Post by Sowelu on Apr 8, 2006 18:40:31 GMT -5
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 9: "Disconnect; Part III"
Featuring Tobias, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
April 1, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather with you today in this classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth. Such a delight for I, Tobias, for our special guest today, Raphael, and for all the other guests who join us to be here with you.
One of our favorite parts of this Shoud is when the breathing is being done. While the music is being played we can come in, we can move into your energy, your reality, because you are inviting us in. You are opening the doorways much more than ever before. You get out of your minds, you open those beautiful hearts of yours and you let us come in. We can sit beside you and tell a few stories. Laugh with you about some of the experiences that you went through in this last month that you couldn’t laugh about a few days ago.
We can simply watch your energy open up and expand. And, you can feel ours. You can feel this tremendous glow of energy. Some of you can see it dancing across this backdrop. Some of you can see it dancing in this room. Some of you can see it dancing across your computer screens, even as we come to you via the internet, which is an incredible network all unto itself.
Indeed, today’s guest once again is the energy of Rapha, Raphael. He comes in very close right now, to you, to this group of Shaumbra and to humanity as a whole. He brings with him an entourage of angels and beings who are working with each one of you to go through the process of change and growth. Moving from old ways of operating and old systems into new ways – not just in your mind, not just in your spirit, but also in your body.
A statement was made earlier wondering how beings – what would appear to be normal, typical human beings, such as Andra or the one you know as Norma. Garrett, who’s gone through his own physical transformation and re creation in this past year. Linda, always patient (laughter), always moving energy, at least I should say. And Cauldre, keeping such busy schedules. Some of you wonder how it is done. It is simple. It is letting go of old ways of doing things. Letting go of old ways of feeding, old ways of thinking how the body has to sleep or how it has to feed itself and how it has to be in its familiar surroundings. They are examples of releasing, letting go and re-creating themselves in a more natural and a new way.
And certainly, it is not always easy – the process. It would be wonderful if you could just snap your finger and have it happen, but there is an entire changeover in energy networks and systems that takes place at every different level. There is a time of honoring and a time of change that they go through and that you are going through. But it is happening.
Your sleep will never be the same, we’re sorry to say. Some of you want to hold onto the old 8 1/2 hours. Some of you want to have a very, what you would call, normal type of dream pattern. And as you’ve seen over the past 30 days, dreams will never be normal again. Some of you want to hold onto the old ways of operating, and it is changing. It is all changing now, for you, changing on this Earth as well. But you’re experiencing it first and foremost.
As Shaumbra, you are spiritual physicists. That’s what you are. Spiritual physicists. Physics are the principles behind the workings and the movement of energy. You’re not scientists, by the way. Scientists are different. Scientists study how things are done. They study actions and reactions, and a scientist will look at having repeatable events in order to validate the reality of what is taking place, you see. A scientist must know that the way it was done yesterday can be repeated or replicated tomorrow. Then it becomes science and supposed fact. But, as spiritual physicists, you might as well throw that one out the window, because spiritual physicists open up to other realms, not just the third dimension. You’re operating now in many different realms. Sometimes you’re not aware of it, but that is what is happening. You can’t always repeat the way energy works, at least not in your 3 D realm – your third dimension – because you find as you open up interdimensionally, a typical action-reaction event from today could be quite different from tomorrow. A fact today could become an untruth or a new fact tomorrow. It doesn’t work the same as it used to anymore because you are dealing multi-dimensionally, because you are bringing in a new element that you’ve never worked with before. It is called New Energy – energy that is not vibrational, but energy, rather, that is expansional – expansional in every direction at one time.
As spiritual physicists you are indeed pioneers because you are working with this energy first and foremost before the others. You are experiencing what it is like to move out of old networks and structures and move into entirely new ways of operating. It becomes difficult at times because you never know. Your mind never knows what’s going to happen next, and your mind always likes to know. That’s the programming of the mind. It wants to know what’s going to happen next. But as physicists working multi-dimensionally, it doesn’t operate that way.
You’ll come to new understandings in these next few months of time and certainly before the quantum leap in somewhat over a year from now. You’ll come to new understandings about energy design and energy movement. But unfortunately for the mind, it doesn’t work like energy does now. It is completely different. Creation, as you have known it in the past, changes now. You get frustrated sometimes with yourself and you indeed get frustrated with us, because you want to know that you can replicate something over and over again. Perhaps you have a new spiritual understanding of how energy works, of how you operate and how you want to be able to repeat that over and over again. But it doesn’t work. It changes continually.
