Post by ADMIN on Jan 5, 2017 14:29:03 GMT -5
New Year’s Message 2016
This text is solely the introduction to an exciting event with questions and answers.
Dear all present here. Welcome. All bridge-builders; bridge-builders between the old age and the new age. You are bridge-builders. Many bridge-builders are now tired of building, of fighting, of surviving, of life.
The new age
Dear people, we are here to give you a boost, ‘to lean on’, because the new age is coming. Not for nothing, we have passed on three books, in the right order. To start with ‘The fourth dimensionDiscover your own influence’. Who are you? What do you as a human being, as an individual have to offer and what can be your influence? ‘Times of change’, which we are currently in the middle of. And the next book will be about the new age. But first there was a need for a book by Ellen herself: ‘Power in Balance, as a role model.
Walk your talk
Because more and more it will come down to you being who you are. Whatever you announce, you will have to do yourself as well. ‘Walk your talk’. Whatever you announce, whatever your truth might be, wherever your truth derives from, be your truth. It’s not enough to just believe in it. It’s not enough for your truth to just serve you. Your truth has to sink in and you have to be your truth. Only then you can pass on your truth as a human being and will you become a guide among people; a guide who can show directions to people who are temporarily lost, who temporarily don’t know anymore. And we emphasize ‘temporarily’.
Do not make people depending on you. Believe in their power. Believe they are able to do something. Help them to make believe themselves that they are able to do something. And then they will pass it on and become a guide for people in their surroundings who are lost temporarily. Become human among humans.
False sense of certainty
Ellen will explain the drawing on the white-board momentarily and then you will understand why many of you - and many with you - are having a hard time at the moment. All that seemed to be certain turned out to be a false sense of certainty only. Many rock-solid structures turned out not to be so rock-solid at all. Many people and institutes you respected, turned out not to deserve your respect. And many people don’t know what to believe anymore, whom to trust now, which truth they still will serve.
The new age, dear people, will be an age of new initiatives. Small-scale. Many civilians, many people now take their own initiative; start something new using their own potential. Small-scale, but still, something small-scale can grow into something big.
The importance of your well-being
We want to advice everyone present here and everyone who will read this message on the website: Don’t allow for large scale to take away your own well-being. Even you require well-being, how important business, your ideas, your ideals, might be to everyone. Don’t give yourself away. Do not become your work. Do not become your ideal. Remain a human being with ideals. A human being with ideals distinguishes between his intimate circle of people and that which he stands for and goes for in the world. Don’t let anything in your circle of friends, your intimate circle, be taken away. Be proud. Be careful with the people who are dear to you. Be proud of and careful with the people who you can call friends. Be proud of and careful with the possession, material and ideas you have acquired. In case you love nature, then love all of nature. One thing is for sure, a big, a very big, change is coming.
If the top is based on the basics, it serves the basics
Old cultures also had a hierarchy and were always led by people who possessed a broader consciousness or had access to a broader consciousness. They had access to cosmic laws, they had access to laws of physics, they were guided by a higher consciousness that many of you would call ‘intuition’. They had a long-term vision which allowed them to guide those, who were depending on them, through the changes they already knew were coming beforehand. To respond agilely on changes.
Many today’s institutes have become so entangled in their own rules and laws, that they cannot react to unexpected temporarily or long-term changes. They are always lagging behind. Mankind fails a long-term vision but when you look very closely at the news, you will see many aspects that will make you happy. Slowly but surely, it will become obvious that the renewal will win, that institutes which are stuck in old idea(l)s are already losing their foundation and credibility little by little. That is the signal for renewal. Any hierarchy and summit of a hierarchy, how big or small the society ever might be, is based on the basics, is to serve the basics. And if you look around you and listen, that is often what is failing. Naturally, very much can be said about this and very much more will be said about it.
Feel the great love from Oth, Atha, Era, Allen and Ehma.