Post by Sowelu on Jul 4, 2011 10:28:04 GMT -5
Sunday, 01. May 2011
(delayed posting due to translation, 7/3/2011)
F R O M   T H E   M E E T I N G S   S E R I E S
Arrival at the Next Level
Meetings 2011
Written by Lea Hamann
[/b][/size]Arrival at the Next Level
Meetings 2011
Written by Lea Hamann
Sunday, 01. May 2011
(delayed posting due to translation, 7/3/2011)
We begin by perceiving that the energy on this earth has changed fundamentally during these last months; that doors have opened in our consciousness that have been closed for a long time. These doors are open and the place-holders that have protected and guarded these doors set them free; give them back to us.
We are all invited now to take up this new space. Maybe you have perceived during the last weeks that a lot has changed within you. Maybe your perception has changed. Maybe your desires that you had for your life have changed; old desires are gone and new desires and opportunities have suddenly surfaced for you.
Maybe your body has also gone through a huge change. Maybe there are moments when you have more energy than ever before and then there are moments when you have less energy than ever before. There are moments of joy and moments of grief and loneliness. These are all side effects of the inner change.
The veil is lifting
The energy structure of the earth has changed. It begins to open up. This has a direct effect on your body and your soul. You can imagine that so far the energy structure of this earth only allowed very little of your soul to be present here. The consciousness of the earth was like a veil – a filter that only allowed certain things. So each soul that entered this earth went through this veil and only a small part of them remained conscious. And the bigger, more profound part of them was forgotten.
And this veil has been very dense during the last several thousand years and the forgetfulness that all human beings were born into was very strong, very deep. Indeed, you forgot most of who you are the moment that you arrived here on earth with your energy. This veil remained intact. For your entire life it has always filtered everything that was not in alignment with the old human consciousness here on this earth. A huge part of your own love was filtered and very little remained. You could only bring a small part of your true love with you and everything else was forgotten, pushed back and kept hidden behind the veil.
And it’s precisely this veil, this energy structure that is currently changing. And perhaps you can imagine that this veil gets thinner and tears in several places. The texture is no longer as tightly woven as before but becomes increasingly transparent. An invisible power pulls this veil apart so that more of your soul, more of your true being can become visible for you.
Changes in the body
This is a very beautiful, very sweet change but also a change that agitates your body. Your body is a vessel where energy flows through – your energy. To illustrate this; if during the time of forgetfulness ten liters of energy comfortably passed through your body, now in this time of awakening it’s like twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty liters of energy is beginning to pour through your body. And your body cannot expand to accommodate this amount of energy on the spur of the moment; your body has to adapt for this. Your body has to get used to more energy. Your body has to get accustomed. Your body has to get rid of old toxins and blockages in order to make space for this greater energy.
And maybe you perceive or have perceived during the last weeks how your body is changing. It changes for your own good. It changes according to the New energy. It changes from a body of forgetfulness to a body of awakening. It changes to a New energy body that includes a completely different energy system. This body is no longer a body where you are separate from yourself but a body that is connected to your soul again, to your true being.
This adjustment process is challenging but it can become much easier. And today I want to invite you to allow yourself to let this process take place in an easier way.
Maybe you’ve been already wondering what you can do to support your body in its adjustment. And that is just what we want to do, we want to allow together today. And the most important point, the most important support that you can give your body now is to let it go. And this letting go is such a relief for your body. By “letting go” I don’t mean that you stop caring for your body or that you ignore it or that you pretend that it’s not important to you. By “letting go” I mean that you feel where you are still holding tension within your body. Where do you hang onto fear in your body? Where do you anxiously monitor and try to control your body day by day? Where do you restrict the flow of energy in your body using up the space needed for change and expansion?
If you feel where you are blocking the natural flow of energy of your body you can begin to breathe softly and release it step by step. Gently, breath by breath you can loosen this old grip around the energy of your body. You don’t have to mistrust your body and keep it locked up like a dangerous animal any longer. But you may release your body and experience what energy it truly contains.
Isn’t it a sacred energy within your body? Isn’t it a sacred space where the energy of your soul connects to the energy of this earth and creates something new? Isn’t it a beautiful shining radiance that doesn’t need to be controlled and suppressed any more but given our trust and our surrender? Are you ready to let your breath flow and feel how the energy of your body, how your energy field expands and suddenly doesn’t have to be so constricted anymore but is allowed more space – more space for being?
Can you feel how all of the organs within you exhale and enjoy that there is finally more space for them to do their work? Can you feel how the love of your soul pours into your body and brings back things that have been forgotten for long? Your soul brings back your true identity, your divine, infinite being that you truly are. Your angel-self is part of your new body. And this angel-self won’t be filtered out and pushed back behind the veil of forgetfulness but has permission to be present here with you again.
Can you sense that simply by letting go a change takes place? Can you sense that your body and the energy field around your body feels different? Can you sense that a purity and clarity is now available that maybe you haven’t felt before?