Over these next few months of time in our Shouds together, you’re going to understand how it truly works at its core so you won’t have that old mental need to replicate, to repeat experiences. You’ll understand that it was very old and limiting and now you understand the very nature of energy- how it flows, how it can be created and un created continually. You begin to understand how you can implement it into your life.
Many of you, being the spiritual physicists that you are but also being human, you keep your principles and your concepts and your ideas – your spirituality – separate, out there in another realm. You call it your laboratory or your workbench and you go out there from time to time doing your work, particularly at night in semi-altered states. But there is a resistance or barrier to bringing it back into this reality. It’s like oil and water, you say they don’t mix. Sometimes spirituality and humanness, you say don’t mix. “How can I bring these principles together?” The truth of the fact is oil and water do mix, they do! It is just that the eyes deceive you. The eyes tell you, obviously, one lays on top of the other. They have different chemical attributes. However, what you’re failing to see is the energetic system behind these two that truly are integrating together. So, an old fact – out the window. Oil and water do mix. They give the illusion though of their separateness.
Everything that you have learned up to now about living on Earth, changes. As spiritual physicists, as quantum spiritual physicists, you begin to understand the fact that what appears to be real is no longer real. What appears to be a truth is only a portion of the truth. As spiritual physicists, you are using your own life and your own experiences to come to greater understandings about this.
Some of you are going through great difficulty creating events, situations in your life, to be able to experience what it is like to try and play with all of these different energies. You become caught sometimes in those experiences. You believe yourself to be ill. It is only part of the truth. You believe yourself to be destitute. It is only part of the truth. You’re going to be learning that destitute – that poverty and abundance – actually are the same thing. The same energy, Shaumbra, the same energy. You’ve been playing a game that they’re separate. You’ve been acting them out different but it is all the same. You are spiritual physicists of the highest order.
We’re going to make many different points today. We’re going to be covering a lot of information that is also going to set the basis for our next couple of gatherings. We’re going to begin with a quote from our dear friend, the Kryon, who is very active working with you and working with others on facilitating the energy of New Earth. And the Kryon says, “Things aren’t always as they seem.” But we’re going to amend that a bit. We’re going to amend it a bit. As spiritual physicists you probably understand, things are more than they appear to be. Things are more than they appear to be.
Sometimes you are only seeing a part – a façade – a part of the picture and a part of the story and you tend to believe that’s the whole story. You tend to believe that oil and water don’t mix because a scientist, one who works linearly and one who must learn to replicate over and over again in this reality, has told you so, and you accept it as fact. But as physicists, you’re going to begin to understand that oil and water are deeply mixed together, you see.
Let us talk for a moment about Shaumbra, my favorite subject, and perhaps yours. When we began working with you, lo these many years ago in this lifetime, we said this was a group. This group of human beings – you were coming in at a time of change. You weren’t lightworkers like some of the others, you were change-workers. It has nothing to do with light. It has to do with energy, change, moving into a whole new realm of understanding what takes place, not just in your physical world but in the worlds that surround you. You came in as change-workers into this lifetime, the lifetime.
You’ve been creating an incredible story as Shaumbra. A story that has captured the attention and the fascination of a few other humans, but many other angelic beings on our side. They are observing you. They are fascinated by what you are doing, because you come from their leagues. You are them. You are an angel.
It’s fascinating for them to watch what you’re doing. It’s fascinating for them to watch your progress individually and as a group of Shaumbra and share the stories and the experience that you’re going through with other angelic beings in the far distant realms – angelic beings who have never been on Earth before, who have never put on a human body and come into matter and density. And they tell these stories about this unique group – about you – about the experiences that you create for yourself, and it is absolutely fascinating. Beyond fascinating, actually, for these other angels in the distant realms.
They can’t imagine what it is like to embody, to go into physical matter, to forget about your true essence and self and then to awake and rediscover actually something that you never even knew when you were in the angelic realms. Not just rediscovering who you were, but you are rediscovering something that you had forgotten a long time ago, but at the same time discovering something brand new about yourself. You’re not just going backwards. You’re not just going back to discover who you were. You’re discovering something brand new about yourself as an angelic being, as a god, you’re discovering it here in this lifetime.
