Post by Sowelu on May 31, 2011 22:49:28 GMT -5
procession through the june solstice begins
31 May 2011
Tomorrow is the New Moon, and the first of 3 eclipses over the next month—a partial solar eclipse. The New Moon is always a powerful time for setting intentions, this new moon + eclipse is in particular an excellent trigger for releasing patterns and liberating new modes of being. I encourage you to avail yourself of the trending energy, greeting it with awareness and enter joyfully into further releasing; clarify your being and moving more fully into wholeness with this cycle over the next month of the moon plus the amplifying energy of the June solstice!
When I asked Archangel Michael for a short message here, revealing what he most wants us to know at this time, I received:"Transmitting new codes through the galactic alignments of this moon and sun choreography during June and into July will allow enormous acceleration of the Unified Field being accessible and felt by each human energy system, in accordance with their own readiness. Setting your clear intentions for willingly being impulsed, for availability to learn and be "worked on" while you sleep, and taking time—ideally several times throughout the day—to attune yourself to the earth and cosmic energies flowing continually into your energy system, will allow you to integrate and keep up with the energetic waves of this powerful alignment. This is the key energy period in preparation for the 11:11:11 Stargate; take advantage of it in all ways you are able." - Archangel MichaelThe new moon is June 1, at 2:03 pm pacific daylight time and it is the entry into a window of change; a powerful time of transformation and realignment. Eclipses are precise alignments of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. I've been writing a lot about focus lately and this theme is even more important as we enter this period of the eclipse series and the Solstice—with this much energy moving through you, you want to determine the focus of the flow, by being an intentional lens of light and energy. Choose the way this energy flows by setting intentions in alignment with the new moon. There will likely be a lot of pressure here and you want to be a clear channel for this energy to flow through—letting go of obstacles (baggage of any kind—meaning what you no longer need or don't need NOW)—and be clear about what you want in your life and what you want to let go of.
If you'd like to take this further collectively, I'd like to invite you to join us this Saturday. We'll be gathering to work with the first stage of the energies of this powerful time period. I've written a bit more about what's being transmitted and the current themes, as well as introducing the event HERE if you'd like to read more and/or considering if joining us resonates with you.
You may already be feeling the eclipse energies now. Each eclipse ripples out before and after the actual alignment.
We're in an important time.
Our third chakra—our will—is the ideal companion to our heart-felt focus right now. As the energy pours through you this month, keep reminding yourself that you are a Divine Being of Light and Love. When it doesn't feel like it, is when this is most important. Use the strength of your will, to not identify with what is simply surfacing to be released and rise up and leave your experience, for good.
Some permanent shifts can be made over the next six weeks and if you ever wanted to transform all of your life, you've arrived at a point in time that is powerfully aligned with that energy.
A new chapter is beginning…
Opening to the love within, on the plane of peace, I bridge my energy to the New Earth… and there I look to meet you.
Blessings and light,
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© 2011, Meredith Murphy | Modern Paradise Publications All Rights Reserved.
© 2011, Meredith Murphy | Modern Paradise Publications All Rights Reserved.