Post by Sowelu on May 23, 2011 21:08:23 GMT -5
May 23, 2011[/b][/color][/center]
B r e n d a ' s   B l o g
You Are Evolving at an Amazing Pace
Channeled by Brenda Joyce Hoffman for Life Tapestry
[/color][/font]You Are Evolving at an Amazing Pace
Channeled by Brenda Joyce Hoffman for Life Tapestry
May 23, 2011[/b][/color][/center]
Dear Ones,
You may have noted the recent energy downloads. It does not matter. Know that much has changed within your being in the last few months.
Each energy download moves your decision processes closer to your heart.
When you first became enamoured of your New Age/new earth energies, you held a dream of interacting in love. Each energy download moves you, and the others who accept the downloads, closer to that goal.
What does that mean for you today, this week and this month? Perhaps you are finding joy more rapidly and fear a bit more difficult to accept. This is expected. We have discussed such for many months. The key difference is you are less concerned about the drama of others. Let us explain.
You are rapidly moving into a life of joy, touched with a bit of fear. You are doing so because you no longer accept the fears of others. Do you understand how dramatic such a statement is and yet, how accurate?
Much is happening in the news daily – most of which could be considered frightening or anger producing. In the past, you would have fallen into thoughts of, “Those poor people.” Or, “How terrible is that?” Now, you may feel sad, perhaps worried or even frightened. But those feelings do not last for the long periods of time that was true in the past. Nor do you feel as if you must dramatically adjust your life to make others feel better.
Whether you have yet acknowledged it to yourself, fear and anger play a smaller role in your life.
Many of you are thinking that your feelings are not that different from before. We beg to differ. In the past, you spent most of your day in fear and anger – touched with a bit of joy. The opposite is rapidly becoming true. For those of you who contend that you feel little different from before, we ask that you review your feelings about the world events of the past couple of weeks – from dramatic storms to political upheaval. Do you discuss for weeks the sadness or anger that such events produce? Or have you evolved so that such feelings only linger for hours or days? Do you not notice the difference?
Perhaps you believe that fear and anger issues are happening so rapidly that you do not have time to process each tragedy. We beg to differ. With the logic of the Old Age, would not the number and depth of the ongoing tragedies ensure that you would be sad and depressed for months or years?
Do you remember the “good old days” when a mass murder would make front page news for weeks? And that you, your family, friends and co-workers would address every nuance and wonder, “What the world is coming to?” Such is no longer true. You read about a tornado in the morning, a mass murder in the afternoon and within a few days you have forgotten the drama of both as a new tragedy takes precedence.
Some of you may think that such lightness of feeling, if you will, is the result of information overload – you are just processing faster so that you are not overwhelmed. Again, we beg to differ. With such logic, you should be in an ongoing depression that increases with each new tragedy. Instead, you are marveling at the sunshine and joy of spring or fall – depending where you live. You are gong to work everyday and you are finding yourself laughing at silly thoughts or jokes.
How is this different from the past? We will reiterate that in the past, each tragedy would have put you in a foul mood that was only heightened by those you love who felt the need to explore with you every negative feeling in their world.
You probably now find yourself avoiding people who continue to love melodrama or no longer have such people in your life. You are truly evolving. But because you are evolving at a pace that is correct for you, you have not yet allowed yourself to acknowledge how your feelings have shifted to joy and hope, instead of pain and despair.
An analogy that will help you understand this seemingly slow, but dramatic process is that of learning your first words and then putting those words together to read a book. Perhaps you do not remember the first word you recognized or the first book you read. But somewhere in your life, you knew that you could read any book you wanted to read. So it is for your shift from fear and anger to joy and love. You will not remember the first time you moved in love and joy to a greater extent than fear and anger, but the result is that your life pictures are now more filled with joy than pain.
You have learned your lessons well. Marvel in the sunshine of life and how easily you have slipped into your life of joy. Granted, there are days when you experience fear, but those days are becoming fewer and fewer as joy takes over. Which is no different from stumbling over difficult words when you first learned to read until you raced through the books containing those very words.
You are growing and evolving at an amazing pace. You have just not yet reviewed your progress. Take some time today to do so for you truly are evolving much more rapidly than we thought possible.
Love yourself and the world spins in love. Fear or hate yourself and your world is laborious and filled with pain. Your Old Age is no more. Relish that thought. And admit to yourself how far you have come in just a few months. You are brave and willing stars of the greatest magnitude. So be it. Amen.
“Creation Energies” 5/22/11 free radio show overview: Listen to your heart and you will have access to the financial resources correct for you. You may feel most comfortable giving away your New Age and other skills. Or perhaps, you wish to use your new skills to earn millions.
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