There are, what you would equate to on Earth as historians on our side, who are recording your progress, who are putting it into the New Energy library, but also other libraries in the other dimensions. Stories about you, your trials and tribulations. These are very animated multi-dimensional stories, not just words, but feelings and pictures and energies that activate all types of senses. You’re in the movies. You are a television show on our side (little laughter). The work that you are doing ... perhaps you could cleverly think of a few names for your program (laughter) ...
There are those who are following what you are doing. They are charting it, recording it, because they are fascinated by you but also because there are others who are going to come your way. All of those in the angelic realms, sooner or later, have to come by way of Earth. So they want to know before they get there what it is like. They want to read up about it. They want to feel the energies. They’re fascinated by those who are going first or those who went first. They are fascinated by this group of Shaumbra, the pioneers, the physicists, who are literally the first walking into New Energy. Fascinated by how you can possibly hold a balance, hold your what you would call sanity, while you are going through this entire process. More than anything, that is truly what fascinates them. And what fascinates many of us who work with you is how quickly you want to go through it. You could have stretched this over many different lifetimes, but you’re going through it all at once. All at once.
Shaumbra is an entity. We talked about it many months ago, we said you made Shaumbra into something. It used to be just a word. It used to be a breath. Then it developed into its own type of energy and then it developed a type of persona – identity. And then it developed into an entity, a collective based on all of your energies. It is becoming very evident on our side of the veil exactly this identity of Shaumbra. It has been becoming more and more clear on our side of the veil, this entity called Shaumbra.
Some day there will be those who call on Shaumbra much like they call on Archangel Michael or Raphael or any of the others. They will call on Shaumbra to come to their side, to be with them during the difficult and the dark times in their life. Shaumbra, you made Shaumbra its own entity. You made Shaumbra real on our side of the veil. And now Shaumbra is becoming more and more real on your realms as well. Because of your energies that have been placed into it, it is now manifesting on Earth in many different ways.
We see – and we are not directing it – but we see how this New Energy company is taking place. We see the potential that it has. We see that it is the expression of Shaumbra and you on Earth right now. There’s an interesting attribute about Shaumbra. It is a type of network but not an Old Energy network. We’re going to discuss networks today with a loving thanks to Fred and the Swiss contingent to help to – how to say – bring this issue up to the surface. Thank you, Fred. Don’t be embarrassed. We’re going to talk about networks today. We’re going to talk about old networks and new networks and what the difference is.
Shaumbra is a new network. Typically, an old network would become dependent on itself and form a structure of itself and then set up its own protection or defenses to maintain its identity. An old network would be inter-linked to itself, dependent on all of the other aspects of itself. Shaumbra is not like that. In setting up the energy of Shaumbra, it is not dependent on other elements of the energy. Each one of you is sovereign and independent. You’re not dependent on any other Shaumbra, you’re not feeding off of Shaumbra. Have you noticed that? Some of you have actually tried to feed off of Shaumbra. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just you’re looking for something to feed you in this life. Shaumbra doesn’t feed. Shaumbra doesn’t give that kind of old energy, does it.
So, Shaumbra is a new type of network, a new type of energy cooperation, a new way for energy to move. You’re bringing it to Earth. You’re making it real. You’re making it real simply on your website, your internet. You’re making it real in so many other ways now. The important part here, Shaumbra, is to know that you are creating the story. You are creating a vision. You are creating a pathway that many, many others are going to come by. They’re going to follow in your footsteps. They’re going to do it their way, of course, but they’re following in your energetic footsteps. Sometimes you forget – you forget – you forget how important the work you are doing is to so many others – other humans on Earth right now who are beginning to wake up.
They need to feel a different – a new type of truth. They can feel and access the consciousness of Shaumbra. Not feed off of it, but they can feel the consciousness, this template that you’ve created, and then the other angels who will eventually come to Earth, and take on physical body. They’re going to talk, share stories about the way of Shaumbra. The way that you created. It’s amazing.
Let’s switch gears here for a moment. We want to talk to you now on a more personal level about something called Destiny Seeds.