To let the change within your body happen is the best remedy that you can use. To let this natural process of change take place with all its ups and downs is the greatest healing that you can give yourself. It’s not about being afraid and resisting the change or believing that everything will get worse. It’s about seeing clearly that the veil between the worlds is falling away; that more of yourself wants to arrive here on earth so that you may no longer be a human kept separate from their soul but an angel in a human body that is allowed to have this experience here on earth.
Openings in consciousness
New windows and doors in consciousness have opened up and now the New energy is pouring onto our planet and it changes everything that is touched by it. This New energy is so powerful – and yet it doesn’t have any power in the old sense. But because of this it is so much stronger than our old kind of power. The old kind of power that has been present here on earth was a power of oppression. Often it was about being mightier than somebody else, being more important than somebody else. The old energy only won when many others lost; when many others went without.
Currently this old energy is becoming more visible. When you perceive the war and the turmoil in Northern Africa and in the Middle East that is arising, you can see the energy of cruelty, of violence and destruction quite clearly. You can see what happens when humans use the old power, the old energy and follow their desire that only they win and everyone else loses. And within this old energy everyone is equally blind. Everyone is equally on the wrong path. Everyone is equally aiming towards destruction.
Many human beings carry an enormous tension within them. And this tension is only a mass of old energy that hasn’t been released yet. And this old energy is very aggressive, very confrontational and very unbalanced. We can especially recognize the unbalanced masculine energy by its frantic attempt to defend its power or gain more power for the very last time.
And it’s up to us, the humans that are awakening and opening up consciously for the New to perceive this surge of aggression and violence and just be with it. It is not appropriate to intervene in conflicts or engage in violence because within these there is no solution. How often have human beings tried to obtain peace by starting wars? And we all know where this leads: to more destruction, to more violence and to more insanity.
A new peace
It’s up to us to realize that a new peace is possible. This new peace is incredibly still but not passive at all. This new peace means: we look lovingly towards all people that commit violence. We look with the eyes of compassion. We perceive that in truth the people standing behind this war, behind this façade of power and importance are really like small children crying for their Mama; desperately searching for safety and security that they simply don’t know how else to find.
We offer this compassion, this love and at the same time we are determined to stay in stillness and anchor ourselves in the New. We are solid as a rock who cannot be toppled by anyone or anything. We don’t participate in violence. We don’t participate in the fighting, the power games, the chaos but we remain in this love, in this strength and stillness. We remain the great soul that we truly are. And this new peace that is so unwavering and so loving is very beneficial for our inner being; for the war zones within us as well as the conflicts and drama in the external world.
If we allow ourselves to be the peace that we truly are we bring a new harmonious power onto this earth that allows for the best to happen; not only for us but for everyone. The best for our friends and for our enemies. The best for all of nature, for all of wildlife, for all of society – the best for this earth.
The New energy is this love that wants the best for all; that loves all human beings; that allows all energies to find resolution; to find peace. But it is up to us to discover this peace in ourselves first; to breathe it and to live it, each and every day. It isn’t enough to wait until the others find their peace. They are not able to – at least not yet.
Know that you have to be the one to start. Know that peace will be born within you. Know that love and power will line your path. Know that you don’t have to join in the fighting no matter how attractive it might be right now. Allow yourself to look beyond the disguise of violence and drama and to discover that there isn’t anything there for you. No love, no fulfillment, no safety and security, no peace.
Between two waves
We are currently in between two huge waves of awakening human consciousness here on earth. This movement that we are talking about includes the changes in your body, the changes in your consciousness, the changes in the seasons, the changes in the consciousness of the earth herself. This wave, this vibration, is currently opening new doors. The first door that represents the primary power of human beings was opened in March. You can imagine it as a huge wave that arrived and lifted up consciousness quite a bit. And during this time there was a lot of turmoil in the news. We all witnessed the devastating earthquake in Japan and shared the pain.
And each time that a new wave arrives there is a moment when it reaches its highest peak and then sinks down into the depth again. This is the feminine part of the wave – the sinking-into-the-depth, the coming-to-stillness, the grounding of all the New that was allowed to enter. We are presently in this phase of the cycle. Now It’s about allowing this primary power to awaken within us. The deeper we sink into the wave trough, the more we allow this awakening in the deeper layers of our energy structure. Not only a change on the surface but much deeper; our unconscious, the hidden forces within us want to surface and change along with us.
There are many people that go right back to sleep whenever there is no great upheaval taking place on earth although we can use this time now very consciously. We can allow ourselves to feel what wants to be anchored within us. Where does the power within you want to grow deeper, stiller, richer? Where do the deeper layers within you want the light of your consciousness to shine onto?
This is the first big portal that has opened this year. This world chakra that has opened and that blossoms invites us to discover the true primary power within ourselves again; feel that this true power within us is innocent and loving and has a wisdom, a harmony, a balance.
