Post by Sowelu on Apr 17, 2011 23:01:32 GMT -5
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
From The Reconnections
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
From The Reconnections
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
Found here[/blockquote][/blockquote]
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
- All of life is a dream that is being experienced by the ONESELF.[liststyle]#[/liststyle]
- As is usually the case in dream interpretations—every person, object, or situation that appears in the dream is an aspect of YOU, the Cosmic Dreamer, and your entire universe is your mirror.
- You have chosen to incarnate into a physical universe. There is really only ONE PERSON here—one person who has divided him/herself into as many fragments of the ONESELF as are needed to portray a truth, feel a feeling, or learn more about the infinite Being which we all are.
- Just as there are many fragments seen within a universe (uni=one), so are there an infinite number of universes contained within the MULTIVERSE, which is a "wherehouse" for the storage and keeping of All That Is.
- Every person, object, situation, or location represents a VIEWPOINT for the Oneself to enjoy and observe the All That Is. You do not merely reside within a single physical body, though it may sometimes appear to be so. You are everywhere and you are everything.
- Truth is also everywhere, and in everything. In the Multiverse, there is a universe that literally honors and embodies every single belief or system of belief imaginable (and then some). There is no such thing as disagreement within a multidimensional reality. There are only variations upon a common theme. At the heart of each theme is always YOU.
- What separates each individual universe is the VEIL OF FORGETFULNESS, a semi-permeable membrane that surrounds each viewpoint and temporarily blocks remembrance of Self at all the other levels at which you exist. Like blinders on a horse, the Veil allows each separated viewpoint the freedom to experience its universe without being distracted by the other possibilities which are also available.
- Time and Space exist as punctuation marks in a limitless composition that is being written by the Oneself. They are notations, regulating the beat and measure for a concerto which has played and which will be played throughout all eternity. All time is now. All space is here.
- There is really only ONE Multiversal moment, divided into an infinite number of fragments, which are apportioned to as many universes as is required to embody everyone and accomplish everything imaginable (while always adding just a little bit more).
- All of the above applies to YOU, the ONESELF Cosmic Dreamer, unless you say otherwise.
From The Reconnections
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
When we speak of "dimensions," we are referring to "measurements" of people or objects in physical space. In some cases, we may use this word to describe how much space an image will occupy within an established context. Or, perhaps, we might be speaking about the measured distances between images as they stand in relationship to one another. All these factors form a specified viewpoint, through which (or from which) objects or individuals can be observed.
Your First Dimension is height, which allows for the establishment of CONTENT in physical space. A line gets drawn on a page. What, now, will you do with it?
Your Second Dimension is width, establishing how much of your visual field will be taken up with the line that has been drawn, as well as the CONTEXT in which it appears. This means that a single line may also connect with other lines—while they stand in FLAT RELIEF upon the page. It is not until you add your Third Dimension, which is depth, that you create CONTACT between the viewer of the page and the images that exist upon it. Until they are noticed, interpreted, and appreciated we tend to refer to those images as "Flatlanders"—Two Dimensional Constructs.
There are libraries full of Flatlanders—blueprints, pictures, illustrations—waiting for viewers to peruse and adopt them. Once the viewer of an image has made CONTACT between his own life, and the picture(s) he is viewing, it will feel as though the images suddenly come alive, and jump off the page, making a home in his world.
This is what we are speaking about when we talk about using "personal eyes." You take an image or a group of images, and you ground them to yourself. You PERSONALIZE THEM, by breathing life into them…YOUR LIFE… and you interpret them and ponder how they mirror some aspect of your being. When a person uses the term "believe"… he is really saying to some image: "BE LIVE! You are real! I believe in you!"
As you move THROUGH the Fourth Dimension, TIME, you travel down a corridor of alternative versions of the NOW MOMENT you once occupied. Instead of saying "I am"… your focus changes to "I was" or "I will be." As you move through the Fifth Dimension and Beyond… there is a shift in your perception of that as well. At that point, "I am" becomes "Suppose I were"… and the possibilities are endless.