Destiny Seeds. You all have them. To make it quite simple a Destiny Seed is a potential or a plan for your lifetime. It was not absolute or concrete but there were events in your life that in a way you created and sometimes were created for you because of karma. You called it destiny. Certain things that had to take place or unfold in your life for the next thing to unfold- certain milestones or events – certain things that would happen to you, sometimes, again, based on karma and sometimes just on plan.
We’ll call these Destiny Seeds because you planted these seeds into your lifetime of potentials. In a lifetime of potentials anything can happen but these seeds tend to take precedence and they tend to dominate. In all of the work that you have done in your lifetime, you have released many, many, many things. We know – you keep releasing over and over again. You are amazed to discover how many layers there are, how many years that it can take.
When we get down to that layer now of Destiny Seeds, some of you still have them there. In some of you they are dormant. Some of you have already activated them unknowingly. We want to clear those today, because for some of you a Destiny Seed is cancer. For some of you a Destiny Seed is a fatal car accident. For some of you a Destiny Seed is the loss of something very, very important to you. For some of you it’s losing your job. For some of you it’s doing such a clearing in your life that you lose everything that you had built, that you had created for yourself. Some of you created a Destiny Seed of loneliness, being away from others.
Cauldre – we’re going to pick on him for a moment – we will give a very interesting Destiny Seed – death in an airplane accident. There was a Destiny Seed that he planted a long time ago. He doesn’t so much like us talking about that. It was an interesting and dramatic way to go in this life. It was one that would put an abrupt end and perhaps create – how to say – a bit of attention and drama.
Now for every one of you including Cauldre here, we’re going to say you don’t need those Destiny Seeds anymore. You can eject them. You can let them go. You can convert their energy into something more productive. You don’t have to follow an old path anymore.
Some of you weren’t even aware that those Destiny Seeds were within you. They were just waiting for the right time and the right event and then they would become triggered. Some of you buried them so deeply. You told yourself, “I don’t want to know about it. I don’t want to find it. I don’t want to discover it. I choose for this to happen. I choose for an illness to come into my life. I choose for some other event.” Because you felt that it was important to have that. You felt that it was a trigger mechanism for yet another series of events to take place. We’re going to tell you right now, you are not the same person that you were 5 or 10 or 50 years ago. You don’t need those Destiny Seeds unless you choose to have them within you.
Some of you are saying right now, “But what are mine? What are they?” It’s not important to have to identify each and every one of them. You don’t have to know their strength. You don’t have to know what other event they triggered. We’re going to use this opportunity right now with this group to let go, to deactivate those Destiny Seeds. You don’t need that illness. You don’t need that sudden shift in energy flow into your life – unless you want it. You’ve taken a quantum leap in consciousness. You’re no longer on a linear old path.
You’re no longer the same person that you were before. It is time to set those out. These are like little time bombs within you. You set the timer. You said when I reach a certain event and sometimes even a certain date, when I reach a certain level of new consciousness, I’m going to let this seed go off. I’m going to let this thing happen in my life because that will catapult me to a new level. Even if it means death – even if it means death, it will catapult me. It will force me to go to that next level even if I should try to resist.
It is a New Energy right now. You are in a different consciousness. As spiritual physicists, as pioneers and as the creator of your Destiny Seed, we want to take this opportunity right now to deactivate them.
We don’t want you to be in fear here- that’s why Rapha has come in- and wonder if you’ve gotten all of them. Because if you choose to deactivate all of them, they will be deactivated. If you choose to simply send those Destiny Seeds out of any reality base – out of your body and out of your mind – there are many of us today, angelic beings, who will help remove them. Not with any pain of course, remove them gently and easily. You have to give us permission though. You put them there. You were the doctors. You were the creators of these Destiny Seeds, but you can give us permission to help you remove them.
They really don’t suit you any more. They might have 20 years ago. They might have when you first came into this lifetime. It might have been a perfect plan, but right now it is not. You’ve changed so much. We want your path from this point forward to be clear and open and free. We want you to get out of the old systems and the old networks, if you choose. We have seen from our perspective that the Destiny Seeds that you have planted – the cancers, the hardships, the difficulties – any of these things, we’ve seen that they could block you right now. They could make your journey more difficult and more painful.
So, let’s take a deep breath, and if you choose to release them, if you give permission, we want to deactivate them.
Let us do that now in a safe and sacred energy of Shaumbra. Let us release those.
