Post by Sowelu on Sept 14, 2011 20:44:41 GMT -5
Lemurian Council of Radiant Light thru Takeli
13th September 2011
[/b][/size][/color][/font]Lemurian Council of Radiant Light thru Takeli
13th September 2011
To our Beloved Masters, Welcome! We are the Lemurian Council of Radiant Light, and we shall be speaking with you often… we number amongst us the Lights of the Archangel Michael, the Mary Magdalene, or Aussyria; The Chancellor of Lemuria, Uriaté and Iliaté of the Elven realm; also the Archangels Raphael, Gabrielle and Uriel; and the presence of the Lighted Force known to you as the Master Jesus, or Jeshua, as he will be known in this circumstance; also Takeli MMagdalen, and Master Guide Kirael, and one other, yet to be made known to you.
We are those, whom have been speaking to you through our medium, for we have moved her along her own path of healing and transformation to be our vessel of Communication, as a treasured member of our Council, which numbers 12 in all. We shall take our turn to speak, save only the Master Guide Kirael; in doing so, we shall speak from our Hearts through the focus of the message given on that day.
Our message this day comes forth from I, Archangel Gabriel: I AM the harbinger of change in the Human Light, for we of the Council are united in our focus of Light upon the Earth plane, to bring forth in the greatest of Love, our woven Heart Lights of this Intention: to have you knowing of the Love that awaits you in the new place of Being, that is the 4th dimension.
You of the Earth plane are moving now into another dimensional process, to live as the Lemurian Lights once lived: full of the knowing of Divine Grace, within them the wovenness of Peace and innermost Harmony that is profound Love for our Mother Earth, and for all forms of conscious awareness.
We are to bring to you, the process of this transformational journey: to have you feel greater comfort in our presence with you, and to express within yourself, to your Higher Self and closest Guidance, the life you are to live each and every day now, as one of ever greater Love.
Bring to your awareness the formation of an upward flowing spiral: does it not continue ever onwards, even as it may widen or narrow in its passage through multiple experiences and realities? This is the process you are part of: in this moment of the path of Humanity, it is to be an upward spiral, through the expansion of Love within the Heart chakra of each who would participate, in this important time in your evolution. It is the process of illuminating the Truth that is coded within your DNA structures: that you are a Divine Human, capable of much more than you ever might have thought possible.
In that Light, Remember, that your path is one of change and transformation; of refocusing the energy of your mental awareness into states of Love, Joy, Peace and Well-Being, in all its forms. As you do this, the vibrations that are out of Love in your emotional body begin to heal, for you have taken from them that which is the source of their existence – your fears. While on Earth, you have learned the process of fear intently; now it is a reversal of this process that is taking place within you, causing the blossoming of the Heart, into its True state of Being: a Radiant Heart illuminated by Love.
Replace as well, all notions of a separation between you and the Divine within you: you are One, indivisible; and it is as you discover that your journey unfolds with greater ease when you invoke or invite that which you are, to walk with you in your conscious awareness, that your life begins to turn itself towards the vibrations and the Love that awaits you, that was intrinsic also to your Lemurian times and your processes of learning there. For the Lemurian peoples were ever from and of Love; and the learning unfolds at an ever quickened pace when it is expanded through the presence of Love in conscious fashion, as is the Lemurian way of Being.
Walk hand in hand with your own Spirit, as you move throughout the day; blend with the Love of your closest Guidance, to ensure a continual process of co-creation with them, remembering as well, that in your Humanness much richness unfolds, and is of value. Set your boundaries as it pleases you; for we who are in service to the Human Light, will adhere by these constraints in our Love of you, for they come from that which is the prevailing structure of your Earth plane. We seek nothing more than to show to you the power of Love to heal all that is of concern to you; to assist your path through any lesson plans still remaining for Completion, that you turn your fullest focus of awareness to that which is of Love in the non-material planes of focus, in preparation for your transition into the 4th Light and beyond.
Trust, in the Love that ever surrounds you, that unfolds within you, more and more each day; co-create with each other, a world of positive energy and Love; and allow that which comes forward in its fearfulness, to find its own path into Love – you no longer vibrate in synchronicity with it. Your very existence and holding to your Love, will cause what is needed in those around you, for their own transformation to move on its journey, without the requirement of words, where this is inappropriate for them and for your own path in Light. Answer their questions as Lovingly as you might find it within you/with the service of your Guiding focuses, when they come to you in seeking greater understanding.
Bring to yourself, the gifts of Love of the Golden Light particles of Creator’s Love, as they constantly weave within you new ways of Being, new forms of energy that sustain and support you in these evolving times. Breathe them in through your crown chakra, and feel their Love unfolding within you, as they move down your central energy column to the Heart Chakra, located at the thymus. Do this, when the shifting energies of Mother Earth and those out of Love, impinge upon you; and you will discover in this moment, how very much you are Loved, by we who walk beside you in our Lighted Essence.
As our Beloved Masters, we referred to you at the opening of this message: for you, who walk the Earth in your diminishing veils, are accomplishing and expressing your Mastery. You bring to yourself the gifts of knowingness and wisdom, that the Human journey is ever to be vibrated into Love. This is what you share with those who journey with you in the Human Light, and we Celebrate the full Beauty of all that is transforming itself into greater and more profound states of Love… for so it is.
We of the Lemurian Council of Radiant Light, greet you and hold you in our Love: for you are of us, and we are of you; and the day will come, when you know of the Truth of your Love within you, as never before – this, we await with Joyful and Loving Intention; for that is when the true Mastery is revealed, and you shall find yourself in a similar process to that of Lemuria… chosen by you, as the most agreeable and Loving process you may bring forth to experience…
And so it is.
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© 2011 Takeli