry sometimes? Why do you think that our feelings are so strong?
So today is a wonderful day to shed those old concepts of why you thought you were here. Time to shed those old lessons that you have been giving yourself. You’re not who you think you are. You are part of the Crimson Council. You’re here on Earth right now, as a human teacher, to help answer the calls from the millions and millions of humans who need help every day.
We’re going to shift gears with the Crimson Circle, after today in particular, taking it to a new level. The ground work and the foundation has been set by you and by those of us on this side, things that you may not even notice, or take for granted.
The development of this new Crimson Circle Energy Company - it’s not about the money. It’s about a way to bring Shaumbra – the Teachers – together. Crimson Circle Energy Company is truly the Shaumbra University. It’s the Teacher’s company. It’s a way for Shaumbra to support and encourage each other, because even though you’re going to be doing your teaching now. Oh yes, I’m going to underline that: You ARE going to be doing your teaching now. You’ve asked me to say that to you.
You’re not here for more processing, for more words about – how to say – dealing with things. You have those now. It’s going to be different from here on. You ARE going to be teaching. That’s what you came here for. That’s why you took on this most difficult challenge when you didn’t have to come back to Earth, when you sat and met with the grandest angels – you being one of them – in the Order of the Arc and in the Crimson Council, when you, a representative for your spiritual families in the other realms, didn’t need to come back but yet you did. That is sacrifice. That is love. That is crazy! (audience laughter, Tobias chuckling) Notice I didn’t come back! (more laughter) I speak through my friend.
So Shaumbra, we bring in the energy of Metatron today. We’ve been talking for this last year about Clarity. Talking about how humans feed, where they get their energy, how they get energy from other people, how they feed off of drama. Humans feed off of addictions - to drugs, to sex, to a wide variety of things. They’re taking energy from all of these other places.
Oh yes, there IS an energy crisis on Earth right now. There is, but it’s not about the fuel for your automobile or to heat your home. It’s about stealing and it’s about warping and twisting Old Energy. And there are those who seek out as much as they possibly can get. Perhaps they’re feeding off of money. Perhaps they’re feeding off of other’s suffering. Many, many, as I said, are feeding off of playing the victim game. The victim. The victim is the greatest abuser of energy - because they get others feeling sorry for them. They’re the victim! How do you think they feed? By continuing, by perpetuating.
If you notice the patterns of a victim... and we’re going to get into this in our upcoming series, the Teacher Series. We’re going to be talking about how humans go through their patterns. If you notice the pattern of a victim, they’re not just a victim once. They’re a victim every day and when the old victim story doesn’t play out, doesn’t give them enough energy, they become a victim again – a victim of a crime, a victim of a supposed accident, a victim of a corporate layoff. They’re always finding ways to stay in that victim energy.
We’re going to be addressing that in the Teacher Series, give you the tools to help them get out of that, because Shaumbra, as teachers, you’re going to be working with those who truly want to move forward. You’re not going to be going out and trying to wake up those who want to stay asleep. You’re not going to try to be converting any who love the games that they’re playing, no matter how miserable they think they are. This isn’t about converting. This is about answering the prayers of millions of human beings each and everyday.
We are a small group of 100,000 plus, a small group to handle millions and millions of requests everyday. But these are people who are genuine and sincere. They truly want the change in their life, the change that you experienced in some other lifetime of yours, or perhaps in between lifetimes. The change that took you from being stuck in the old human cycles into a place of enlightenment and ascension. You see, you already did it. You already went through it. You are prepared, ready, to be a teacher.
In this last series, the Clarity Series, we talked so much about disconnecting: letting go of the ways, the patterns, and the grids, the ways you’ve been interconnected with others. There is a saying that everything is but one. Everything is interconnected. There’s truth in that, for the tree is connected to the sky. The sky is connected to the water and the water is connected to every human and every human is connected to every other. It is true to a point but ultimately, the enlightened one, the simple one, lets go of the connections. They realize that they are sovereign and they don’t need that interconnection to have and to be in the – how to say – the Compassion of Spirit.
There is an old belief that you had to be interconnected to everything, that you had to be part of this grand oneness, and up to a point it’s true. Ultimately, the Masters, the enlightened ones, let go of all that. They let go. They realize that they are sovereign. They are God also. They don’t need anything on the outside to sustain themselves. They are whole and complete. Mark those words – whole and complete.
(continued below)[/color]