(continued below)[/color]
The Clarity Series:
SHOUD 9: "Disconnect; Part III"
Featuring Tobias, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
Presented to the Crimson Circle
April 1, 2006[/b]
And so it is, dear Shaumbra, that we gather with you today in this classroom of the new spiritual energy of Earth. Such a delight for I, Tobias, for our special guest today, Raphael, and for all the other guests who join us to be here with you.
One of our favorite parts of this Shoud is when the breathing is being done. While the music is being played we can come in, we can move into your energy, your reality, because you are inviting us in. You are opening the doorways much more than ever before. You get out of your minds, you open those beautiful hearts of yours and you let us come in. We can sit beside you and tell a few stories. Laugh with you about some of the experiences that you went through in this last month that you couldn’t laugh about a few days ago.
We can simply watch your energy open up and expand. And, you can feel ours. You can feel this tremendous glow of energy. Some of you can see it dancing across this backdrop. Some of you can see it dancing in this room. Some of you can see it dancing across your computer screens, even as we come to you via the internet, which is an incredible network all unto itself.
Indeed, today’s guest once again is the energy of Rapha, Raphael. He comes in very close right now, to you, to this group of Shaumbra and to humanity as a whole. He brings with him an entourage of angels and beings who are working with each one of you to go through the process of change and growth. Moving from old ways of operating and old systems into new ways – not just in your mind, not just in your spirit, but also in your body.
A statement was made earlier wondering how beings – what would appear to be normal, typical human beings, such as Andra or the one you know as Norma. Garrett, who’s gone through his own physical transformation and re creation in this past year. Linda, always patient (laughter), always moving energy, at least I should say. And Cauldre, keeping such busy schedules. Some of you wonder how it is done. It is simple. It is letting go of old ways of doing things. Letting go of old ways of feeding, old ways of thinking how the body has to sleep or how it has to feed itself and how it has to be in its familiar surroundings. They are examples of releasing, letting go and re-creating themselves in a more natural and a new way.
And certainly, it is not always easy – the process. It would be wonderful if you could just snap your finger and have it happen, but there is an entire changeover in energy networks and systems that takes place at every different level. There is a time of honoring and a time of change that they go through and that you are going through. But it is happening.
Your sleep will never be the same, we’re sorry to say. Some of you want to hold onto the old 8 1/2 hours. Some of you want to have a very, what you would call, normal type of dream pattern. And as you’ve seen over the past 30 days, dreams will never be normal again. Some of you want to hold onto the old ways of operating, and it is changing. It is all changing now, for you, changing on this Earth as well. But you’re experiencing it first and foremost.
As Shaumbra, you are spiritual physicists. That’s what you are. Spiritual physicists. Physics are the principles behind the workings and the movement of energy. You’re not scientists, by the way. Scientists are different. Scientists study how things are done. They study actions and reactions, and a scientist will look at having repeatable events in order to validate the reality of what is taking place, you see. A scientist must know that the way it was done yesterday can be repeated or replicated tomorrow. Then it becomes science and supposed fact. But, as spiritual physicists, you might as well throw that one out the window, because spiritual physicists open up to other realms, not just the third dimension. You’re operating now in many different realms. Sometimes you’re not aware of it, but that is what is happening. You can’t always repeat the way energy works, at least not in your 3 D realm – your third dimension – because you find as you open up interdimensionally, a typical action-reaction event from today could be quite different from tomorrow. A fact today could become an untruth or a new fact tomorrow. It doesn’t work the same as it used to anymore because you are dealing multi-dimensionally, because you are bringing in a new element that you’ve never worked with before. It is called New Energy – energy that is not vibrational, but energy, rather, that is expansional – expansional in every direction at one time.
As spiritual physicists you are indeed pioneers because you are working with this energy first and foremost before the others. You are experiencing what it is like to move out of old networks and structures and move into entirely new ways of operating. It becomes difficult at times because you never know. Your mind never knows what’s going to happen next, and your mind always likes to know. That’s the programming of the mind. It wants to know what’s going to happen next. But as physicists working multi-dimensionally, it doesn’t operate that way.
