Post by Sowelu on May 27, 2011 20:07:24 GMT -5
weekly digest | communing with your higher self
27 May 2011
May… where did you go? LOL. An amazing month in our wake, we are emerging into a period of even more intense alignments within our galaxy, and also new potentials emerging.
Many of us have made major changes over the past few months. The releasing which is taking place is more subtle and also more dramatic. So big things like moves are happening for those who have come into alignment with their next location and the synchronizing has manifested their divine home. And as the energy intensified during May unexpected things surfaced from the corners of your experience reminding you of very very subtle ways you might be more loving and gentle with yourself.
Each of us is on the ascension path in our own perfect location. It's important to remember that many channeled messages speak to different aspects of the scenario within our galaxy and from different levels of perspective. Some are very focused on the symptoms of humans awakening. Some are light-years from there and speak to the Omni-mind of creation and the impulses of light which travel across distant corridors from the future into our present. And lots in between. Realize that the most important connection for each of us is the one with our higher self. Read as inspired, and with discernment as to the relevance and resonance you experience>>keeping your focus the expanding the communion between you and YOU
We have come here to first of all BE here. This means fully descending into the body. I recently had a profound healing experience and re-integrated part of myself energetically that had left my body in fear when I was around 3. I had no awareness throughout my life of this event, or this "missing" part of me. And yet, now, that it has surfaced and the clearing work done to reintegrate it—I am profoundly, definitely more whole and more HERE. How could I fully descend into my human energy field—merging with my divine self—when not all of me was even present? And I had a rather trauma-free childhood, as far as life goes for many of us. So just imagine…
So in this journey, we're first of all aiming to come|be fully in our body. Grounded. In the present moment. This is no small feat! And really the first question you have to ask yourself is this: am I willing and do I choose to live right here right now in the present moment fully? Stepping beyond patterns, habits and essentially mindless, automatic, programmed responses to life and into a state of freedom? So I ask you right now to pause and consider where you are related to this question? A friend of mine shared with me this free download of a channeling from the Visionaries to Veronica, which speaks very strongly this question. You can download it HERE, it's the file marked PartA in the file name—the second file on the list. I did not listen to the whole message, but this question which kicks off the session, resonated with me and I pondered it for a long time, considering my own state of being on an ongoing basis—Am I free? Am I in aliveness in the moment fully here and responding with spontaneous authenticity? Or am I experiencing/moving in a habit state without full present focus? I am finding this a profound way to reflect on my experience.
Archangel Michael reminded us this month of the huge importance of kindness, in his message, Kindness and Gentleness Turn the Keys. Both in this message, and in his message specifically to members of the Legion of Michael, he is beginning to teach about our Ka — our divine double energetically. I channeled two messages this week which expand on the direction of my work and our focus as family of light. I will share these over the next week as I am clear they are complete. There is definitely a focus in the information I am receiving to step up our game in terms of learning and connecting directly with our higher self.
Interestingly, I might have seen this coming as I have given more Divine Soul Readings this month than in any other month prior. The bridging of your energy into connection with your higher self, can expand your ability to recognize this energy and relate with it. However you cultivate this connection, I urge you to turn to it, with your focus, DAILY. Your higher self merging with you is the whole point of this Earth adventure we're having! Don't get so caught up experiencing ascension symptoms or paying attention to the world outside of you and forget that the key relationship is between you and YOU. {Smile}
The birthing of the new earth is happening within you. I wrote about this in my post, A Chain Reaction: the Genesis of Paradise, and about how Extreme Energies Require Being in the Flow, to share some fundamental approaches for how to live with mastery as the energies spiral upwards. Which is only going to increase over the next month… as is, hopefully, your connection with you!
June through mid-July packs a major opportunity for unfolding and accelerating our awakening! More on this on next week—as I'm preparing a special message about the upcoming energies as well as an two events for June: the first of which is Saturday, June 4th, if you want to mark your calendar. Details to follow separately this weekend.
In the meanwhile, yes, it's true, I'm off to unpack some MORE boxes. Like releasing, unpacking and clarifying our extended energetic location is an ongoing process! A basic template for a beautiful space has emerged,is coming forth and already the energy of being situated on this part of the Lemurian Grid—which is a key for me which open—is already creating interesting experiences in readings and channeling. Oh! Just a reminder that being in-tune with ourselves, in all kinds of ways—such as our locale—liberates a feeling of home and balance is really wonderful and supports our energetic signature in amazing ways!
For all you Americans, do enjoy this upcoming long weekend and look for details about the upcoming June sandwich of eclipses to follow! (Hint: remember the last Solstice??)! And for everyone elsewhere on our beautiful planet, I hope you feel the luxuriating vibe of your infinite self flowing into your days wherever you are!
Loving each of you!
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