Post by Sowelu on Jun 22, 2011 21:02:06 GMT -5
Council of Light thru Takeli
13th June 2011
[/b][/size][/color][/font]OF LOVE ON EARTH
Council of Light thru Takeli
13th June 2011
Dearest Heart Friends, Dearest Heart Friends, we are here to Guide you: we are the Council of Light, who enfold the Lemurian Energy known to you as The Chancellor, as the Mary Magdalane, as Lady Kwan Yin: here too, are the Presences known to you as the Master Jesus, Master Guide Kirael, the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, and Metatron; Archangel Uriel also makes its presence known, on occasion. Our focus, our Divine path, is merged within the Takeli energy, as she knows herself to be, to Guide your paths into the up-spiral of Love on Earth, in this time of great change and transformation.
Why are we gathered here? To be part of your growth: to ensure, that within you, is the knowingness of what takes place now upon the Earth plane, that you meet all events and refocusing of your energies, in the greatest of Love. To do so, we would explain to you, how much you are Honored and Loved, in deepest, fullest, most profound measure… for you are the ones who are integrating, more and more deeply and strengthening within you, your own knowingness of your True nature: as Beings of Light.
The heaviness of Earth may be weighing upon you: remember, to notice, that there is ever a choice to your place of perceiving. How you are choosing to recognise now the gifts of the Heart, that are flowing to you in great and profound degree, is so important, for you to ensure your place of Being in this new vibration of Love and Healing, that is the 4th Light, that you are each day now, transiting towards.
Each day that now passes, has Codations laden into it: encodements of frequencies, that will arise within you, to cleanse and to clear your path of obstacles for you, on a constant basis. Where then, is the smoothest of paths to follow? It is ever and Eternally your path now to shine forth your Love: not only to the world around you, but most of all, into the deepest places of the Self awareness – the part of you, that speaks, that writes, that does all that you are part of each day.
Let not the weariness hold you, from the knowingness of Love within the Self: the particle of you, that resides within you now.
For it has been so ordained, that Light shall come forth to Light, that Joy shall beget more of the same, and so forth… Balancing and Healing, the places that have no Love within them, that all who desire it may pass through the veils, into the other dimensions that they are most suited to in their own pathways of evolutionary understanding.
Allow the Passion of this time, to arise within you: not for what is seemingly placed in your path as that which must be re-orchestrated into a more powerfully supportive process for you – it is now, to Celebrate, the knowing of the DNA strands, that are woven within each of your cellular structures. It is to Celebrate, the knowingness of Divine Will, that is woven so coherently within your four body system: a place of Being, that is in Balance, in complete and full orchestration of your Light to be precisely where it should be, for the greatest fulfillment of need and of your own Evolutionary process.
Where you perceive there to be stillness when you would have movement, ask of the Self, when is the time for movement, such as I would enjoy the experience of? And the same, for those who are desiring of the still times, the peace and so forth: create there, the opportunities for it, that you would enjoy it now, already, as each day passes.
Love is all around you: utilise it, to the fullest pf your potentials: Honour it, Celebrate it, and Live your life within it. It flows to you, from you and within you, in an unceasing and constant flow: it is that which Celebrates change, movement of all that is out of Love, into Love again.
In your daily life, it may appear to lack the space of Being, appropriate for the path to vibrate itself in ways that are of empowerment to you. We would state emphatically: you have many more choices available to you, than you may choose to recognise, and that which comes forth to show to you your lack, is there to emphasise the requirement of you, to look more deeply, more widely, and freely, without the world of limits, that you seemingly are bound into.
Think with me, for a moment: what if, you were a vast Spiritual entity, floating in the seeming emptiness of the Cosmos: do you require of yourself, food and water, in this totality of Being? You do not: the Light that you are, effortlessly receives from the Source, what it desires and requires for its well-being.
On Earth, what is your journey? is it not, to ensure, that there are limitations placed there to journey within, that you may experience the drama of life lived in the emotional body to the fullest? At least, this is what it may appear to be.
The Truth of All Light, is that You Are the Being of the Cosmos: you receive what you require, with little effort on your part, until you place the veil upon you that says to you, in a constant statement of 3D consciousness, that you must behave in a certain manner in a place of employ, that you receive the rewards of your financial system.
To release from this veil, is to allow the consciousness of you, freedom within your Being: to journey in such a fashion, as to step out of the matrix of the third dimension, through your Meditation, Prayers, and times of apparent idleness and Creativity: to set aside the left brain awareness, to bring to the fore, that which is your right brain awareness, as this is the place of access to Guide you to your path of Balance. The part of you that is the Eternal and Divine Consciousness will ever seek out the Balancing of your energy in the way that serves you the most, in the moment of each of your many moments of experiencing, as you allow for it to do so, unhindered.
What is the key to this new energy? It is, to BE the Creator… the particle of the whole of the immensity of Beingness that is the Creator Source. As such, you already understand how to best place yourself on Earth; how to recognise when to receive, and when to give, for the place of Beingness is asking it of you, deep inside of you – in the place where fear does not exist, and Love prevails in fullest and total measure. You will know, in that place of Being, what is the most beautiful gift you may choose to offer to the whole now: to live your life within this place of Love, that ever enfolds you, as the part of the Divine Source, you truly are, in the ways that are of great appeal to you. For these are the potentials awaiting unfoldment within you: stepping stones to the pathway of Love, chosen by the part of you that is a Purity of Love, that is You, in another dimensional awareness.
Feel the pulsations of energy within you: do they ask of you, to move forwards on your path in some measure: do they ask you, to replenish the well within; and if it be the latter, be assured, that oftentimes, the vibration of lack causes a deep tiredness in your awareness; and it is the replenishing of your Soul’s Light, through some form of enjoyable activity, the setting aside of the daily journey for even a brief period of time, that there can be the Creation of a new way of looking at your Life that empowers your journey in a new Light, that is truly asked for… the secret, is to Meditate… to allow for the left brain busyness to subside, that the part of you that is Love, has the floor, and that it may Guide your path in a more Loving way for you now.
In that formation of consciousness, the up-spiral has you firmly held into it: you cannot fall out of it, other than by your intent. Have the willingness, to be in your Trust, that the Source of Divinity within you, will ever show to you, your place in Love – it is your natural gift, your Truth of the Heart… let the listening within, strengthen, as you set aside your cares and choose to be in connection with the part of you that Knows Love.
And so it IS.
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© 2011 Takeli
© 2011 Takeli