Post by ADMIN on Oct 17, 2011 21:44:27 GMT -5
“This year [2011], the huge wave of young souls on earth will enter the adult soul cycle. This transgression is associated with a radical shift in their obsession with the manipulation of the outer reality towards the multidimensionality of the inner soul. This process begins with a total confusion of this population of incarnated entities, as none of their young soul beliefs of maximal separation will hold true after their energetic transformation.
“The events that are about to unfold very soon will pull the rug away from under their feet and they will have to glimpse into the abysses of their “rotten” souls. This will be a very painful experience, and their reactions and mental aberrations at this time will surpass anything known so far. The recommendation of the author to the light workers is to see through these events with a great portion of relaxation and humor and to not let them being dragged down by the psychopathic and schizophrenic moods of their surroundings and on the world stage.
“The transgression from one soul age into the next one is the greatest challenge to every soul during her incarnation cycle. For this reason some souls prefer to perform this transformation as excarnated entities in the 5th dimension, because it is less dramatic. Other, more courageous souls make this transformation in the 3d-reality. There is no fixed rule to this.
The transgression from one soul age to another is associated with a massive release of energetic blockages in the four bodies or fields of the incarnated entity - the physical, emotional, mental, and causal.
“During this time, the seven body chakras also undergo a huge energetic transformation that is generally referred to as light body process. It begins with the 4th heart chakra that opens first, as this is currently the case with most light workers. When it is fully opened, it enlarges significantly and encompasses the lower three chakras, and unifies them with the upper three chakras. The newly built chakra is a unified chakra of the human body. It allows the flow of much more energy from the higher self and the higher realms into the physical body.
“The massive transformation of the physical body can now begin with a high speed. The goal is to augment the frequency of the organic body to that of the ethereal body. At that point the phase transformation of the organic body into light body can be instantaneously accomplished. This description holds true for the individual Ascension process, when the entity can ascend without being supported by earth’s Ascension and the cosmic tsunami wave at the end of 2012.
Read the entire article at: under chapter"Earth and the 2012 Ascension process"