Your Multiversal NOW is like an infinite gallery, full of snapshots of SELF, which have been taken from every conceivable angle. As you go about creating a 3D reality flow, you gather pictures which embody what each scene will look like—very much like a screenwriter uses a Story Board to lay out his film. After you create an order of presentation, you flip through the pictures, like an animator running through a cartoon. The order of placement for the pictures is what creates the ILLUSION OF CONTINUITY… past-present-future. But you must realize that each "flow" of events is entirely artibrary. If the creator were to re-shuffle his pictures… the "dimensions" of his reality would automatically change too. Indeed, that condition known as "Dimensia," is caused by this very thing.
More will be shared about this as the timing for your Reconnection with All That Is grows nigh! We love you, we support you, we are always here.
<end transmission>
From The Reconnections
D A N I E L   J A C O B[/center]
All around you, in every place, there exist Energy Gates—portals in time and space—through which a person can pass to new life and experiences. Some are visible, and some are of the mind and heart. All of them are real. Some portals exist as specific places. Simply to visit these locations is to be transformed. Other portals require energetic "passwords" or "vibratory signatures" to activate them. Still others—those connected to the highest levels of transformation—require passwords, along with "sponsorship" by an Etheric Guide, so that the unconscious or unprepared can not enter them unaware.
There are many kinds of Trans-Portals. Most are opened through the verbalization of some goal or desire for personal development. In such cases, the INTENT of the traveler becomes a blade that cuts an opening in the Veil which divides the universes. Once a portal is opened, your journey begins. A vortex draws the individual in, and certain "changes" are effected, so that transport to an adjacent universe can occur.
Transformation begins with two elements: disorder and disintegration. When a physical body passes through a portal, it begins to be broken down into basic elements that can be transported easily within the Multiverse. Once a decision is made, this process is usually so rapid that it is barely noticeable. The human mind has a tremendous filtration ability, and has a habit of editing out all knowledge concerning what we are describing here. The mind's power to knit together universes, into a logical sequence, gives a person the impression that reality is one continuous landscape, rather than the infinite collation of alternative possibilities which it can be.
The arrival of disorder ("chaos energy") into any organized structure produces CONFUSION. If you examine this word, you will see that it is composed of "con," which means "against" and "fusion," that which binds physical material together. To become con-fused means to LIFT OFF from your current orientation, in the same way a rocket ship launches, and moves towards something new.
Confusion scrambles the mind. It mixes and mingles old orientations, to clear the way for new ones. Its physical counterpart is CONSUMPTION. When a Trans-Portal is entered, the energy acceleration actually consumes the physical body. Once the traveler arrives at his new destination, the original INTENT manifests, and downsteps itself into an appropriate physical vehicle. We will speak more of consumption later. There are important lessons to be learned there.
Once a person has arrived at a destination point, his mind is free to concoct any number of rationalizations to explain why and how he is there, rather than where he was. Sometimes, it will appear as though he awakens from sleep, only to assume that he must have been dreaming. At other times, he will tell himself that he has experienced "time loss" during a car trip, or while working in the back yard. And in some cases, the shift is so drastic, and the internal weaving of universes so pristine, that the individual never realizes he has moved at all.
You would be quite surprised to know how many fantastic journeys you have taken—only to file them, forget about them, and resume working at some mundane task… as though nothing had happened to you. Rest assured, your "travel photos" are all kept safe and available, waiting for the time when you will review and enjoy them again… a time that is rapidly approaching, by the way!
Found here[/blockquote][/blockquote]
Channeled by Daniel Jacob
Copyright, 2011, by Daniel Jacob. All Rights Reserved. May be copied or shared, for purposes of personal growth and/or research. All reproduction for profit, by any means, requires the written permission of Reconnections, Inc.