What is This Strange Dark Cone?
Is It A Soul Catcher At Work?
By Rayelan Allan
Mystifying shuttle shadow
The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis on Feb. 8, was one of the most spectacularly beautiful ever. But something strange happened that has NOT been widely reported. A long, dark cone, extending from the shuttle's bright exhaust plume to the full moon near the horizon appeared. Some described it as rainbow-like, and some observers wondered how a dark shadow could possibly extend from one very bright object (the shuttle plume) to another (the full moon).
Several years ago, I had an Instant Message conversation with John Lear. During the coverversation he asked me if Gunther had ever told me anything about the buildings and structures on the moon.
I answered yes and proceeded to tell him that Gunther had told me about a Moon Base. He quickly sent back an instant message that asked, "Did he ever tell you about the structure that is a soul catcher?"
I was stunned. Gunther had described, in great detail, a ancient structure which was built by extraterrestrials that "shot" souls to earth and "caught" them after their trip to earth was finished. I was amazed that John knew about it.
Gunther told me that his mother was descended from the Hungarian Esterhaszy family. The Esterhaszys are best known as the benefactors of Hayden. The Hayden conservatorium is in the old Estersazy castle east of Vienna, Austria near the Hungarian border.
The Esterhaszys believed they were descended from people who came to earth from the star Sirius. 'Ester' means 'star' and "haszy" means either "descended from" or "House of". In other words, the word' esterhaszy' means "House of the Star" or "Descended from the Star". The Star was the star Sirius.
Gunther told me that the the Esterhaszys believe that their ancestors had to come to earth because their home world was destroyed. He said that original settlers built ships that took volunteers to earth to physically settle and begin to prepare the earth for the later arrivals.
He said the main body of souls traveled as a soul group from their home world to the star Sol, the Sun around which the Earth orbited. The soul group resided in the Sun until preparations had been made for the souls to travel to earth. When a soul was ready to individuate in preparation for going to earth, the soul was shot out of the Sun and went to the Moon.
Gunther said that at the time this was going on, the Planetary Federation had a quarantine on the Planet Earth. No one was allowed to interfere in the 'breeding experiment" that was going on.
When one of the souls from the Sirius Group was ready to travel to earth to reside in a body, the Federation would "shoot" the soul to earth with their "soul shooter" which was on the moon. When the soul had finished its lessons, there was a "reverse soul-shooter" in the Great Pyramid.
The body would be placed in a sarchaphogus in a mineral brine. Low levels of electricity were sent through the mineral brine. When enough water had evaporated, there was a sudden flash, the body was instantly transmuted into atoms. This string of atoms, to which the soul was still attached, was shot out the "reverse soul-shooter", through the slanted opening in the pyramid. This was done only when the opening and the moon were aligned.
On the way to the moon, everything physical fell away from the soul and it was "caught" by the device on the moon that was set up by the Federation to "shoot" and "catch" the souls that were assigned to earth.
I don't remember much about what John Lear told me about the "soul catcher" that he knew about. What I do remember is that it was being used for a negative purpose rather than the purpose it had been created for.
It was catching souls, but it was catching them to enslave them, not as part of the two way transportation method that had been built to gain entry to a quarantined planet.
Take a look at the following picture which was taken at the launch of a Space Shuttle. If I had been asked to draw a picture of the "Soul Shooter" on the moon, shooting a soul to earth, it would have looked just like this!
The more I look at the photo, the more I wonder. If there really is a soul shooter and/or soul catcher, could an exchange of souls have just been made? Could one of the people who was on the shuttle now have a different soul? See also: IN SEARCH OF A SOUL CATCHER