You’ll come to new understandings in these next few months of time and certainly before the quantum leap in somewhat over a year from now. You’ll come to new understandings about energy design and energy movement. But unfortunately for the mind, it doesn’t work like energy does now. It is completely different. Creation, as you have known it in the past, changes now. You get frustrated sometimes with yourself and you indeed get frustrated with us, because you want to know that you can replicate something over and over again. Perhaps you have a new spiritual understanding of how energy works, of how you operate and how you want to be able to repeat that over and over again. But it doesn’t work. It changes continually.
Over these next few months of time in our Shouds together, you’re going to understand how it truly works at its core so you won’t have that old mental need to replicate, to repeat experiences. You’ll understand that it was very old and limiting and now you understand the very nature of energy- how it flows, how it can be created and un created continually. You begin to understand how you can implement it into your life.
Many of you, being the spiritual physicists that you are but also being human, you keep your principles and your concepts and your ideas – your spirituality – separate, out there in another realm. You call it your laboratory or your workbench and you go out there from time to time doing your work, particularly at night in semi-altered states. But there is a resistance or barrier to bringing it back into this reality. It’s like oil and water, you say they don’t mix. Sometimes spirituality and humanness, you say don’t mix. “How can I bring these principles together?” The truth of the fact is oil and water do mix, they do! It is just that the eyes deceive you. The eyes tell you, obviously, one lays on top of the other. They have different chemical attributes. However, what you’re failing to see is the energetic system behind these two that truly are integrating together. So, an old fact – out the window. Oil and water do mix. They give the illusion though of their separateness.
Everything that you have learned up to now about living on Earth, changes. As spiritual physicists, as quantum spiritual physicists, you begin to understand the fact that what appears to be real is no longer real. What appears to be a truth is only a portion of the truth. As spiritual physicists, you are using your own life and your own experiences to come to greater understandings about this.
Some of you are going through great difficulty creating events, situations in your life, to be able to experience what it is like to try and play with all of these different energies. You become caught sometimes in those experiences. You believe yourself to be ill. It is only part of the truth. You believe yourself to be destitute. It is only part of the truth. You’re going to be learning that destitute – that poverty and abundance – actually are the same thing. The same energy, Shaumbra, the same energy. You’ve been playing a game that they’re separate. You’ve been acting them out different but it is all the same. You are spiritual physicists of the highest order.
We’re going to make many different points today. We’re going to be covering a lot of information that is also going to set the basis for our next couple of gatherings. We’re going to begin with a quote from our dear friend, the Kryon, who is very active working with you and working with others on facilitating the energy of New Earth. And the Kryon says, “Things aren’t always as they seem.” But we’re going to amend that a bit. We’re going to amend it a bit. As spiritual physicists you probably understand, things are more than they appear to be. Things are more than they appear to be.
Sometimes you are only seeing a part – a façade – a part of the picture and a part of the story and you tend to believe that’s the whole story. You tend to believe that oil and water don’t mix because a scientist, one who works linearly and one who must learn to replicate over and over again in this reality, has told you so, and you accept it as fact. But as physicists, you’re going to begin to understand that oil and water are deeply mixed together, you see.
Let us talk for a moment about Shaumbra, my favorite subject, and perhaps yours. When we began working with you, lo these many years ago in this lifetime, we said this was a group. This group of human beings – you were coming in at a time of change. You weren’t lightworkers like some of the others, you were change-workers. It has nothing to do with light. It has to do with energy, change, moving into a whole new realm of understanding what takes place, not just in your physical world but in the worlds that surround you. You came in as change-workers into this lifetime, the lifetime.
You’ve been creating an incredible story as Shaumbra. A story that has captured the attention and the fascination of a few other humans, but many other angelic beings on our side. They are observing you. They are fascinated by what you are doing, because you come from their leagues. You are them. You are an angel.
It’s fascinating for them to watch what you’re doing. It’s fascinating for them to watch your progress individually and as a group of Shaumbra and share the stories and the experience that you’re going through with other angelic beings in the far distant realms – angelic beings who have never been on Earth before, who have never put on a human body and come into matter and density. And they tell these stories about this unique group – about you – about the experiences that you create for yourself, and it is absolutely fascinating. Beyond fascinating, actually, for these other angels in the distant realms.
They can’t imagine what it is like to embody, to go into physical matter, to forget about your true essence and self and then to awake and rediscover actually something that you never even knew when you were in the angelic realms. Not just rediscovering who you were, but you are rediscovering something that you had forgotten a long time ago, but at the same time discovering something brand new about yourself. You’re not just going backwards. You’re not just going back to discover who you were. You’re discovering something brand new about yourself as an angelic being, as a god, you’re discovering it here in this lifetime.
There are, what you would equate to on Earth as historians on our side, who are recording your progress, who are putting it into the New Energy library, but also other libraries in the other dimensions. Stories about you, your trials and tribulations. These are very animated multi-dimensional stories, not just words, but feelings and pictures and energies that activate all types of senses. You’re in the movies. You are a television show on our side (little laughter). The work that you are doing ... perhaps you could cleverly think of a few names for your program (laughter) ...
There are those who are following what you are doing. They are charting it, recording it, because they are fascinated by you but also because there are others who are going to come your way. All of those in the angelic realms, sooner or later, have to come by way of Earth. So they want to know before they get there what it is like. They want to read up about it. They want to feel the energies. They’re fascinated by those who are going first or those who went first. They are fascinated by this group of Shaumbra, the pioneers, the physicists, who are literally the first walking into New Energy. Fascinated by how you can possibly hold a balance, hold your what you would call sanity, while you are going through this entire process. More than anything, that is truly what fascinates them. And what fascinates many of us who work with you is how quickly you want to go through it. You could have stretched this over many different lifetimes, but you’re going through it all at once. All at once.
Shaumbra is an entity. We talked about it many months ago, we said you made Shaumbra into something. It used to be just a word. It used to be a breath. Then it developed into its own type of energy and then it developed a type of persona – identity. And then it developed into an entity, a collective based on all of your energies. It is becoming very evident on our side of the veil exactly this identity of Shaumbra. It has been becoming more and more clear on our side of the veil, this entity called Shaumbra.
Some day there will be those who call on Shaumbra much like they call on Archangel Michael or Raphael or any of the others. They will call on Shaumbra to come to their side, to be with them during the difficult and the dark times in their life. Shaumbra, you made Shaumbra its own entity. You made Shaumbra real on our side of the veil. And now Shaumbra is becoming more and more real on your realms as well. Because of your energies that have been placed into it, it is now manifesting on Earth in many different ways.
We see – and we are not directing it – but we see how this New Energy company is taking place. We see the potential that it has. We see that it is the expression of Shaumbra and you on Earth right now. There’s an interesting attribute about Shaumbra. It is a type of network but not an Old Energy network. We’re going to discuss networks today with a loving thanks to Fred and the Swiss contingent to help to – how to say – bring this issue up to the surface. Thank you, Fred. Don’t be embarrassed. We’re going to talk about networks today. We’re going to talk about old networks and new networks and what the difference is.
Shaumbra is a new network. Typically, an old network would become dependent on itself and form a structure of itself and then set up its own protection or defenses to maintain its identity. An old network would be inter-linked to itself, dependent on all of the other aspects of itself. Shaumbra is not like that. In setting up the energy of Shaumbra, it is not dependent on other elements of the energy. Each one of you is sovereign and independent. You’re not dependent on any other Shaumbra, you’re not feeding off of Shaumbra. Have you noticed that? Some of you have actually tried to feed off of Shaumbra. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just you’re looking for something to feed you in this life. Shaumbra doesn’t feed. Shaumbra doesn’t give that kind of old energy, does it.
So, Shaumbra is a new type of network, a new type of energy cooperation, a new way for energy to move. You’re bringing it to Earth. You’re making it real. You’re making it real simply on your website, your internet. You’re making it real in so many other ways now. The important part here, Shaumbra, is to know that you are creating the story. You are creating a vision. You are creating a pathway that many, many others are going to come by. They’re going to follow in your footsteps. They’re going to do it their way, of course, but they’re following in your energetic footsteps. Sometimes you forget – you forget – you forget how important the work you are doing is to so many others – other humans on Earth right now who are beginning to wake up.
They need to feel a different – a new type of truth. They can feel and access the consciousness of Shaumbra. Not feed off of it, but they can feel the consciousness, this template that you’ve created, and then the other angels who will eventually come to Earth, and take on physical body. They’re going to talk, share stories about the way of Shaumbra. The way that you created. It’s amazing.
Let’s switch gears here for a moment. We want to talk to you now on a more personal level about something called Destiny Seeds.