Later this year two more portals will open up and while we may still be immersed in this deep wave trough of stillness, a new momentum within us is already gathering for the next wave, for the next opening of another world chakra. Maybe you would like to take a moment to just feel this. Maybe you can allow yourself to feel this second wave that is not visible yet but already begins to collect power in the stillness.
The opening of the second world chakra.
This second wave represents the number two. The number two is symbolic of our counterpart, for the two original dynamics within us; the masculine and the feminine. Two is also the number of harmonious togetherness. Two is the number for equality, for peace, for togetherness – for a new togetherness.
And while this opening of the second world chakra prepares itself, we also ready ourselves for this change within us. For how long have these two aspects within us, the masculine and the feminine, lived in conflict with one another? How often did we use the masculine part to suppress the feminine part? How often did we abuse the feminine part in order to take on pain and be a victim and to deny its true power, its healing? Both energies abandoned their true form of expression. Both energies strayed from their true center.
The second door that will open up, the second wave that prepares itself is a bit bigger than the first wave because it corresponds to one of the largest imbalances on the earth that wants to be released now. The imbalance between the feminine and the masculine energy wants to find a new balance. And there is a great amount of energy that wants to be freed and released in this way and a completely new balance that wants to emerge within us. The opening of this world chakra is in response to our request. It is the answer of the divine to our longing to live in peace again with ourselves and in equality with our counterpart.
Maybe you want to feel what a blessing it is in your life when you allow this healing that wants to happen between your masculine and your feminine part. It’s time that we remember how loving and simple the masculine energy truly is and how little it has to do with what we call masculine today. The pure masculine energy doesn’t oppress anybody, doesn’t force anybody, doesn’t repress anybody. It simply is. The pure natural masculine energy brings clarity and strength onto this earth. Clarity in order to realize the will of the soul and strength in order to implement this will in the external world.
The true feminine energy also doesn’t have much to do with what we consider as feminine today. True feminine energy is infinitely powerful. Its power comes from a deep love. It holds, carries, nourishes and brings the New energy onto this earth The true feminine energy has nothing to do with making yourself small, rejecting yourself and denying yourself. The true feminine energy has nothing to do with being a victim. It stands tall, it is strong and clear. And never before has this energy been needed as profoundly as it is today.
As a man you are part of this masculine energy. And as a man you have the opportunity to give up the old form of power. You have the opportunity to release this power that has hurt and exploited yourself and others. As a man you have the opportunity to realize how loving and beneficial the true masculine energy is as you let go of the old form of power. How it serves life, how it serves you and how wise this strength is.
As a woman you are part of this feminine energy and you have the opportunity to step out of the shadows where you are hiding. You have the opportunity to appreciate and to love yourself again as a woman. You have the opportunity to perceive your own body and let the deep natural powers flow again. You have the opportunity to open the door to the intuition and magic within you and to realize what it truly means to be a woman.
This is the change the earth is waiting for. The earth is waiting for the healed masculine and the healed feminine within each of us. It is no longer sufficient to wait for someone else to take this step. We may now realize that our soul is ready and invites us to allow this next step in our natural evolution.
It’s a gift that the earth is offering to us. Are you ready to accept this gift and to feel how something that has been waiting infinitely long to be allowed to rebalance within you heals?
We still have some time to prepare for this next wave that is currently expected for the middle of June this year. But this date is very indefinite, very vague, because it involves our decision. The more humans that allow themselves to heal this voluntarily, the more the quality of this opening will be altered. The wave alters its size, its form. For the wave also represents you and your path and the decisions that you make in your life. Nothing is predestined in the external world. There are only potentials.
You have free will within you and so you may choose whether or not to accept the New energy, to feel what it wants to give you, to experience how your body, your consciousness and your everyday life will change. You have this opportunity to walk this path in joy. Other people may choose not to walk this path and that is appropriate and perfectly alright.
The earth has decided. We have decided. And every other person also has the right to decide for themselves as well. Each person is respected and loved no matter what they choose. Everyone may harvest the fruits of their path; the gifts, the beauty and the abundance that life has for them.
Found here
© 2011, Lea Hamann, Königstein im Taunus
© 2011, Lea Hamann, Königstein im Taunus
[/size][/blockquote][/blockquote]Please distribute this text freely on a non-commercial basis. Please include the information in its entirety, including this footnote.
Translated into English by Silvia Striebeck
Edited by Eva Smarda Carney
About Lea Hamann:
Lea Hamann works as a teacher and compassionate guide to humans on their path of spiritual awakening. She teaches conscious breathing and the reconnection to the feminine energy through private sessions and workshops. Sophia, the feminine energy of Wisdom is an inseparable part of Lea’s work. Sophia’s love is always present in her sessions and workshops. Lea Hamann is currently living with her partner Matthias Kreis in Königstein, Germany, near Frankfurt.
You can find information about her work on her website: