Post by Sowelu on Apr 13, 2011 16:03:50 GMT -5
Onereon Channel
Going Home
through Jeff Michaels[/b][/size][/color]
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Onereon Channel
Going Home
through Jeff Michaels
As above, so below. This planet is your home while you are in the realm of the physical. It is not a place of security these days, however. A home should be a haven of sorts, a place where a being can relax and enjoy personal time with loved ones or even private quiet moments to themselves. This does not always describe the planet earth at this point in time.
Many of you long for and can sense the powerful feeling of home that awaits your return to spirit. This longing can turn to thoughts and even actions of escape.
The World Today
We see a great sense of questioning on the planet these days. Many wonder at the nature of life and death. Many ponder their nature and reason for existence. In the face of many disasters, natural and created, some openly ask, “Why continue?” in the matter of being alive. Some are considering the possibility of returning to the realm of spirit early. Let us speak plainly of life and death.
In times of turmoil it is often difficult to see that the future is brighter. We tell you now that things will be better, that life on the planet will attain a greater level of peacefulness and security. This is not a straight line and there are and will continue to be points of dramatic change.
The world you inhabit is one that holds strongly entrenched views. These do not easily alter their shape. Many prefer to envision the future as a return to Yang dominated ways. This will not occur. It is not in the nature of the universe to have one form of energy dominate another. Balanced Yin and Yang is a constant force.
Much of the purpose of the planet you inhabit has been to create this balance in this area of the galaxy. This is a reason for such an extended period of struggle. A strong wave of change is occurring at this time. You exist in an era of change.
For many, those that carry strong spiritual energy, this translates into a difficult time and they find it hard to deal with what is happening. Even strong spiritual beings can succumb to a depressed feeling, a lowering of personal energy.
Some lose hope and the desire to remain alive. This is an understandable reaction to such desperate times. We speak now to give perspective and help you regain a true vision of the state of events and your role.
We are imparting wisdom to you, but it comes in the form of knowledge. With this knowledge, you must gain personal experience before it can become your wisdom. Never fear. You are not alone. You may be disconnected for a short time. This will pass. There is no need for you to pass to gain this wisdom. Death does not automatically confer any wisdom. The process of rebirth would be unnecessary if this were true.
Who Are You Now?
Earthly physical life is a very valuable thing. If you are reading these words, you likely understand that you have chosen to exist at these times. Did you imagine that it might be easier? Did you comprehend fully that you would be a leader and example for the future? In the rush of energies swirling about the planet today it is hard to even recall the decision-making process. Much of life is simple reaction to random occurrences caused by those who have no clear spiritual connection.
In this time, you are the path; you are the guides for those who did not enter this incarnation with strong spiritual goals. You are the ones that others can look to for guidance in conducting a spiritual existence in difficult times.
Many do not believe in the realm of spirit. They have confused the reality of existence in a different realm, a higher vibration, with the erroneous command to worship those that dwell there. We in the spirit realm are fellow beings, not rulers. We are companions, not royalty. To believe in a deity separate from your own self is to miss the entire point of life.
We are all of us aspects of the creative source. We are not different at our most fundamental elements. The heart of the atom is the same as the heart of a star which is the same as the heart of the galactic cluster. You are the same as all of these.
You are of ancient energies. There are beings that are older than you can easily imagine. Even these ones have no clear memory of the beginning of all things. It is not a necessary thing to know all there is to know to realize the inherent creative power you carry within.
The Reason for Existence
Life on the planet carries a level of responsibility. We act in certain ways to advance the balancing of the energy of Source. In this, we take on certain tasks, much the same way we have duties when we are off the planet in the realm of spirit.
Many are here to heal themselves from past trauma. Perhaps that is a portion of your mission as well. Stay the course. It is getting better. You are getting better, more complete, more whole. True, you may be feeling drained of strength and energy. Thoughts and attempts to exit from your current incarnation must be questioned thoroughly. They are not necessarily wrong, but the decision will affect your future existence. Ask yourself, “Have I truly exhausted all avenues of balance? Is there truly no other path to follow? Is there no lesson left to be taught by my example of spiritual endurance?”
Often the feeling of weakness is brought on by the individual’s attempts to do all things themselves. The expending of all your personal energy is unnecessary. True spirituality encourages cooperation and synergy. In the realm of the spirit this is a natural way of existence. When it occurs on the planet it also feels natural. Humans are happy when all cooperate for a greater good. Knowing this, you can see why there is a general feeling of weakness in the world today.
The idea of returning to spirit or as some say, “Going home,” is appealing, especially now. So much strife from so many small areas is something new on the planet. Such intimate personal knowledge of every tragedy, every battle, and every disease or personal trauma has never been experienced before. You can literally know what is happening along every curve of the earth. It is overwhelming.
Yet, now is the time that true spirituality is needed the most. Exiting the planet is counter to the actual purpose of your existence at this time.
Completing Your Life
[/size]Could you have predicted the events occurring today, the societal changes or technological advances? From the time you were born to now, more information has been gathered and disseminated in new forms than in all of recorded history. Soon another great change will sweep the planet. We tell you now; you have helped prepare the way for this adaptation. Power will shift. Energy will alter. Communication will require truth. What you knew and the way in which you may have planned your lives is vastly different. The course you wanted may be unavailable to you now. This is a time to access your creative strength and press yourself forward into new opportunities. If you are older this may cause some sense of despair. Be alert for the vision of elders to shift. Seek ways to influence the way that others can be in regard to the aging process. Set new goals and priorities. Stay healthy and vital yourself as you age. You may live longer than expected.
An inventory of what you have accomplished up to now is a way of ascertaining what current priorities may exist. It is not necessary to hold to old goals. Times change and personal growth will alter the undivided one’s vision of life. This inventory, taking stock in what is important to you, may not be comfortable or easy. It is an action that requires a certain boldness on the part of the individual. Not all have the strength to do such a thing. The true spiritual being will embrace such a task and embark on this quest for information with a level of joy and happiness.
Do not berate yourself or others for perceived failings. What was not finished may not be considered a valid use of energy now. Creating something that will stand the test of time is not necessary at this point in history. Understand that many things will be going away. Place your sight on things of true value, qualities of life. There is no reason to abandon or renounce physical things. Only comprehend that they go away and act accordingly.
Create communities of caring, cooperation and strengthen the higher values. Do not seek ways to repudiate others’ behavior or conduct a moral inventory on others. Set the appropriate example in your own existence. Create a vision of home that others can emulate. It is not necessary to leave the planet to find home. Earth is a significant part of our home as spiritual beings engaged in a spiritual work.
Do your part to make this home a joy to live on; there is already much here to be joyful for. Strengthen a vision of peaceful life by your efforts and example; there is much pleasure to be derived from peaceful action. Above all things, love everyone you possibly can, even under stressful circumstances. The expression of love will always relax times of strife and tension. In this way, you will return the feeling of home to the planet.
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Onereon through Jeff Michaels copyright 2011
Onereon through Jeff Michaels copyright 2011