Destiny Seeds. You all have them. To make it quite simple a Destiny Seed is a potential or a plan for your lifetime. It was not absolute or concrete but there were events in your life that in a way you created and sometimes were created for you because of karma. You called it destiny. Certain things that had to take place or unfold in your life for the next thing to unfold- certain milestones or events – certain things that would happen to you, sometimes, again, based on karma and sometimes just on plan.
We’ll call these Destiny Seeds because you planted these seeds into your lifetime of potentials. In a lifetime of potentials anything can happen but these seeds tend to take precedence and they tend to dominate. In all of the work that you have done in your lifetime, you have released many, many, many things. We know – you keep releasing over and over again. You are amazed to discover how many layers there are, how many years that it can take.
When we get down to that layer now of Destiny Seeds, some of you still have them there. In some of you they are dormant. Some of you have already activated them unknowingly. We want to clear those today, because for some of you a Destiny Seed is cancer. For some of you a Destiny Seed is a fatal car accident. For some of you a Destiny Seed is the loss of something very, very important to you. For some of you it’s losing your job. For some of you it’s doing such a clearing in your life that you lose everything that you had built, that you had created for yourself. Some of you created a Destiny Seed of loneliness, being away from others.
Cauldre – we’re going to pick on him for a moment – we will give a very interesting Destiny Seed – death in an airplane accident. There was a Destiny Seed that he planted a long time ago. He doesn’t so much like us talking about that. It was an interesting and dramatic way to go in this life. It was one that would put an abrupt end and perhaps create – how to say – a bit of attention and drama.
Now for every one of you including Cauldre here, we’re going to say you don’t need those Destiny Seeds anymore. You can eject them. You can let them go. You can convert their energy into something more productive. You don’t have to follow an old path anymore.
Some of you weren’t even aware that those Destiny Seeds were within you. They were just waiting for the right time and the right event and then they would become triggered. Some of you buried them so deeply. You told yourself, “I don’t want to know about it. I don’t want to find it. I don’t want to discover it. I choose for this to happen. I choose for an illness to come into my life. I choose for some other event.” Because you felt that it was important to have that. You felt that it was a trigger mechanism for yet another series of events to take place. We’re going to tell you right now, you are not the same person that you were 5 or 10 or 50 years ago. You don’t need those Destiny Seeds unless you choose to have them within you.
Some of you are saying right now, “But what are mine? What are they?” It’s not important to have to identify each and every one of them. You don’t have to know their strength. You don’t have to know what other event they triggered. We’re going to use this opportunity right now with this group to let go, to deactivate those Destiny Seeds. You don’t need that illness. You don’t need that sudden shift in energy flow into your life – unless you want it. You’ve taken a quantum leap in consciousness. You’re no longer on a linear old path.
You’re no longer the same person that you were before. It is time to set those out. These are like little time bombs within you. You set the timer. You said when I reach a certain event and sometimes even a certain date, when I reach a certain level of new consciousness, I’m going to let this seed go off. I’m going to let this thing happen in my life because that will catapult me to a new level. Even if it means death – even if it means death, it will catapult me. It will force me to go to that next level even if I should try to resist.
It is a New Energy right now. You are in a different consciousness. As spiritual physicists, as pioneers and as the creator of your Destiny Seed, we want to take this opportunity right now to deactivate them.
We don’t want you to be in fear here- that’s why Rapha has come in- and wonder if you’ve gotten all of them. Because if you choose to deactivate all of them, they will be deactivated. If you choose to simply send those Destiny Seeds out of any reality base – out of your body and out of your mind – there are many of us today, angelic beings, who will help remove them. Not with any pain of course, remove them gently and easily. You have to give us permission though. You put them there. You were the doctors. You were the creators of these Destiny Seeds, but you can give us permission to help you remove them.
They really don’t suit you any more. They might have 20 years ago. They might have when you first came into this lifetime. It might have been a perfect plan, but right now it is not. You’ve changed so much. We want your path from this point forward to be clear and open and free. We want you to get out of the old systems and the old networks, if you choose. We have seen from our perspective that the Destiny Seeds that you have planted – the cancers, the hardships, the difficulties – any of these things, we’ve seen that they could block you right now. They could make your journey more difficult and more painful.
So, let’s take a deep breath, and if you choose to release them, if you give permission, we want to deactivate them.
Let us do that now in a safe and sacred energy of Shaumbra. Let us release those.
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